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Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 1:15 pm
by Johnno75
That’s what Kane Cornes said that he was rapped with the performance and if that is his character then that’s who he is but now needs to make sure it’s not a 1 off and he works hard to contribute each week, obviously won’t kick 5 each week, but try average 1 to 1.5 or aim for 30-40 goals this season.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 1:19 pm
by David
All this "you shouldn't be cocky unless you're a star" talk (basically exactly what Kane Cornes was saying earlier in the year in his brain-fart segment) is ridiculous. Pointing to hierarchies is nothing more than an attempt to put someone in their place, as the thread starter is trying to do with the reference to Ginnivan having come from the rookie draft. But the fact is he's a former rookie who's already achieved a lot more in his short AFL career than some top ten National Draft picks, so the putdown doesn't even make sense here. He has good reason to feel confident.

How about this: if a player wants to be cocky and flamboyant, let them (regardless of whether they "walk the walk"). Appreciate the diversity of personalities in the club and what they bring to the table. Yes, it means other club supporters will hate him, just as they hated Alan Didak a decade ago. Who cares what they think?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 1:19 pm
by Piesnchess
Im rapt in the kid, hes the real deal, and i loved how he stirred up the Bombers cheer squad, telling them to shush up, we have not had a real character in yrs, bring it on.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 1:38 pm
by piffdog
David wrote:All this "you shouldn't be cocky unless you're a star" talk (basically exactly what Kane Cornes was saying earlier in the year in his brain-fart segment) is ridiculous. Pointing to hierarchies is nothing more than an attempt to put someone in their place, as the thread starter is trying to do with the reference to Ginnivan having come from the rookie draft. But the fact is he's a former rookie who's already achieved a lot more in his short AFL career than some top ten National Draft picks, so the putdown doesn't even make sense here. He has good reason to feel confident.

How about this: if a player wants to be cocky and flamboyant, let them (regardless of whether they "walk the walk"). Appreciate the diversity of personalities in the club and what they bring to the table. Yes, it means other club supporters will hate him, just as they hated Alan Didak a decade ago. Who cares what they think?
Spot on. This is how the game is now played, given the demographics of those who are NOW playing. THE challenge is that the punditry are not of this generation - they are all from a prior period where they started out not getting a kick and not being allowed to talk to the big dogs inside their own club. Then they became a big dog and couldnt cop the younger players talking to them (J. Brown I am thinking of you anr your ilk). You hear them joke about this all the time - but that era has gone and as a result they are saying more about their own age than anything else. Can't wait for the next clean out of some of the current dud crop of commentators...

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 1:59 pm
by masoncox
We all like characters.
But you don't want to become a 2 bob or 2 bit one.
He has now got a target on his back from every opposition team and their supporters.
They remember.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 2:15 pm
by Skids
think positive wrote:check out the set of pics i just put up, he aint no show pony!! hes the real deal!
Agree TP.

I was a bit put off by the Billy Idol look at first, but he's up to whatever colour he wants.... maybe some black and white stripes, who cares, the kid can play.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 2:37 pm
by masoncox
Black and white stripes through his hair.
I like that idea

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 2:43 pm
by 23 YIPPEE!!!
Love Jack Gin its the flair we have not had since the neon leon days about time we had a kid with flair and talent to match too love him

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:10 pm
by aus50ford
Apparently, if you put your finger to your lips and shoosh an Essendon supporter they don't like it ... am I going to have fun with this

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:18 pm
by rambler
A star is born in this Ginnivan kid. 19 years old and he's already creating a nice little highlights package. Squared off with Sellwood, dead eye-dick at set shot, at distance too. loves the crowd . Love his confidence and passion.

Re: JG Antics

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:26 pm
by Take_a_Screamer
masoncox wrote:When I first saw Jack G's dyed hair I thought with a hair style liked that then you better preform.
Out he comes yesterday and kicks 5 and hushes the crowd and quite clearly puts a target on his back
If you are going to walk the walk you better make sure you really are a star.
Now he was pick 13 in the rookie draft.
So he comes from a very humble position.
Someone nicked named him Gilligan from Gilligan's island.
If he is going to get on stage he better play the part of the Professor and not dim witted Gilligan
Time will tell whether his antics will woo the fans or he will be looked a fool.
Let the kid have some fun. He's young and innocent and has personality and confidence. His consistency this year is not bad.
He'll bring the crowds through the turnstiles to see him.
Not hard to see that everyone will (Shhh) from now on each time he kicks a goal. :D

I'm very glad he plays for Collingwood.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:36 pm
by skaman
I hated Akermanis and his antics, but by the same token, i wouldve loved him at Collingwood for the same reason and believe with our crowd behind him wouldve been an even better player than he was at Brisbane. Sometimes crowds and the big occasions bring out the best in some players . Think wie have a gem in Gene Ginni .

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:39 pm
by dalyc
Personally, I don’t think players should engage negatively with the crowd. It can get out of hand very quickly. A shoosh becomes a one finger salute becomes a patron throwing something at a player.

Stop it all now.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 4:42 pm
by David
Really? All football supporters know that throwing a projectile at a player isn't going to end well for them, and even if they did throw an apple core or whatever and actually connect, we're hardly talking about risk of life-threatening injury. There's a huge difference between a gesture and assault. So it sounds like a pretty weak reason to want to stamp out even more personality from the game.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 4:51 pm
by think positive
Unless you get a drunk chucking something.

But I agree, nothing wrong with passion!