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Post by luvlicca »

Well bellastar you wanted to read someone elses story, so here is my go at it.

I dont think it will be as good as yours, but we will see.

This might be the one and only chapter you get unless anyone cares to hear more.

Here goes!!!!

PASSIONS - chapter 1

Taylah lies on her back trying to get her breath back.

"WOW" she says, "What was that"

"Just a little something to show you how much I care about you" Paul replies.

Taylah slowly gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom proudly showing Paul her beautiful naked body (she has curves in all the right places - bitch)

She turns on the shower and jumps in. She stands there just letting the hot water roll down her body. She massages the body milk into her skin and as she begins to wash it off the shower screen is pulled open and in jumps Paul.

Taylah just stares realising what a beautiful man she has in front of her. She takes hold of him and pulls him to her and gently kisses his lips. He returns the kiss and moves down to her neck and slowly making his way to her chest.
She moans a little before pulling his head up to hers and kissing him passionately.

She pulls away and asks " What time do you have to be at the club"

"Right now,I don't care" he replies and continues to kiss her neck.

The screen and mirrors fog up and there is steam everywhere...........


Feeling refreshed from their shower together Paul gets himself ready to go down to the club.

Taylah wanders around the bedroom in a dazed state. She has never seen Paul act this way before. What was he thinking about???

Their one year anniverary was coming up, maybe that had something to do with it she thought.

"OK babe, I'm off. Should be home around 5, will you be here or at yours?" Paul asks.

"Not sure. I'll let you know" she replies.

The front door closes and then she is alone. She has the day off and didnt't know what to do with herself.
Maybe a day at the spa wuld be nice, but she didn't want to go alone. Who to call???

"Hey Bell, you free?? Wanna come to the spa with me?"

"Sure, I'll meet you there, just finishing off with Chris, you know what men are like. Meet you there in an hour"

"No worries. Bye"


At the spa Taylah and Bell get into deep conversation about their boys.

"Paul has just been so different the last few days. Don't get me wrong, it's been amazing, but why only now??" Taylah asks.

"Who knows. maybe he is getting more and more comfortable with you now. Or maybe he is going to tell you that he loves you" Bell answers.

"What!!! NO, you think so. I mean I've been waiting for it, but I didn't want to push you know"

"Yeah I know. Same thing happened with me and Chris. And now look at us. Couldn't be better!"

The girls sit and talk for a while longer.

"I'd better ring Paul and let him know where I'm going to be tonight"

Taylah picks up her phone and gives Paul a ring and lets him know she will be at his place when he gets home.

"He says he has a surprise for me tonight. What do you think it is???"

"Dunno, but let me know okay!!"

Bell gives Taylah a hug, "See you next week love"

"No worries"

They both head home, Bell to Chris and Taylah to Paul's place.


Taylah waits paitently for Paul to come home, racking her brain as to what her surprise may be.

Then the door opens.......................

So what do you think.......
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Post by yadie05 »

mmm interesting, jesus if only it were true and u were really the gf's
god we dream too much
then reality hits hard.....
meh i like it keep going
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Post by luvlicca »

why thank you yadie05.

i guess im writing it as if it was what i really wanted!!!

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Post by luvlicca »

PASSIONS - Chapter 2

The front door opens and Taylah sits nervously in the arm chair.

Paul comes in and walks over to her and gives her a kiss. He doesn't say a word, just puts his bag down, "How was your day?".

"Not too bad, went to the spa with Bell. Geez she and Chris are going really great. I really missed you today." Taylah replies.

"I missed you to" he says as he sits down.

Taylah gets up and walks over to Paul, and takes a seat on his knee. She begins to stroke his hair and the she lays her head on his shoulder. She felt a sudden urge come over here, for some reason she really wants to see him naked.

Taylah runs her other hand up his thigh and stops just short of his nether region.

"Hey what do you think your doing missy?" he asks.

"Playing" she says back cheekily and goes back to running her hands all over his thighs.

Taylah gets up and walks towards the bedroom. Paul follows quickly behind.

Paul pulls Taylah towards him and starts to sowly take her shirt off, revealing her beautiful chest, he slowly moves his hands to help remove her skirt.

He looks at her and just smiles. He knows she is the most beautiful thing he has ever laid eyes on. And he intends on making her his bride. But when was th right time. He knows he told her he had a surprise for her tonight, but does he tell her before or after they make love??

Taylah can't wait, she kisses Paul and pushes him to the bed, she rips off his shirt and pants and reveals his gorgeous sculptured body. She doesn't wait, she lays down on top of him and begins to make him moan..................

It doesn't take long until Taylah and Paul are in the throes of their love making, both giving into all temptations.


Lying there, Paul turns to Taylah and looks into her beautiful blue eyes, and whispers "I'm so in love with you. I have wanted to tell you for the longest time, but I didn't want to scare you away from me"'

Taylah lays there and says nothing, she starts to get all teary.
"I have wanted you to say those words to me for the longest time. I love you too" and plants a great big kiss on his lips.

"There is one more thing I need to ask you though. I have been thinking about this for the longest time, but I don't want to lay this all on you at once, so do you want to wait and let this all sink in or do you want to continue with this conversation??"

What should I do.........
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Post by melissa »

He should ask her to be the executor of his will... he's got a dreaded illness... he thinks he wants to play for Carlton! Sorry, couldn't help myself. Wow, you should write for Mills and Boon, girl! Personally, I like a little humour in the mix, but we're all different and that's what makes the world go round. Keep going!
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Post by leelee »

yikes... hot n steamy! nice work there chicky!
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Post by luvlicca »

thanks guys, i really had to tone it down though, i was thinkin some really really norty thoughts with this one!!!
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Post by melissa »

I'll bet!
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Post by luvlicca »

PASSIONS - Chapter 3

Taylah lays still and looks at Paul. He just told her he loves her. That made her day. But what else did he need to ask her??? She was getting nervous but excited at the same time.

"How about you tell me now what else you need to. The suspense would kill me!!" Taylah says

"Ok" Paul says with a slight frog in his throat.

"I wanted to ask you, will you move in here with me. I can't stand not having you with me everyday and night. I know you will want to think about it for a while, so no pressure, but I really hope you say yes!"

Taylah sits there and blurts out " Of course I will, I would love to. Oh you have made me so so happy today, I don't even need to think about it, YES YES YES!!!"

"Are you sure, you dont need more time?" he answers

"No way, I won't this so much Paul. I love you so much, it just feels right!"

Paul rolls over to Taylah and kisses her.

He starts to kiss her neck blowing in her ear, whispering sweet nothings.
Taylah wriggles her body with excitment. Paul moves his hands down her body caressing her breasts and running his fingers down her thighs.
He moves his lips further down her body.
Taylah runs her hands over his head and down his back.

Paul lays his head on Taylah stomach and kisses and runs his hands on the inside of her thighs.
Taylah moans a little louder begging him to make her scream, she has so much passion inside her right now wanting to come out!!!

(I so wanna be so much more graphic now, but I wont, trying to keep it PG you know)

The next morning, Taylah gets out of bed quietly and heads to the shower. She is still thinking about last night. She smiles as she stares into thin air.

As she dries herself off, she opens the door a little and looks over at Paul lying on the bed, with his naked body in full view.
God I'm lucky she thinks to herself.
She walks over to the bed and kisses Paul on the cheek and says she will see him later.

Taylah is on her way to work when her phone rings, it's Bell.

"So, what was the surprise" Bell asks

"He asked me to move in with him, AND, he told me he loved me, and he said he has wanted to say it for a long time, but he didnt want to push me"

"That is so awesome Taylah. I'm so happy for you"

"Thanks. Anyway got to go, I'll give you a ring later. Bye"

Taylah sinks into her chair and her head wonders off to Paul.
She is thinking about his body and those arms, oh how she wished she was in them right now.

Suddenly the phone rings.

"Hello, Taylah speaking"

"Hello beautiful, you busy?" Paul says on the other end.

"Not at the moment, why is that?"

"Are you able to meet me at the footy club in about half and hour?"

"Umm ok... why is that?"

"Can't tell you, it will ruin the surprise. See you down there. Just ask Peta at the desk to page me ok. Bye babe"

"Ok, bye."

Taylah hangs up the phone, and begins to wonder what this one is.

She dials Bell's number. "Hey there! I just spoke to Paul and he wants me to meet him down at the club. he said he couldn't tell me why, cause it would ruin the surprise. What do you think this could be?"

"I don't know. I'm stumped. Do you want me to ask Chris?"

"Nah. I mean I want to know, but it is kinda cool not to know too!"

"Ok then. You have any ideas?"

"None. the first thing I did was get on the phone to you, so I haven't really thought about it. maybe we are going to go on a holiday or something. Well I had better get going anyway. I'll let you know though ok."

"Ok, bye then."


Taylah packed up her desk and walked out the office and towards the lexus centre, still thinking about what Paul's phone call was about.................................................................................................
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Post by melissa »

wow, you really do like him, don't ou?!

If anyone wants to read my story, go to The Plot Sickens. Tell me what you think.
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Post by luvlicca »

yes yes i do.
i am in lust with him, dont want to saylove cause i have finacee but geez, i would gve him arun i really would.
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Post by melissa »

yeah licca's alright. Nice bod. I'm a bit like that myself, i don't like to carry on too much cos i have a bf but if i got to have a go at Heath Shaw i would take it. Don't ask me why, i have no idea. Kind of living vicariously through one of my characters, hehe!
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Post by luvlicca »

yeah i ahve a finacee, so how do you reckon he feels!!!
its all a bit of harmless fun.....
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Post by yadie05 »

gals so agree! i have a fiancee to but if i had the chance with dids
would so go for it.
how old r u guys?
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Post by yadie05 »

and the story is great keep goin
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