A big thank you to Simon, Mark, Roger and Merissa

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A big thank you to Simon, Mark, Roger and Merissa

Post by annewilo »

Dear London ppl

I just want to say at this stage before the big match and the new influx of members we may get, that if it werent for Simon, Mark, Roger and Merissa, that we would be fledgling. These guys and gal have been great in support and enthusiasm for the group, attending meetings, getting info, creating ideas and just in general a terrific bunch of ppl.

Now for all the other members, who want to help out, now's our chance to shine. There is a likelihood that as Collingwood are a great drawcard, that the Oval will attract at least 10000 ppl. If we want to grow, we need a bit of hard work to be done, ie hand outs, promo, that sort of thing. So please make sure you come along to our meeting, so we can all discuss our plan of attack. Please write back to Merissa, to let her know if you can come on either Sat 23 August or Sunday 31ts. Then we will choose a date and make it all happen. I know meetings can be a pain in the arse, but we have a great opportunity to grow and perhaps have that dream of a team in the BARFL, if thats what we want.
The Knights of Abbotsford
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