Putney Magpies BARFL round 2 report

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Putney Magpies BARFL round 2 report

Post by LondonPIE »

Round 2 for the Putney Magpies week saw 3 sterling performances a win to the Conference, a win to the Premiership and Ray not doing an injury. Read on..............

Some may say that it was the excitement of a new playing surface, others may say simply that our time had come. I'd like to think that it was just that we were bloody good.

Round Two and Putney faced the newly renamed 'Swans' at the new home of black and white football, the aptly named 'Connolly Park'. Fielding its strongest team in the club history, Putney had no fewer than seven goal scorers in a 92 point drubbing of their avian opponents.

The day started as it always does for the Premiership boys. The Messiah was lost on the A3 trying to find the ground, twelve people wearing the same number jumper and Viktor giving the boys some last minute words of encouragement that no one could understand. There were two key differences - we had supporters and we had EU players. Ten of them in fact. While clearly it was the half time longest kick competition to win a date with Benno that brought the girls down, we still don't know what the brought the Eus down but they came to play, and play they did.

A seven goal first quarter during which Steve proved that you don't need to be in form to kick goals got the fans excited, although Jumbo reminded us at quarter time that it was a seven goal breeze and not to get ahead of ourselves. Some good runs out of the backline in the second quarter helped defend the lead early, and fresh legs of the bench turned tight football into scoring opportunities as the lead stretched by half time.

The second half ran much the same as the first, with the introduction of the Tom 'Lancaster' Langford's post goal celebratory finger point to the crowd, (repeated three more times in his four second half goals), Steve Connolly's sly 'its that easy' glance to the crowd after his one armed mark in front of the gallery, and Simon Jones' new take on tackling, from which few players, Swans or Magpies, managed to walk away from unharmed.

The midfield were strong, posting eleven goals between them and snakey forward pocket Neil Darkes, the reddest EU going around, kicked two goals roving off the back of the pack that were reminiscent of the great Peter Daicos to complement Steve Connolly's five and Ben Primus' pair. Outstanding performances included Phil's drive and slick handballs through the centre, JC carving up the midfiled and Luke Dixon doing a Gumby impersonation on the wing with his elastic-fantastic body.

The result - 92 point victory. PS. The Crownies tasted great, thanks Belly.

Putney 15.18. 108 defeated Sussex 5.10 40 at Putney Heath

Being our first home game I was determined to be well organised and decided to get to the ground early so that I could mark the field with cones and find some goal posts and then find some people to hold them up therefore leaving me time to concentrate on the football. What a pleasant surprise it was to see the lush field marked properly, actually had goal posts and were standing up by themselves with a gorgeous hedge along one side of the ground almost designed to display our terrific sponsors the Camel, The Church and the Litten Tree. We may not be biggest or most successful club in the Barfl but it is inspiring to know we are sponsored by three pubs.

Last year we depended on Damians girl friend, Jen as our sole supporter to lift us when we were down and she did a terrific job inspiring us to a grand final appearance, so it was also a nice surprise to see the support we had on the side lines. The black birds are doing well dominating London Netball so it was good to have elite athletes watching us.

Putney kicked with a 5 goal breeze in the first term and started well. Little Tweeds gave us a presence up forward and it is just so disappointing that he is going to America and not his brother. Our midfield still lacked talk but used the football well to give us a lead of 6 goals at quarter time.

The first 10 minutes of the second quarter was all Sussex as they kicked 3 goals early, wanted the ball more and took advantage of our loose play. The last half of the quarter was a lot better and ensured Putney was leading by 4 goals at half time.

The second half was fantastic football. Johno playing his first game ever was excellent in the ruck against a very good player from Sussex, new/little dave was a great new addition in the midfield, damian as usual gave nothing away at Full back, with Paul Kearney as a ball magnet in the back line. Noel, Gareth and Purvis were there usual dependable selves except when Purvis decided to run from the back pocket and go for glory. Tully, Matt Sime and Dally (despite having injured his third nipple) were all live wires up forward, The Brown hornet threatened all day to cut loose and break open the game with scintillating play Karl, Ian Rosthorn, Dave "Valentino" Blanco, Simon Devine also doing very well. It was a good team effort with everyone contributing. There were many pleasing signs all across the ground that gives me confidence that we can have a very good season particularly if Karl keeps bringing his Slovakian Flat mate down who is absolutely gorgeous.

Sussex Swans are an integral part of the competition but always face an uphill battle and are at a disadvantage because of location compared to the other clubs in London. Although the scoreboard showed in both games they were beaten convincingly they have some real positive signs as a club. A good bunch of blokes and a good feeling and spirit as a club is a real good base to attract players and I am confident they are going to get stronger and surprise a few sides this year giving Tina Turner the opportunity to sing simply the best during victory celebrations. I wish them the best of luck for the rest of the year except against us in the return leg where I hope we thrash them.

On a side note the girl who I sang Hungry eyes to last week won the Longest kicking comp therefore winning some booze of her choice and a date with the Putney player of her choice which is usually Ben Connolly.

A special mention to Simon Thorp for bringing the beer and ice down

There has been a lot of speculation during the week that a lot of clubs are interested in my coaching services, I want to ensure every one at Putney that I am happy at Putney and will be continuing to coach there.

I have no idea who we are playing next week but I look forward to it as too will jamie who will be waiting in the showers.

Carn the Pies.


- The second base machine has finally got off the mark
- Jury still out on who was more drunk Saturday night, Dally or Purvis?
- Stef has decided his pheromone levels will increase by not showering
- Viktor will be holding Hungarian lessons after training Tuesdays so the midfield can understand him

This Week
2 big games this week. It will be a real test of where we are at. Afters will once again be down at the Tree

See you all there

The Front Line
Audre est Facere!!
Life is all Black and White
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