Sitting with cheer squad at Lions game

A forum for the use of Collingwood's Cheer Squad - and for anyone else who would like to comment on or contact the Cheer Squad.

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Sitting with cheer squad at Lions game

Post by bwphantom »

Firstly I wish to thank Cobood and crew for calling us to rectify last years banner debacle. It may seem silly to others but it was the highlight of my life. This may be a silly question but is there some way that the banner could be made up here for next years game. We have heaps of people who would love to be involved.

Also we need to work out some way to combine army's this year. We had ove 200 people sitting in our area but we were clear across the other side of the ground. There need to work out some way in getting us all sitting together. We would rock that stadium so well with us all sitting together.

The problem last year was that we could not get seats allocated with the cheersquad because those seats were open ticketing. So maybe there is some way the Cheersquad and the Club can work out a way to have us all sitting together. Not only will it make us a force of presence, it will also help us sell more tickets to the function and game.

If any one can find out about this and get back to either Northern Pie or myself it would be appreciated.
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Jock McHale
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Post by wheres_your_didak »

The cheersquad plus the northern army would make a sensational noise!
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Post by wimmey »

So the functions up and running again?
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