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Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:46 pm
by luvlicca
optimax wrote:
luvlicca wrote:Optimax I totally agree with your assesment on his tackle on yablett. The minute I seen that I knew he was gone. I hate saying one person could have cost us the game, but in my gut, his name keeps coming up and it kills me to lay the blame, but I just cant go past it.
thats it mate ive never blamed a player before for a loss but his tackling attempt just wont leave my nighmares
I was so furious when that happened, I stood up in the middle of our function and gave him a serve thru the tv screen (not that he could hear me lol) and said he didnt deserve to be wearing the black and white jumper and a lot more too, and when i finished I got a big round of applause.
Afterwards I felt sick that I had done that - I had never done it before, but I also felt like it was vindicated, but none the less, I really never want to have to feel like I have to do that again.
I was just appauled at his lack of effort, I just cant grasp it still you know.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:05 pm
by spoljar
To be fair to Richards, there were numerous crucial moments in the game that may have cost us.

Don't forget when Bryan was running into the 50 for a shot on goal, had no awareness around him and had his shot smothered. If I am not mistaken, we had all the momentum at that stage and would have put us 7-8 points up if I am not mistaken.

Many crucial moments that can win you a game.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:28 pm
by David
Bad luck Guy. Hope he gets picked up in the pre-season draft...

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:20 am
by optimax
spoljar wrote:To be fair to Richards, there were numerous crucial moments in the game that may have cost us.

Don't forget when Bryan was running into the 50 for a shot on goal, had no awareness around him and had his shot smothered. If I am not mistaken, we had all the momentum at that stage and would have put us 7-8 points up if I am not mistaken.

Many crucial moments that can win you a game.
bryan went to kick five meters earlier but penders i belive it was called him thru (visble at the game). I understand your point though

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:08 pm
by luvlicca
Yes I agree Spoljar, but I think the reason that the Richards one stands out for me was because he had him in his arms - and he let him go!! Thats the hardest pat I guess, at least for me anyway.
But again optimax I agree, you could see Pendles call him thru - Corey just laid a very good smother, not much you can do about that, a tackle is different - he shouldnt have let him go!!

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:44 pm
by John Wren
this week i watched a replay of the finals and noted that richards had a very good kick but not much else. he was too often watching the play rather than being a part of it.

best wishes for whatever he does and i'm sure he'll reflect on an opportunity missed.