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The Plot Sickens

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Magpie Girl Leo

Daisy, my Collingwood supporting birdy....

Joined: 01 Jan 2008
Location: Down town Bundy! ...& the #43 bandwagon!

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 3:17 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

*shudders* Gordon Ramsay...... *cringe*

Those episodes are insane!!! Very Happy

"Everyone has their story and mine is unique, but I'm definitely trying to use that to help as many people as I can." - Heritier O'Brien ( 7/7/08 )
Harry, you're a champ!
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 8:33 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah but insane in a good way, right?! I know what you mean, Court, I'm not into him either! He's funny sometimes but I've seen other chefs that swear just as much. The guy my bf worked for a couple of years ago has a mouth on him like a drunken sailor, and he was a chef! Ramsay's just in the public eye, that's all. He's not doing anything that most other chefs do!
Anyway, onto the next episode...

Episode 149

Racing Hearts

Lee gazed over at Jack, who was talking to one of the guys working on his car. He looked over and smiled at her. She couldn’t believe how, after three years of marriage and two kids, a guy could make her blush and go jittery with just a smile!
He walked over. ‘Hi’ he said. ‘I was hoping you’d make it’.
‘Of course’ Lee said. ‘Wouldn’t miss it’.
Jack leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Then his lips travelled to her ear, and down the side of her neck. ‘Quit it’ she laughed. ‘That’s ticklish!’
‘Sorry’ he grinned. ‘But I can’t help it! I love it when you wear halter neck tops. You’ve got a really sexy neck’.
‘You’re weird’ she told him. ‘My neck is sexy?!’
‘Yeah’ he said. ‘Why not?’
She shrugged. ‘I don’t know. I’m not a guy, so I have no idea what makes a neck sexy’.
He laughed. ‘I’ll tell you later. Gotta go. They’ll start calling my name over the loudspeaker soon’.
Lee kissed his cheek. ‘Okay. Be careful’.
‘I’m always careful’ he said, a little too confidently for her liking. She loved going out with a V8 car driver but since she started dating Jack, watching races was never the same. She always had a tight knot in her stomach, watching him take a corner too fast or if another car got too close to his. There was always that risk, that possibility that he’d be involved in a serious crash. It gave him an adrenaline rush, but it just made Lee feel queasy.
She watched him drive his car to the starting line. She bit her lip and crossed her fingers behind her back, like she always did. It had worked so far. It seemed to her that Jack’s car was revving louder than the others. Typical, she thought with a slight grin, he’s ready and raring to go!
Jack took off the second the flag dropped. He was in the lead for two laps when a Ford came screaming around the bend. It barely managed to straighten up before ploughing into the back of Jack’s car. Lee’s heart almost came to a stop. Jack’s car jolted forward; then steadied. The Ford driver wasn’t finished with him yet. He made sure Jack was pinned against the barrier; then gave him a sideways shove. Sparks flew. The sound of screeching metal set Lee’s teeth on edge. A man standing beside Lee started bad-mouthing the Ford driver. Jack’s car passed the barrier, but the Ford, slamming into him again, sent him careening into a sign on the side of the track. The car did a 180 and finally came to a stop, its bonnet crunched and passenger side quarter panel buckled. Lee didn’t breathe until she saw Jack get out of the car, unharmed. A paramedic rushed to him, just in case. Lee could see Jack shaking his head. Oh just let him look at you, you stubborn male, she thought, fondly. Why do men always have to act like such tough guys? She’d heard of people refusing to go to hospital, thinking they were okay, then dying later of an undiagnosed embolism or something. Thankfully, Jack must have decided to go to the ambulance, as he followed the paramedic until Lee could no longer see him.
He came out ten minutes later, and Lee was never so glad to see anyone in her life! Still dressed in his racing gear, but without his helmet, he gave her a hug and said, ‘I’m fine. Stop shaking, you silly woman’.
‘I can’t help it. You could have been seriously hurt’.
‘It wasn’t that big a crash. I’ve had bigger ones’ he told her. ‘Ones that have put me in hospital. This was minor, really’.
‘I know’ she sighed. ‘It’s just different when it’s someone you know’.
Jack wiped a stray tear from her eye. ‘You dag. You were really that worried about me?’
Lee nodded. ‘I just have to get used to you having such a dangerous job, I suppose. When Ryan was out on the footy field it was hairy at times, but not like this. He doesn’t put his body on the line like some other players do’.
Jack laughed. ‘I take it that’s a veiled insult to Ryan? You’re not still mad at him, are you?’
‘Nah’ Lee said. ‘I’m over him. I promise. I just like to get in my jibes from time to time’.
Jack grinned and kissed her forehead. ‘Well, how about you come over tonight and show me just how over him you are?’
‘You mean…’ Lee started to say. They’d only been going out for a few weeks. They hadn’t slept together yet. She didn’t know what she was waiting for, but she knew she didn’t want him to think she was easy, like one of those skanky grid girls who walked around in tight tees and shorts in the middle of winter!
Jack looked horrified. ‘Oh, don’t think I’m trying to rush you! I was just kidding, really…’
‘No’ Lee decided. ‘It’s okay. I will come over. I’ll see if Mum will baby-sit the kids’.
She smiled at him. His dimples were driving her crazy. Tonight was the night, then!
She could hardly wait!


Danni stared at the stick in disbelief. They’d only been trying for a couple of weeks. Three, at the most. Yet the two red lines clearly said she was pregnant. How could that be? She was in her mid-twenties, so she knew it should be reasonably easy to get pregnant, but after only three weeks?! She laughed, feeling excited and nervous at the same time. Either she was as fertile as a rabbit, or Nick’s fellas were Olympic Swimmers!
Or both! She couldn’t wait for him to get home from training. Resisting an impulse to give him a hint via SMS, she made herself a bowl of minestrone soup and sat down to read “What to expect when you’re expecting”. She knew it wasn’t a false positive, after all. How could it be a mistake, when she’d bought two packets and done both the tests in each? Besides, she’d been pregnant twice before. She recognised the nausea and dizziness by now!
She got straight on the phone to Bella, who yawned before she even asked who it was.
‘Hard night?’ Danni joked. ‘Don’t tell me Brendan’s still there’.
‘No he’s gone back on tour’, Bella said. ‘I just fell asleep on the couch. Mia’s in bed so my brain must have decided it was a good time to grab forty winks, as well’.
‘Wow, sleeping in the middle of the day. You lady of leisure, you’ Danni joked. ‘I might soon be doing that myself. Guess what?’
‘You’re up the duff?’ Bella asked. ‘Congratulations’.
‘Hey! Don’t steal my thunder! I was about to say that’ Danni protested, laughing. ‘Or have I not been able to shut up about how we’ve started trying? I’m sorry’.
‘Nah, you’re all right. You’re just excited’ Bella said. ‘It’s just that… I would have been going in for my twenty week ultrasound right about now’.
‘Oh God yeah! Mate, I’m so sorry’ Danni bit her lip. She didn’t realise Bella would still be in mourning about her own baby. How could she be so insensitive?
‘Don’t worry, Dan’ Bella insisted. ‘I’m happy for you. Really’.
‘I’m just sorry I had to remind you about your situation’ Danni said.
‘Hey, it doesn’t matter. Anything to do with babies reminds me about my situation. But you know what? It was Dean’s baby, not Brendan’s. So in that way, I sort of think, well, it might have been nature’s way of saying it wasn’t meant to be. I’m not going to end up one of those girls with three children to different fathers after all, thank Christ for that’ Bella laughed.
‘Three?’ Danni asked.
‘Yeah well, if Brendan and I stay together, who knows what might happen in the very distant future’.
‘Ah’ Danni laughed. ‘I get it now. How’s Chris these days? Heard from him?’
‘Only when he wants to see Mia and that’s all right by me. Basically any time he comes over for an away game he has her for the rest of the weekend. Gives me a break’.
‘Not that she’s a handful or anything. She’s such a little doll’ Danni said. ‘Oh my God, I’m going to have a baby!’
Bella cracked up. ‘As opposed to?’
‘I just hope it’s not going to be a boy with Nick’s size feet. I’d have to have a caesarean just to deliver them’.
Bella laughed at the imagery. ‘Can you imagine giving birth to a baby with Ian Thorpe’s feet?’
Danni heard a door slam and managed to stop laughing enough to tell Bella Nick was home. ‘I’ve got to tell him the news’ she said. ‘I can’t wait to see the look on his face’.
‘We’ve got to get together and have a couple of Virgin Daquiris to celebrate’ Bella said. ‘I mean, I know I don’t have to abstain from alcohol, but I’ll do it for you, buddy’.
‘Gee, tah’ Danni said. ‘Catchya later’.
Nick was trying to sneak up on her, but she heard him before he could even lay a hand on her. She spun around and giggled. ‘Hi’ she said. ‘How was training?’
‘It was training’ Nick replied. ‘How’s your day been? I thought you were going into the office today?’
‘Nah’ Danni said. ‘Felt sick again this morning so I called in. Speaking of which…’
Nick looked at her carefully. He took in her comfy trakky daks, her ponytail, and her Garfield slippers. Then he got an evil glint in his eye. ‘You’re not pregnant, are you?’ He asked.
‘Huh?’ Danni said. ‘Why do you say that?’
‘Because you’re a bit green around the gills and you’re wearing your lounging-around-the-house clothes. You also seem to be in a really good mood for someone who has been supposedly riding the porcelain trolley all day. Elementary; my Dear Watson’.
‘Crap’ Danni said. ‘You’re the second person who’s ruined my good news-telling!’ She pretended to pout.
‘So it’s true then? Nick asked, raising an eyebrow.
‘Yes, it’s true. Well, I have to go and confirm it with the doctor, but I bought two packets which have two tests in each packet. I think you can tell from four’.
Nick threw his arms around her and picked her up, swinging her in a circle as he hugged her. ‘Oh, I’m sorry’ he laughed. ‘I should remember I’ve got to be careful now! You’re a pregnant woman. Oh my God, I’m gonna be a Dad!’
‘The best Dad in the world’ Danni told him, putting her arms around him this time. ‘I love you, Nick Maxwell’.
‘Ditto’ Nick said. ‘Uh… Well, that is to say, I love you, Danni… Hang on’.
‘What?’ Danni asked, looking up at him.
‘Have you changed your name from Licuria yet?’ he asked. ‘Because you’ve been separated for how long now? Six months?’
‘No, more like eight, actually’ Danni said. ‘Funny, I never even gave it a thought! I’ll have to do that!’.
‘How does Danni Maxwell sound?’ Nick asked, suddenly.
Danni looked at him. ‘What are you saying?’
He grinned. ‘What do you think I’m saying?’ He dropped to one knee. ‘I’ve been waiting for the right time to do this’ he said. ‘Danni, will you marry me?’


Tori watched Marty Clarke from the boundary. He had a Sherrin all to himself, keeping it off the ground soccer-style, headbutting and kneeing it like a pro. Tori wondered what other talents he was hiding! She smiled and waved at Ryan Cook as he ran past, but barely took her eyes off Marty. Cookie had been really nice to her lately, making an effort to make conversation with her, even buying her a drink in the member’s lounge when one of the vending machines swallowed her money. She had a feeling Melissa had had a word in his ear about her slight crush on him. That’d be right, she thought, sourly. Trying to get my mind off Marty! I can see right through her tactics! And she tries to push Heath Shaw my way. The cheek! As if I want some guy who has serious baggage like that! A dead wife and a baby who looks just like her… I don’t think I could compete!
But what hurt the most was the way her former friend – well, Tori wasn’t sure if she’d call Mel a friend, as much as an acquaintance – had turned on her when Tori had told her a few home truths. Her jaw still hurt when she yawned too widely!
She never deserved Marty, Tori thought. She watched as he bent the oval ball Beckham-style through the goalposts. Oh wow, she thought, getting all hot and bothered! I have to figure out a way to get his attention!
She didn’t have to wait long. Or do anything, for that matter. Travis Cloke, on the opposite side of the goal square but nearly the same angle as Marty, tried to emulate his Irish team mate but sent the ball right in Tori’s direction. Instinctively she put her hands out and the ball landed squarely in the breadbasket!
‘Good catch!’ Marty shouted, running over. He smiled at her. ‘How’s the jaw?’
'Okay' she said, and passed the ball to him, feeling a thrill when his fingers touched hers. If I get that much of a buzz just from his fingers, I’d like to know what the rest of him can do, she thought, biting back a grin at her dirty thoughts!
Sharrod Wellingham jogged over. ‘Marty, Mick needs to talk to you’ he panted. ‘Hi – You’re Tori, aren’t you?’
‘Yeah’ Tori said, ‘Why do you ask?’ She watched Marty head over to the coach, her heart sinking. It was the first chance she’d gotten to speak to him since the fight at the restaurant. Now he was back with Melissa, from all reports. Is the guy a glutton for punishment, or what? She wondered. I could treat him much better than she would!
Welly shrugged. ‘Just heard about you, that’s all’
‘All good things I hope’ Tori said.
‘Good and bad’ Welly admitted. ‘If you’re after Marty, he’s taken’.
‘Don’t remind me’ Tori said, rolling her eyes. She looked Welly up and down. ‘What about you, have you got a girlfriend?’ He wasn’t bad at all, she realised. Tall, nice olive skin, gorgeous eyes… He grinned. Wow, Tori thought, suddenly. He’s got a sexy smile, too!
‘Nah’ he said. ‘I’m only nineteen. What do I want to go getting serious with some chick for?’
Any ordinary person would forget about the guy they couldn’t get and focus on the hottie in front of them, but Tori was no ordinary person! She had a plan. She stepped closer to Welly and put a hand on his chest, looking up at him with what she hoped was a seductive smile!
‘So, you’re a bit of a player, huh?’
‘Nah’ Welly said. ‘Wouldn’t kick you out of bed, though’
That was exactly what Tori wanted to hear!


Meanwhile, Em was tearing her hair out by the handful. Her mother was driving her crazy. Nathan had agreed to let her stay for a couple of nights, but a couple of nights turned into a week. As much as she loved her Mum and felt like kicking her step-dad’s arse, Em remembered why she couldn’t live with the woman. She found herself arguing with her mother over every little thing concerning Damian. Her Mum thought she should keep breastfeeding until Damo was twelve months old, but since he was getting teeth and already biting her, Em had decided enough was enough. ‘You’re going on the bottle, boy’ she told him one night. Her mother looked at her, horrified. ‘Emily’ she said. ‘I breastfed you until you were nearly a year old!’
‘Well, you’re you and I’m me’ Em said, ‘And he’s biting my nipples off. He’s going onto formula’. She glared at her mother as if to say “And you’re not going to be able to do a damn thing about it”. They’d argued when he was born, about whether to use cloth or disposable nappies. Or when to start feeding him stewed fruit. It seemed like Em could do nothing right. And now she was living in the same house!
‘She’s driving me up the wall, Nath’ Em groaned when she finally slipped into bed beside her man. He put a supportive arm around her. ‘Well, maybe its time we helped her look for a flat or something. I know what you mean – this place ain’t big enough for three adults and a baby. Especially when one of those adults is your mother! Do you know she walked in on me the other morning? I just got out of the shower! It was lucky I had a towel wrapped around my waist, or it could have got really embarrassing’.
Em laughed. ‘I’m sorry, hon! I’m surprised she didn’t mention it to me, though. She’s the biggest perve, my mother. Maybe this whole thing with Ted has really put her off men altogether. Six months ago she would have nudged me and said something like you’ve got yourself a nice piece, there’.
Nathan laughed. It was dark in their room, so Em couldn’t see his face, but she would’ve bet a dollar to a donut he was blushing!
‘Don’t go there’ he said, pretending to shudder. ‘I know she’s your Mum and everything, but jeez, Em’.
Em giggled. ‘She’d be right, though. Come here’.
They were starting to steam up the bedroom window when there was a knock on the door. Nathan pulled the doona up to cover Em’s naked chest. ‘What?’ he called.
‘I’m going to make some golden syrup dumplings! Would you kids like some?’
‘Mum!’ Em groaned. ‘It’s half past eleven!’
‘I can’t sleep’ her mother answered. ‘Are you two decent?’
‘Okay’ Nathan whispered when Em’s Mum had finally gone back into the kitchen. ‘You’re right. She has to go’.

What will Danni’s answer be?
What is Tori’s evil plan?
And has Ash got a secret admirer?!

A Pie for Life.
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007

PostPosted: Mon May 26, 2008 1:42 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

haha... you'll just have to wait, Dan!
A Pie for Life.
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:24 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Episode 150!

Part One

Danni was gob-smacked. This had come right out of left field. She stared at Nick. ‘Are you serious?’
‘Yes’ Nick laughed. ‘Open the box. It’s got a real ring in it, and everything’.
Danni put a hand out and took the tiny velvet box. She opened it and gasped. Inside was a white gold diamond solitaire. It was perfect. Not too big, not too small, not too flashy. ‘It’s beautiful, Nick’ she breathed. ‘How did you know?’
‘Oh gee, I might have had a look over your shoulder all those times you stop in front of Duff’s jewellers’ he said. ‘I think I have an idea what you like. At least, I hope I do’.
‘It’s perfect’ she told him.
‘So I take it that’s a yes?’ He asked. ‘Because my knee’s getting kind of sore, kneeling down like this’.
‘Of course it’s a yes, you dag’ she laughed. ‘You do know we’ll have to wait until Paul and I are divorced. Only four months, though’.
Nick shrugged. ‘I don’t mind. There’s no rush, is there? We could wait until after the baby’s born, even’.
‘Yeah, that would be an idea’ Danni said. ‘I’d love to wear a nice wedding dress, and not have to shop in the maternity section!’
‘Not only that, but there’s nothing more tacky than a shotgun wedding’ Nick grinned.
‘Speaking of which’ Danni said, holding her hand up to inspect the ring on her finger, ‘I think I should ring Bell and tell her. I owe her that much. I was the first person she told when Dean proposed’.
‘Okay’ Nick laughed. ‘You girls go and do your girly thing. I’m gonna go and order a pizza for tea. You, my dear fiancée, are not cooking tonight’.
‘Cool, pizza’ Danni said. ‘Yeah, I think I can eat that without throwing up’.


Tori snuck into the Lexus Centre early the next morning. She’d hung around until after Sharrod had left her place, then quickly jumped into her car and trailed him from about two cars behind. He was almost late for training after they’d spent the night together and slept in. Now she had a reason to enter the Inner Sanctum, she reasoned. She had even manipulated him into saying they were a couple. It took several beers and a phenomenal BJ on her part, but it worked. Men will say anything in the throes of passion!
Now, as Sharrod Wellingham’s “girlfriend”, she could walk into the gym while he was outside and maybe even get into the supply room without anyone seeing her! From then on, it was Perve City!
She didn’t count on bumping into Taylah as she rounded the corner toward the gym, though. Taylah stared at her, scowling. ‘What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be in here’.
‘I could say the same for you’ Tori said, then remembered Taylah actually worked there!
‘I work here, you brainless bint! Wait til I tell…’
‘Hang on’ Tori said, quickly. ‘Can we make a deal?’
Taylah narrowed her already snake-like eyes. ‘What sort of deal?’
‘You don’t tell anyone I’m using the Box Seat, and I won’t tell anyone you’ve totally got the hots for Bryan Strauchan’.
Taylah scoffed, snorting as she laughed. ‘You think I still like that sad piece of crap? No, believe me; I got over that way quick! Sorry, but you’ll have to try harder than that’.
Tori bit her lip. ‘How about you just let me into the supply cupboard?’
‘Why should I do that?’ Taylah asked. ‘There might already be an audience in there. You never know’.
‘Oh, God! There isn’t is there?’ Tori pleaded. ‘Look I’ll even pay you!’
Taylah’s eyes went from slits to dinner plates. ‘Wow, you are desperate! Who you plannin’ on ogling in there?’
‘That’s my business’ Tori said. ‘Here’s a twenty. That’s the best I can do’.
‘Fine’. Taylah took the twenty dollar bill and said ‘Follow me’.
Tori obeyed, and watched as Taylah wound her way around the gym equipment to the supply room, which was not much bigger than a walk in wardrobe. ‘There’s the hole’ she said, pointing to the back wall, ‘But it sounds like you already know all about it. Have fun’. She stood at the doorway. ‘Oh, and Mel told me to tell you, if you so much as bat an eyelid at Marty again, she’ll put a stench curse on you. And believe me, you don’t want one of those. Shower ten times a day and you’ll still smell like crap’.
Is that right? Tori thought, as Taylah left her standing by the infamous Box Seat. Well, I know something you don’t, Taylah. I’m gonna make your precious boss wish she’d never messed with me!


Ash had had a very good but tiring day. She had to source clothes for a photo shoot then do some personal shopping for one of her most valued clients, then lunch with Bella and Danni – who had a double whammy of good news to lay on everybody – then she took Alan Didak shopping for a suit for his cousin’s wedding… The list of things to do when you’re a sought after Buyer never ends, she thought, turning on the kettle and yawning. Then there was a knock at the door. ‘Oh bloody hell’, she muttered to herself. ‘Can’t I sit down for five minutes?’
An unfamiliar face was at her door, holding a flower arrangement in a cardboard box. ‘Are you Ashlea? These are for you’ he said and practically threw them at her. ‘Don’t I have to sign something?’ she started to say, but he was already halfway down the footpath. Wow, she thought. That was weird! She took the flowers inside. They were beautiful – mostly champagne pink and white orchids, a couple of lilies and a smattering of gardenias. She searched high and low for a note, but there was none. Who could these be from? She racked her brain for a memory of Dale ever giving her flowers. The only time she could come up with was when they’d had an argument and he’d bought her roses, which she wasn’t particularly fond of. They were too common. Orchids on the other hand – who knew she liked orchids? Was it one of her clients, thanking her for a good job? Surely they would have included a card. No, whoever did this didn’t want her to know who he was!
‘Curiouser and curiouser’ Ash muttered, feeling more than a bit like Alice down the rabbit hole. Still, it was kind of nice to have a secret admirer!


Lee couldn’t get the grin off her face. Last night had been magic. She walked about an inch off the floor all day! Ally wanted to know why she was so happy but all Lee could say was ‘Jack’.
Ally grinned. ‘Good for you’ she said. ‘I see he’s rendered you speechless!’
Lee laughed. She could feel her cheeks going red just thinking about the night before! ‘Oh, he’s just amazing, Al’ she said. ‘The stamina!’
‘Okay, okay! That’s already way more information that I needed, but thanks, anyway’ Ally joked. ‘I wish Sean would take a break from the restaurant long enough to sweep me off my feet again. Speaking of sweeping, there’ll be cobwebs if he doesn’t get a move on’.
‘And you’re telling me I gave you too much information?’ Lee joked. ‘Maybe you should stop throwing hints and start throwing steak knives around the kitchen. He’ll at least wake up to the fact that there’s a problem’.
Ally laughed. ‘Or he might have me shipped off to the loony bin! No I think I’m just gonna have to tell him I’m not happy. Simple. If he thinks the odd candlelit dinner in his own restaurant is going to tide me over then he’s got another thing coming! I want smoochies!’
‘Just smoochies?’ Lee said, grinning.
‘Well, I could yell what I really want, but with the acoustics in here, the boys will hear it from the gym’ Ally laughed. ‘I don’t think Sean would be too impressed, somehow’.
Lee cracked up. When she finally got a hold of herself, she managed to say ‘Oh by the way, I’m having an hour for lunch today. Jack’s coming up and…’
‘Hello, Lee’.
Lee turned in her seat at the front desk. Ally looked up from the computer screen where she’d been changing a conference booking. Ryan stood on the other side of the counter. He looked a lot better than last time, Lee had to admit. He’d had a shave, was wearing his Collingwood polo top and jeans and had even lost a bit of weight. I don’t care, she told herself. That’s over. Done. Don’t even give him a second glance!
‘Uh… Hi Ryan’ Lee said. ‘What can I do for you?’
‘I was wondering if we might have a civilized lunch today. To discuss the kids’.
‘I can’t’ Lee said. ‘I’m meeting someone for lunch today’.
‘That bloke you’ve been seeing?’ Ryan asked, scowling. ‘That should be interesting’.
‘Do you honestly think I’m gonna parade him around in front of you?’ Lee asked. ‘I’m more mature than that’.
‘I hope so’ Ryan said. ‘What about tomorrow then?’
Lee sighed. ‘What is it, Ryan? What do you have to say about the kids that you can’t say right now? What is it that takes a whole lunch hour?’
‘Gee’ Ryan scowled, ‘I’m sorry to take up so much of your valuable time! What’s happened to you, Lee? We used to have lunch together all the time! Now you can’t even stand to be in the same room as me’.
Lee couldn’t believe he was trying to guilt-trip her into spending time with him! ‘No, Ryan’ she corrected him. ‘We used to do lunch, that’s true. But you stopped showing any interest in being with me a long time ago. Even just for lunch. So why start again now?’
‘We should talk about the kids; that’s all’ he said. ‘We are still their parents. No matter what’s going on between us, we’ve got a responsibility’.
‘I know’ Lee said. ‘Okay, you’re right. I’ll have lunch with you tomorrow. But it’s about the kids. You bring us up, and I walk. Go it?’
‘Fine’ Ryan said. ‘I’ll see you then’.


Taylah dragged herself off the Stairmaster at her gym. She struggled to get a breath. I really have to stop smoking, she thought to herself. But she knew what her real problem was. She just wouldn’t admit it to herself. She half-walked, half staggered to the showers. ‘Hey’ someone said behind her.
She turned. ‘Are you talking to me?’ she asked the guy. He was looking at her funny, like he knew her from somewhere. Then she remembered. ‘Oh my God’ she said. ‘Weren’t you at the auditions for this year’s Biggest Loser?’
‘Yeah’ he admitted. Taylah frankly wondered why. He wasn’t fat. Just a bit beefy. He had a nice face, though. Kind of like that kid Sam, who had actually won last year’s prize money. What was his name? She was terrible at remembering names!
‘You’re Taylah, right?’ He said. ‘I’m Jerry’.
Ah, that's right, she thought. ‘Hi, Jerry’ Taylah said. ‘Yeah, it’s Taylah. How did you remember my name?’
‘Oh, easy’ he said, smiling. ‘You were the best looking girl at those auditions! I thought I’d get your number from the girl at the front desk but she wasn’t going to give out numbers. She did tell me what gym you work out in, though. So here I am’.
Taylah raised an eyebrow. ‘You’re stalking me, is that what you’re saying?’
Jerry looked hurt. ‘No! I was just a bit shy – too shy to ask for your phone number at the auditions. I’m sorry. I’ll leave you alone if you want’.
‘No!’ Taylah said, quickly. This was the first guy who’d shown any interest in her since… God, since she’d put on all that weight when she finished high school! Every guy she’d been with she’d either had to drug, tie up or bribe for his services! And this guy was actively seeking her out?!
‘I mean…’ she said, quickly, ‘It’s all right. I’m glad you looked me up. I… I kind of liked you, too’ (well, this was a bit of a lie, but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, she reasoned).
‘Really?’ He looked so happy.
Taylah nodded. ‘Absolutely. So, Jerry, what do you like to do for fun?’


What is Ryan up to?
What is Tori’s big plan?
And Courtnie has a proposition for Ben…

A Pie for Life.
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Magpie Girl Leo

Daisy, my Collingwood supporting birdy....

Joined: 01 Jan 2008
Location: Down town Bundy! ...& the #43 bandwagon!

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2008 9:51 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Great episode!
Can't wait for the next one! Very Happy shall be interesting.....

"Everyone has their story and mine is unique, but I'm definitely trying to use that to help as many people as I can." - Heritier O'Brien ( 7/7/08 )
Harry, you're a champ!
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:43 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Episode 150

Part Two

Tori watched Melissa and Marty kiss on the boundary line. He ran his hands through her long dark hair and Tori imagined him doing that to her. How was she going to break these two up? Plan A – luring him into the change-rooms and seducing him with her feminine wiles – didn’t work. He didn’t even check his messages. She’d waited there as long as she could without being caught by one of the other players. She’d even had to hide in one of the toilet cubicles while Scott Burns and Nathan Brown got dressed after training. They were talking footy, of course, so she zoned out, but managed to wake up and get the hell out of there before any more players came in.
So onto Plan B. If her bombshell at the restaurant didn’t work, then she’d have to orchestrate things a little bit. Make sure Heath and Mel couldn’t help but run into each other. What happened then would be totally up to them, but from what Tori had seen at the restaurant, she was sure she’d get something incriminating on camera! Then hey presto, send video via MMS. Straight to Marty’s phone. And sit back and watch the carnage!
She set about SMSing her victims, grinning as she plotted sweet revenge. That witch was going to pay for almost knocking her out and stealing her man!

Mel didn’t want the kiss to stop! She loved that he was so passionate in front of his team mates. Not that many of them were still out on the track. But Heath was, and if he wasn’t getting an eyeful of how over him she was, he never would. Of course, not that she was ever under him! The very idea made her blush! Marty finally came up for air and said he’d meet her in the member’s lounge in half an hour. She set off back inside, until her mobile beeped.
“I need to see you” it said. “Meet me in the supply room”.
You have got to be kidding, Mel thought, staring over at Heath. He was standing by his bag, with his mobile phone in hand. What else is there to say? And why would I go and meet him in the supply room, for Christ’s sakes? That was just inviting trouble! Hello? Had he already forgotten the stolen kiss at her shop?!
Mel knew she shouldn’t go there again; she shouldn’t meet Heath anywhere, any time, no-how. But her curiosity was getting the better of her. What could he possibly want?
They both arrived at the supply room at exactly the same time, even bumping into each other in their rush! ‘What do you want?’ Mel said, and then realised Heath had said exactly the same thing!
‘I thought you sent me a message’ Mel said, frowning.
‘I thought you sent me a message’ Heath replied.
‘What?’ Mel asked. ‘How? This is your phone number, right?’ she showed Heath the message she’d received.
‘No’ he said. ‘Why would you think that?’
‘Well, why would someone pretend… Oh, hang on’. She sighed and clenched her jaw. ‘That little…’
‘Skank? Minge?’ Heath said, finishing her sentence. ‘I assume you’re talking about Tori. Why would she do something like that, really?’
‘Because she’s after Marty. And she’s probably pissed at me for hitting her, that’s why’.
Heath grinned. ‘That was a pretty good punch’.
‘Yeah’ Mel laughed, grimly. ‘I was proud of it. But Marty wasn’t impressed’.
‘Hey, he’s a guy. He was impressed, trust me. He just wouldn’t admit it to you’.
‘How are we gonna get her back?’ Mel asked him. ‘We’ve got to give as good as we get! She needs to learn a lesson’.
‘I’ve got an idea’ Heath said. ‘Come with me’.


Ryan sat at a table for two in a dark corner of a little pub they’d decided to meet in. Leelee didn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea so she didn’t think eating at Molloy’s with her ex-husband was very wise. She sat down, picked up the menu, and said a quick ‘Hi’ to him. After they’d ordered, she crossed her arms, leaned against the edge of the table and said, ‘Right. Out with it. What is this all about?’
He was looking pretty good these days. Since she saw him that day looking slightly seedy, he’d cleaned up his act. Shaved his stubble, had a shower and brushed his wavy dark hair. He was even wearing her favourite aftershave. Nice try, she thought. But no cigar. I’m with Jack now!
He looked wounded. ‘This isn’t about anything. Well… the kids, but I wanted to see you. Didn’t you want to see me?’
‘Ryan’ Lee said, exasperated. ‘You know I’m with someone else now! Don’t try to turn this into some kind of date! Because it’s not! I thought you wanted to talk about the kids. That’s why I’m here. If you’re going to try to suck up to me…’
‘I’m not, I’m not. Settle, Gretel! At least have a glass of wine’ Ryan said. ‘I want us to be civil. For Bob and Rose’s sakes! I can be a decent guy sometimes, you know. Or don’t you remember?’
‘Of course I remember’ Lee said. ‘I’m not disputing that. I just have to tell you… Nothing is going to happen between us, Ryan. I don’t know what the aftershave is about; or the shirt…’ she looked at the white non-iron shirt she used to love to see him in; and back up to his face. ‘But it’s not going to work’.
‘Okay’ he said. ‘But just hear me out’.
‘Fine’ Lee said, sitting back in her chair. ‘What is this all about?’
‘Well’ Ryan said, ‘I’m moving’.
‘What?’ Lee asked. ‘What do you mean?’
‘What I mean is, I’ve been told I’ll be delisted at the end of the year. And Sydney are interested. So I’m going to look at signing a deal with them. And I want the kids to be able to come up and see me on a regular basis. If it all pans out’.
‘Okay’ Lee said. ‘That’s fair enough’.
‘Really?’ he asked. ‘You don’t mind?’
‘Of course not. They’re your kids’ Lee said. ‘I’m not an ogre’.
‘I know that’ Ryan said, putting a hand over hers.
She flinched. ‘Don’t’ and pulled her hand away.
Ryan sighed. ‘You’ve really changed, Lee’.
‘I’m not your wife anymore’ she reminded him. ‘That’s the major change’.
‘I know. I suppose some habits are hard to break’. Ryan said. The waiter brought their wine and poured it into two glasses. Ryan picked his up. ‘Let’s toast’, he suggested.
‘To what?’ Lee frowned.
‘To new starts for both of us, and to being civil. What do you say?’
‘I think I can live with that’ Lee said, and raised her glass.
‘To being civil’.


Courtnie watched Ben dress in front of her. ‘God you’ve got a good body’ she told him. ‘Have you ever thought of posing for one of those Men for All Seasons calendars?’
Ben blushed. ‘I thought they didn’t do those anymore?’
‘Well, they don’t but there is HERS magazine’ Court suggested. ‘I could put in a good word to Ash or Danni for you’.
Ben shook his head. ‘No way! I couldn’t stand naked in front of all those women photographers and makeup artists who are probably just hanging around to perve! I’m surprised you’re happy about other women looking at me’.
‘I don’t mind’ Court grinned. ‘As long as they don’t touch’.
‘Oh they wouldn’t be touching’ Ben said. ‘This bod is for you, and you alone’.
‘So why don’t you pose for me?’ She grinned. ‘Come on! Give me something I can put on my mobile phone wallpaper!’ She picked up her phone and switched on the camera. ‘Flex those muscles!’
Ben cracked up. ‘You’re nuts, woman’.
‘Yeah, well, you make me nuts’ Court told him. ‘Seriously though… There is a fashion show coming up. Danni and Bella are organising it. It’s to raise money for the homeless in Melbourne’.
‘Oh’ Ben said. ‘And?’
‘And the models are all football players! Oh, and some of the Vixen Netball team as well. Danni’s really nervous about it because the first one didn’t go down too well. It’s been five years though. I’m sure no one remembers what a disaster it was’.
‘Why, what happened?’ Ben asked.
Court giggled. ‘Well, apparently Lee was in charge of it, and she and Ryan had pissed off Strauchanie, so he gatecrashed as a model - dressed as Elvis - and mooned the crowd’.
‘Ew’ Ben laughed. ‘Poor crowd’.
‘Yeah so I think this one might have a little more security in case anything does go wrong! But I really think you should model, Ben. Will you think about it?’ Court asked. ‘I’d really love to see you in some of the fashions Danni’s been talking about’.
‘As long as I don’t have to pose nude, I suppose I’ll do it’ Ben sighed. ‘But you have to do me a favour, first’.
‘What’s that?’ Courtnie asked.
‘Wear your waitress outfit to bed tonight’ he grinned.
‘Ben Reid, you are one twisted individual’ Court laughed. ‘It’s a deal’.


Ash stared at the note attached to the box of chocolates that had just been left on her doorstep. Cooper. Why didn’t he get that she just needed to be on her own for a while? She’d had enough of the constant drama that always followed the men in her life. If she wasn’t involved in some kind of love triangle they were invariably mixed up in a scandal of their own. She was just tired of the whole dating charade. Thing was, now that she wasn’t seeing anyone, she was finding it hard to remember who she was without a man. Lately, she’d been bringing a bottle of wine or champers home after work, watching DVD packs of Sex and the City, and before she knew it, she’d drunk a whole bottle on her own! After an entire fortnight of this behaviour, it occurred to her that she might have a wee drinking problem. Nah, she thought. I’m just making up for lost time!
She threw the chocolates onto the table. ‘Might as well eat them’, she said aloud, to the empty room. ‘But if he thinks he’s gonna worm his *hic* way back into my *hic* bed, he’s got another thing coming!’
She tried to walk to her bedroom but the furniture conspired to get in her way. After bumping her shin on the coffee table, yelling expletives and hiccuping, she gave up and passed out on the couch. When she woke up the next morning, she was late for work.
‘Oh f**k’ she said. ‘Bella’s gonna kill me’.

Bella was indeed close to wanting to strangle Ash, if she ever got to the HERS office that day. She had hired her friend to be in charge of sourcing clothes for the fashion show, and the girl couldn’t even be bothered showing up on her first day of work! Very unprofessional, she thought, as she slung a scarf around Dale Thomas’s neck. ‘Nah’ she decided. ‘You are definitely not a scarf kind of guy’.
‘Just give me a pair of board shorts, and I’ll be right’ Dale joked.
Bella raised an eyebrow. ‘Now there’s an idea! I can get Ash to rustle up some bathers for a swimsuit section! Can you bring your surfboard to the show, as a prop?’
‘No worries’ Dale said. ‘I could even bring my snorkel gear, for a bit of a laugh’.
Bella grinned and patted him on the shoulder. ‘You’re a natural clown, Dale, you know that?’ She spotted Ash making her way into the room, warily. ‘Ah, you’re here! Finally! I wanted you to get a look at the models and brainstorm some ideas for the show’.
Ash walked over and picked up the same scarf Bella had thrown to the floor. ‘Hey this is cool! Where did you get this?’
‘It’s mine’ Bella said. ‘Ah… well, actually, it was Dean’s. He left it at the house, so I brought it in’.
Ash wrapped it around her neck and did a little dance. ‘What do you think?’
‘Ash?’ Bella frowned. ‘Are you drunk?’
‘No!’ Ash said, quickly. ‘I’m hung over’.
‘Could’ve fooled me’ Bella said. ‘Ash, is everything okay?’
‘Everything’s fine’ Ash said. ‘Don’t worry ‘bout li’l ole me! I can handle my *hic* liquor!’
Travis Cloke walked in the room, dressed in a faded pair of jeans and an old t-shirt.
‘Travis’ Ash said, floating over to him. ‘It’s so good to see you! How have you been?’
‘Uh… Not bad, yourself?’ Trav asked, politely. ‘Um, Ash… Pardon me for saying this but… You smell like a distillery’.
‘Okay, that’s it’ Bella cut in. ‘Ash, come here! Travis, can you give us a few minutes?’
He shrugged. ‘Sure. No worries’.
Ash started to sober up quick smart. She knew she was in trouble. Bella and Danni owned the magazine. They didn’t have to hire her, just because she was a friend. ‘I’m sorry’ she started to say. ‘I just…’
‘Mate, you need help’ Bella told her. ‘You’ve been drinking a lot lately. I’ve noticed. And I really hope you’re not still taking those pills from when you were depressed about the Cooper break up last year! You know alcohol and antidepressants don’t mix’.
‘I know’ Ash sighed. ‘But I feel like shit all the time. And now I’m on my own, I realise… I don’t have any hobbies, Bell! I’m not like you, and Danni. You guys have this magazine. It’s your work but it’s your hobby, too! I don’t do anything but shop for rich wankers and date football players’.
‘Well maybe you need to get yourself a hobby’ Bella suggested. ‘What do you like doing?’
‘Hm…’ Ash took a moment to think. ‘I… go shopping?’
‘Well, there is that. Is there anything else?’
Ash sighed. ‘I drink’.
‘Ash’ Bella said, ‘I think you should look up Alcoholics Anonymous in the phone book and go to a meeting or two. You’ve got to stop this. The other day when I rang you, you were off your scone. In fact, you probably don’t even remember’.
Ash frowned. ‘When did you call?’
Bella rolled her eyes. ‘My point exactly’.


‘Marty’ Heath called. Marty turned around, saw Heath and Mel together and scowled. ‘What’s going on?’ he asked.
‘We’ve just discovered we’re pawns in a plot’ Heath explained. ‘Check this out’.
He showed Marty the message on his mobile. ‘She’s been trying to get us to meet for some bizarre reason. I want to find out what this is about’.
Marty read the message. ‘What’s her deal?’ he puzzled, aloud.
‘She likes you, babe’ Mel told him. ‘It’s pretty obvious to me. She’s trying to break us up by making you jealous!’
‘Well, that’s never gonna happen’ Marty said, his brows furrowing and his jaw clenched.
‘But Heath’s got an idea’ Mel said. ‘Will you listen, and help us out?’
Marty looked at Heath. ‘You really want to help us?’
Heath shrugged. ‘Why wouldn’t I? I hate being manipulated as much as anybody’.
‘Okay’ Marty decided. ‘What’s the plan?’

Mel slid into the supply room, and waited. She pretended to be agitated, looking at her watch. ‘Come on Heath’ she said aloud. It was so hard to keep a straight face! But it was very important that she pretend like Tori’s plan was going off without a hitch. Finally, Heath appeared, shutting the door behind him. ‘So, what did you need to see me for?’ she asked him.
He launched himself at her, planting a kiss even Melissa didn’t expect! She pushed him away, and said in a loud voice for Tori’s camera to hear ‘I’m with Marty, Heath! You know that!’
‘I know but I can’t stop thinking about you’ Heath said. God he’s a good actor, Mel thought. At least, I hope he’s acting!
‘Well you have to. Marty’s your friend. We can’t do this. It’s wrong’ Mel said, biting her lip to keep from laughing! Oh that bitch was going to get the shock of her life!
‘But it feels so right’ Heath said, and almost lost it himself! The line was so corny, but it was meant to be. If Tori didn’t get the hint – that it was all put on for her benefit – then she deserved all the humiliation she had coming to her.
‘I know’ Mel looked down at her feet. ‘I can’t stop thinking about you either’. Heath walked over and put a finger under her chin. ‘Then we can’t deny it anymore’ he said, sounding like something out of Days of Our Lives! He covered Mel’s mouth with his own, more to stop her from laughing than in any real attempt to kiss her. But Mel felt her knees giving way, anyway!
Then, as planned, Marty burst in. ‘What the hell is going on here?’ he yelled.
Heath put his arm around Mel. ‘We’re in love’ he announced. Mel looked at the floor. ‘It’s true’ she said. ‘I love Heath’.
Marty’s eyes went from Heath to Mel, who wouldn’t look up in case Tori’s supposedly hidden camera caught the look on her face. Tori thought she’d hidden her little digital video camera so well but she’d seen it as soon as she walked in.
‘Fine’ Marty said in a low voice, just loud enough for the camera’s microphone to catch it, and walked out. Mel turned to Heath. ‘That was horrible! How could we do this to him? Did you see the look on his face? He was devastated’.
‘I can’t blame him’ Heath said. ‘Losing you’.
Mel looked up at him. His eyes were fixed on her. She couldn’t tell whether he was still acting or not. ‘I have to go after him’ she said, and turned away. But Heath grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a Gone with the Wind style pash! Wait, she thought. This isn’t in the script! Well, not that we actually wrote anything down, but I know it sure as hell wasn’t part of The Plan! She was meant to go after Marty. So why was she still here, letting Heath Shaw kiss her?

Coming up…

Ash goes to AA
The fashion show gets underway
And will Heath, Marty and Mel’s plan work?

A Pie for Life.
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Magpie Girl Leo

Daisy, my Collingwood supporting birdy....

Joined: 01 Jan 2008
Location: Down town Bundy! ...& the #43 bandwagon!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:17 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

lol Ash!! Laughing

WooHoo! that sounds so good!
Ben is more than welcome to do modeling, I'll have to come & see Razz Very Happy
Nooo touchy, all mine!! Very Happy Very Happy Razz Razz jks

"Everyone has their story and mine is unique, but I'm definitely trying to use that to help as many people as I can." - Heritier O'Brien ( 7/7/08 )
Harry, you're a champ!
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:20 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

CrazyAboutDaisy wrote:
ROFL now I'm an alco as well as a slut!Thanks Mel Very Happy Wink

sorry, I didn't mean to give that impression! You're not gonna get with anyone for a while. I think it might be time for hijinx of a different kind for Ash! And hey don't worry, I'd be an alcie if I had the money, lol. Mmm... Beer!

A Pie for Life.
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got more wit, better kiss, a hotter touch, a better...

Joined: 02 Dec 2005
Location: none of yo' business!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:47 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Now I know where Jack lives...Ash's house Wink
...~*Can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid (Just sit back)...*~...

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:59 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

LOL I wish I could afford something harder than beer but atm, no go! I like all the boys, Johnny, Jim and Jack. Hey, is it weird that all good grog with boys names starts with a J?
A Pie for Life.
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Miss_Lisey_Molloy Taurus

Keith Urban - CMA 2005 Entertainer Of The Year!

Joined: 19 Jun 2002
Location: Lilydale

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:57 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

The four men in my life all start with 'J'.. Best letter ever!!

Jack, Johnny, Jim and Jarrod!!

He should be a drink haha! Very Happy

Love always, Alyssa xoxo

*~Alyssa's Song Of The Moment~*
I See You - Luke Bryan

Jarrod Molloy's #1 Fan! Pies are Premiers in 2010!!
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007

PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:39 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Episode 151

Twelve Steps…

Mel pushed Heath away. ‘I thought we were clear on this’ she said. ‘I’m with Marty’.
‘I know’ Heath said. ‘I’m sorry. Thought I’d make a last ditch bid! You can’t honestly tell me you feel nothing?’ His eyes burned a hole into her innermost thoughts.
‘No’ Mel admitted. ‘I can’t’.
‘So… What are we going to do?’ Heath asked.
‘I don’t know’ Mel sighed. ‘I’m so confused! I love Marty, I really do! But… I’m attracted to you, too! And you kissing me like that doesn’t help the situation, by the way’.
The corner of his lips turned up in a half smirk. ‘I’m sorry’ he said, but didn’t sound at all apologetic!
‘This is your team mate you’re doing over’ Mel reminded him. ‘Think about Marty for a minute’.
‘Okay’ Heath sighed. ‘You’re right. I was being selfish. Go. I’ll deal with Tori myself’.
‘What are you going to do?’ Mel asked him.
He shrugged. ‘I’ll talk to her. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll resort to the oldest trick in the book’.
‘What’s that?’ Mel laughed.
‘Bribery, my dear’ he answered. ‘Trust me. She won’t be anywhere near a threat when I’m finished with her’.


Ash took a deep breath. What the hell was she doing here? It wasn’t like she belonged here with these people. She’d almost dialled the number in the Yellow Pages five times, then hung up. She knew that if she didn’t do something about her drinking it would lead to her being fired. She didn’t want to be fired. She loved her job. Yet… did she really have anything in common with any of these people?
As she filed into the room, she caught sight of a familiar face. God, she thought. I know him! What’s his name?
The group of twelve or so strangers found seats in the large circle in the middle of the room. Ash felt like she was in a movie or something. It was just like every AA meeting she’d ever seen on TV. There were people from all walks of life – a tired looking housewife with large bags under her eyes; a middle-management type in a rumpled suit who looked like he’d been on the piss as recently as the night before; a bona fide alkie who smelled like he’d bathed in his own sweat and urine for a week (needless to say there were spare seats on either side of him); the young guy Ash couldn’t remember the name of; and an assortment of young people who barely made the legal age to be drinking in the first place. The group’s counsellor stepped into the middle of the circle, introduced herself as Betty; then took a seat across the room from Ash, who wished she could make herself invisible. Please don’t ask me to speak, she thought. I hate public speaking!
‘Okay now’ Betty said, ‘It’s nice to see you all here tonight. I hope you’ve been trying hard to stay away from the dreaded drink! I see we have a few new faces here! Let’s start by standing up and introducing ourselves. We’ll start with…’ she put a finger to her lips, then pointed at the young familiar-looking guy. ‘How about you?’
The guy stood up. He wore a black top and faded jeans, with an army jacket over the top. His dark hair was short and spiky. Ash just couldn’t think where she’d seen him before.
‘Hi’ he said, looking around the room. ‘I’m sure most of you already know who I am, but for those of you who don’t, I’m Anthony Callea. I came second in Australian Idol a few years back. Since then I’ve been a mentor on It Takes Two and I sing at the opening of an envelope. Basically any special occasion – Easter, Christmas, Good Friday – I do them all. I’m currently contracted to Channel Seven…’
‘Anthony, we don’t need your resume’ Betty interrupted. ‘We’d just like to know why it is you chose to come here and how you started drinking. That’s all’.
‘Oh’ Anthony Callea said. ‘I’m sorry. It’s kind of an ingrained habit. Too many auditions, you see’.
Ash stifled a giggle. Of all the places to run into a celebrity! She put on a straight face and tried to listen to him.
‘Well’ Anthony said, still facing the group, ‘I came here tonight because I have a problem. I’m an alcoholic. It’s taken me a few months to come to that conclusion, but I recently hit rock bottom when my boyfriend left me for Rhys, from So You Think You Can Dance. It broke my heart, you see. Tim’s so full of himself now he’s a game show host and making wads of cash, while I’m still doing the theatre circuit!’ He sighed, and stared at the floor. ‘So I got the part as Seymour in Williamstown Musical Theatre’s production of The Little Shop of Horrors, and Tim just laughed! Didn’t congratulate me or anything, the minge! He said I was slumming it; working in Willy. After I’d just done six months with Wicked…’
‘Anthony’ Betty sighed. ‘We don’t have all night here’.
‘Oh… Sorry’ Callea said. ‘Anyway, when I saw Rhys and Tim together, I just knew. Of course, Rhys would flirt with a doorknob, but there was clearly something more going on! So I took Tim aside and asked him if there was anything going on. He got really shirty…’
‘Anthony’ Betty said, looking irritated.
‘Uh… Okay. Right, well I was at rehearsals the other day and I totally forgot my lines! Every one! It had been a month since we’d split up and I’d been drinking a bottle of vodka every night!’ Ash found it amazing she had anything in common with Anthony Callea, let alone their drinking patterns! For the first time that night she actually paid attention to someone else’s problems. ‘So anyway, the director got really mad and said that if I didn’t shape up I could ship out! Can you believe it? And I make such a great Seymour’. Suddenly Callea opened his mouth and bellowed “Down on Skid Row” from the musical he was in. His voice echoed off the walls. The middle-management dude put his hands over his ears. ‘Could you keep it down?’ he snapped. ‘I’ve got a hang… a migraine!’
‘Okay Anthony. That’s very good. You’ve just taken the first step – admitting you’ve got a problem. You can sit down now’ Betty told him. She nodded at the lady next to him. Ash listened to everyone’s individual stories with a new attitude. She’d been so against this, but she realised that these people were all just humans dealing with their own issues the same way she had. Some of them had way worse problems than hers. It made her feel silly for drinking at all. What it came down to was that she didn’t know what to do with herself without a man, which was pretty pathetic, when you consider the others were dealing with problems like domestic violence, child abuse, a gambling addiction and a bad break-up. A couple of the teenagers admitted that they got into drinking because of peer pressure and were now binge-drinking every weekend. One was on a court order to attend AA meetings!
It came time for Ash to stand up. She bit her lip and looked around the room. Every face was sympathetic. They’ll probably laugh their arses off, she thought. Say something like, “What are you doing here, rich girl? You don’t know what problems are!”
‘I’m Ash’ she began. ‘And I… I think I might be an alcoholic. Or if I’m not, I’m definitely headed that way’.
‘What made you start drinking, Ash?’ Betty asked.
‘Um, well…’ Ash said, trying to think of how to go on. She didn’t want to give them a contrived sob story. She had a feeling they would know if she was lying, anyway. The truth would have to do. ‘I was going out with someone in the public eye. We were about to be married. Then he gets involved in this scandal, and he accused me of not believing his side of the story, and not trusting him. So then we broke up. And it’s been so long since I’ve been single; I’ve forgotten how to be on my own! It probably sounds stupid…’
‘Not at all’ The housewife spoke up. ‘I left Lenny, changed my name, took the kids out of school; went to where he’d never find us… And now I’m on my own I’m finding it pretty hard going. Not as bad as being belted around, obviously, but hard anyway’.
'Thanks Karen' Betty said. 'I'm sure Ash appreciates knowing she's not the only one who feels lost when she's not in a relationship'
Ash nodded. She did felt better about being there. Just knowing they weren't laughing at her gave her the confidence to continue.
‘Anyway, I’ve been drinking wine or champagne most nights. I turned up at work drunk, like Anthony, but luckily I work with my friends and they were just concerned about me. They might still fire me, though. I don’t want to let them down’.
‘Okay’ Betty said. ‘Well, now that we all know each other, let’s take the AA Oath together’.
During the one and only break they got, Ash made her way over to the coffee urn. Anthony smiled at her. ‘You were really brave tonight’ he said. ‘Most people who turn up don’t want to talk at all their first time’.
‘So you’ve been to meetings like this before?’ Ash asked him.
He nodded. ‘I’m a singer, but I’ve been trying to break into acting, as well. Part of that is taking on a role’.
‘So are you really an alcoholic?’ Ash asked him, as she measured out two teaspoons of sugar.
He lowered his voice. ‘No, but I’m going to audition for a part on Home & Away where I play a school guidance counsellor who has a drinking problem. I thought I’d get in some research’.
Ash felt let down. ‘So everything you said before, that was all an act?’ She asked him.
‘Ssh’ he whispered. ‘I’ll be thrown out of here if they hear you’.
‘So why are you telling me all this?’ Ash asked, annoyed. ‘I’m a total stranger to you. You’re wasting everyone’s time here. What’s stopping me from telling everyone you’re an impostor?’
He reacted fast. Whipping his hand into his jacket pocket, he took out two tickets. ‘Er… Do you like theatre?’ he asked. ‘I’ve got two tickets to the Little Shop of Horrors, this Thursday night’.
‘Wait a second’ Ash said, ‘Did you even break up with your boyfriend?’
‘Oh that part’s true enough’ Anthony said. ‘But I’m Italian. I’ve been around alcohol all my life. I’m not likely to get a drinking problem because some dope gets a big head and breaks up with me! I’m more likely to get an addiction to gambling or shopping’.
‘Shopping?’ Ash brightened up. ‘You like shopping?’
‘I’m gay, honey’ Anthony smiled. ‘I was born to shop’.
‘That’s my job’ she told him. ‘I’m a personal shopper! And I work for HERS magazine’.
Anthony raised an eyebrow. ‘That’s the one with all the naked AFL players, isn’t it?’
‘Yep’ Ash said.
Anthony put his arm around her, conspiratorially. ‘I think you and I are going to be really good friends’ he announced!


‘This is going to go off’ Bella announced, looking out at the crowd behind the curtain. Danni was chewing her nails. She remembered the first fashion show she’d helped with, years ago, and had made every effort to make sure Strauchanie was formally invited so he wouldn’t get his nose out of joint! Sharon had promised to get him to behave himself; this time!
‘Wow, good crowd’ Ash said, peering out at the audience. ‘Are all the models ready?’
‘Yep’ Bella said. ‘Except for Brodie. He’s still busy applying fake tanner’.
Ash laughed. ‘What about Dale? I heard he was going to be modelling, as well’.
‘He is’ Danni said. ‘Are you sure you’re all right with it?’
‘Why wouldn’t I be?’ Ash said. ‘I’m over all that. Seriously’.
Still she couldn’t help but catch her breath when Dale walked in, carrying his surfboard under his arm, shirtless and wearing boardies. He’d really been working hard on his arms. They were tanned and more muscular than she remembered! ‘Hi’ Dale said to her. He couldn’t look her in the eye. ‘How are you?’
‘I’m good’ she told him. It was half a lie, half the truth. Since her first night at AA, she’d started hanging out with Anthony and some of his gay friends. It was nice to not have to worry about being hit on, for once. And they all agreed with her about Cooper Cronk being hotter than hell! When she told them he’d been sending her flowers, Anthony said ‘What’s wrong with you, girl?! You’ve got the green light!’ He didn’t understand that she had to find herself again before she could get into another relationship. Sex, sex, sex. That’s all he and his friends thought about! Still, going out with the boys was better than being stuck at home on her own; drinking. She knew she was becoming a fag-hag, but she didn’t care! A night out with the boys was just like a night out with the girls! Only bitchier, if that was possible! Some of their observations about fashion were so hilarious she got a stomach ache from laughing too much!
‘You look good’ Dale said. ‘Not that you didn’t before, but… I don’t know. You look …Good’.
‘Thanks’ Ash said, irritated at herself for getting butterflies over Dale again! ‘You do too. Been hard at it in the gym, by the looks of things’.
Bella tugged at her arm. ‘I’m sorry to break it up, guys, but it’s just about time to start! Daisy, get that board backstage before you knock someone out with it! Come on, it’s lights, camera, action’.

One after the other, the models began to strut their stuff on stage. Bella was rapt at how smoothly everything was going. She missed Lee’s input though. Lee had refused point blank to be part of the backstage team. ‘Bad memories from the last show’ she said, apologising. ‘I think if I was involved, I’ve give you bad luck. But we’ll be in the audience, don’t worry’.
Bella also missed Brendan, badly. He wasn’t due back for another few weeks. He’d offered to fly her out, but her mother was going into hospital and couldn’t look after Mia. Maybe Chris could, her Mum suggested. Uh-uh, Bella thought. I’m not going to give him a reason to go for full custody! If he thinks I’m jetting off for a dirty weekend with my rock star boyfriend, first thing he’ll do is call his solicitor and start conspiring to present me as a bad mother to the judge! That’s the last thing I need!
In the end, she’d decided to just wait it out. She could be like Ash, and be “single” for a while. It wouldn’t hurt. It might even help her to concentrate on her career for a while!

Heath wound his way through the crowd. He spotted Tori standing with her cohorts, Nicky, Sam and Lola. By now the players knew them by name and reputation! Sam had worked her way, Pinky-style, through half the reserves, and was currently “seeing” Chris Dawes. Nicky had her eye on Luke Casey Leigh. And Tori… Well, all Heath’s best efforts to match her up with Ryan Cook were for nought. Cookie didn’t like her! Sharrod Wellingham had dumped Tori’s arse (as soon as he got what he wanted, she said), and had started going out with a girl called Christina. Those two were stuck to each other’s face 24/7.
Lola was the mysterious one. She had taken to dying her natural blonde hair red, wearing strange opp shop clothes and claiming she didn’t like anyone in particular. Tori said she was just being weird for attention, but Heath thought it was more than that. Lola intrigued him.
He tapped Tori on the shoulder. ‘Hey’ he said. ‘Been looking for you’.
‘Have you now?’ Tori said. ‘What for?’
‘I was wondering if you were still into Marty. Maybe we could do a deal’ he said.
Tori frowned. ‘Aren’t you their friend? If they thought you were conspiring against them being together…’
‘I know’ Heath said. He caught Lola’s eye and smiled at her. She shrugged and looked away. What’s up her butt? Heath wondered. He looked back at Tori. Her nose really is big, he thought. Jeez, she could steer a boat with that thing! It’s like the frickin’ winged keel on Australia II!
‘So what’s this deal?’ Tori asked. ‘You want Mel, don’t you?’
Heath shrugged. ‘I thought I did, but now… I don’t know’.
‘So what’s the point? I mean, if you don’t want her, why break them up?’ Tori asked.
‘I’m not looking to break them up’ Heath said, impatiently. ‘The opposite, in fact. I want you to stay away from him. Leave them alone’.
‘That’s not gonna happen’ Tori said, stubbornly. ‘I like Marty. He’ll see the error of his ways, soon enough. I saw your acting, by the way. Very Bold and the Beautiful! But it did convince me of one thing’.
‘What’s that?’
‘You can’t act to save yourself’ Tori laughed.
‘Gee, thanks’ Heath said. ‘I thought you said you liked it?’
‘I didn't say I liked it. I said, I saw it’ Tori replied. ‘Admit it, Heath. As an actor you make a great footy player’.
‘Yeah, okay’ Heath conceded. ‘I just wanted you to be sucked in. There was a whole intricate plan you were meant to fall for. Didn’t come off, though’
‘Of course not’ Tori scoffed. ‘I’m smarter than you guys give me credit for, you know! And that’s why I’m going to win Marty over. Sooner or later he’s going to realise I’m the girl for him. So stop all your deal-making and tricks. It’ll happen. And when he gets tired of her shit, I’ll be waiting’.
‘Suit yourself’ Heath shrugged. ‘You’ll be waiting a while’
‘I’m a patient woman’ Tori said, then focussed on the stage. ‘Oh my God, it’s Marty! What’s he doing up there?’
‘He’s a model in the show’ Heath explained.
‘Why aren’t you up there? The girls didn’t think you were good looking enough?’
‘Leave him alone, Tori’ Lola interrupted. ‘He’s not the modelling type. Right, Heath?’
Heath was surprised to hear Lola sticking up for him. She’d barely said a word since he’d arrived. ‘Uh, yeah’ he said. ‘So, how’s things?’
‘All right I suppose’ she said. ‘And you?’
‘Can’t complain’ Heath said. He moved closer, and was encouraged when she didn’t move away. ‘So, you going to the game on Saturday?’
‘Wouldn’t miss it’ she said. ‘You guys are going to the finals for the third year in a row! The way you’ve been playing you’ll make All Australian for sure’.
‘Stop sucking up to him, Lola’ Tori said. ‘You’re not gonna get front row seats that way’.
‘God, what is your problem?’ Lola asked. ‘Apart from being frustrated because you’re panting after a guy who is never going to give you a second look!’
‘You take that back!’ Tori hollered. ‘He will, too! You’re just pissed because Sharrod’s got a girlfriend now! Well I f**ked him and guess what! He was a nine out of ten! I’d have given him top marks except he wasn’t Marty!’
Just then, as luck would have it, the music had stopped so that Danni could come to the stage and introduce the Vixens, who were going to be modelling the new range of Adidas sportswear. Which meant everyone in the room heard Tori’s last comment!
There were sniggers all round. Someone even guffawed. Tori, blinded by tears of humiliation, made a run for the exit. She’d never been so humiliated in her life! Now everyone knew how she felt about Marty! She hadn’t meant to yell it out like that but the music was blaring (The Presets – gee she hated their music) and she couldn’t hear herself think.
‘Wow’ Heath whistled. ‘At least now I don’t have to worry about everyone criticizing my shitty game last week! They’ll all be talking about this!’
Lola laughed. ‘You’re funny, Shaw’ she said. ‘Wanna go out, sometime?’

Will Heath date another Boundary Bogan?
Will Ash work things out with Dale?
And why is Chris Tarrant back in town?

A Pie for Life.
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got more wit, better kiss, a hotter touch, a better...

Joined: 02 Dec 2005
Location: none of yo' business!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:21 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh God, he is back? What's he gonna do, join a pissing contest with The Fev or something? Smile
...~*Can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid (Just sit back)...*~...

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Magpie Girl Leo

Daisy, my Collingwood supporting birdy....

Joined: 01 Jan 2008
Location: Down town Bundy! ...& the #43 bandwagon!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 11:42 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

That was brilliant! Very Happy

"Everyone has their story and mine is unique, but I'm definitely trying to use that to help as many people as I can." - Heritier O'Brien ( 7/7/08 )
Harry, you're a champ!
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:30 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

bellastar wrote:
Oh God, he is back? What's he gonna do, join a pissing contest with The Fev or something? Smile

nah, someone said he wanted back into Collingwood so I thought I'd do a storyline about that. But you have given me an idea...

A Pie for Life.
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