Player Pics

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Player Pics

Post by jo_loves_steven »

Everyone always talks about thier favourite players and post pics of them and stuff, but i was just thinking that maybe we could all help each other out a bit and post pics of other people's fave players.

Maybe you could find a pic that you really like that someone else has, what does everyone think???
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Post by - »

yes sounds good dude, Yeah i may be in love with Brodie, but i still also like Woey he is a hotie!!! hehehe so if somone could post some pic's of Woey on here that would be great, and then i would post some pic's of Brodie on here!
LuV aLWayS N 4 eVa
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alan didak is sexy
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Post by alan didak is sexy »

heres some pics of dids & Woey enjoy :D




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Post by CQ »

i dunno how to post pics.
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