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What Becomes Her....... begins

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blacknwhitechic Taurus

Joined: 20 Apr 2004
Location: Lynbrook, Melbourne

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:44 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

bellastar wrote:
hello, blackandwhitechic. i've never seen you here before, yet you've been here since 2004! strange, that!

nice to meet you, though.

I am around occassionally - usually don't post much but now I guess I'm changing my tune!

Anyway, good to meet you too.
A few things about me:
I'm 30 next year
Children x 1
Married 4 years!
Love watching all sports - Collingwood no 1, but love Melbourne Victory, Everton (that's my hubbies fault!), and will watch anything else sport related. Have an uncanny habit of remembering stupid stats about sport and other general things.

What about you?

Catch you soon - Sally
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:46 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Sally!! Appreciate the feedback!!

Mel, I was talking getting some in the story LOL!!!!

New chapter will be up soon!!!


- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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magpiesgirl Aries

Crazy About Daisy!!!

Joined: 19 Feb 2007
Location: Cheltenham

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:32 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

It better be!D was asking me before "whens danni doing the next chapter?im bored!" lol!
Collingwood:Not just a club,but a way of life!

“I can honestly say there will never be another Strauchanie and the boys at the club can’t help but be thankful for that” -Nathan Buckley
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:38 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

tell him it will be up by tomorrow. he can read it then!!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:23 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok here is the next Chapter!! Enjoy!!!

Episode 24

Danni wandered into the Storm building. She was a little nervous. She knew Cooper would be happy for herm but she knew it probably wasn’t the news he would want to hear either. She got to the front desk and Allie, the receptionist there.
“Oh my gosh! Danni is that you? I haven’t seen you in like forever!” she cried out
“Hey Allie. How you going? Yeah it’s been awhile” she replied
“Yeah I’m good and you? You look great, you really do” Allie answered
“Yeah I’m great actually, thanks heaps. I was wondering if Cooper was around? I need to speak with him” Danni asked
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure he is. Let me check” she said
“Thanks” Danni said
She went and sat down on the lounge and waited. Her phone beeped. She looked at her message and it was from Nick:
‘Hey gorgeous! Good luck with Cooper. I’ve told Paul too.
I’m thinking of you. Talk later. Love you always!’
That made her smile and she was in the middle of replying when Cooper walked over to her.
“And what do I owe this pleasure?” Cooper said
“Hey! Have you got somewhere we can talk?” Danni asked
“Yeah in here” he walked towards an empty office, “Is everything ok?”
“Everything is fine. I just needed to speak with you in person” she said
“Ok, what’s going on” Cooper said
“Well, there’s no easy way to say it, so I just will Nick asked me to marry him and I said yes” Danni blurted out without taking a breath.
“He what? You haven’t even been together for that long!” he cried out
He didn’t look impressed at all. He folded his arms and slumped into the chair.
“Coop, does it matter? I know he is the one for me. I’m sorry, but its how I feel” she said
“I understand that. I know. I’m sorry. I should be happy for you I know that. But I don’t understand it. We were together for almost or over 3 years and we didn’t even discuss marriage” he said
Danni looked down at her feet. She could tell by his tone and his words that he was unhappy and hurt even, but what could she do? She was totally in love with Nick, and although she did love Cooper, she didn’t feel the same way as she did about Nick.

“Cooper, please don’t be mad at me. I love you as a friend and I want you in my life, we just weren’t soul mates, that means yours is still out there” Danni pleaded to him.
She needed him to be happy for her. Cooper sat up and looked at her, he could see the hurt in her eyes by him not being or showing he was happy for her.
“Danni, I am very happy for you. I’m glad he makes you happy, I really am. But I can’t say that I am not hurt. You have moved on so much quicker than me, and I guess I didn’t expect it” he said, “But I will always be your friend, always”
He stood up and walked over to her and hugged her. She had some tears well in her eyes; it meant a lot to her that he was ok. She pulled away and kissed him on the cheek.
“Thank you Coop. You don’t know what this means to me” she said.

They walked out of the office and were smiling and laughing with each other. Danni said goodbye to Allie and Cooper walked her to her car. They hugged one more time and then he went back to the building. Danni sat in her car and finished her message to Nick. She rang Yadie and asked if she was free for coffee. Yadie said yes and hey organised a spot and hung up. She was satisfied with the outcome of today and that was all that mattered to her. She was beaming, and now Cooper knew of her engagement, and in a sense was happy for her, it made her feel a lot more at ease. Now all that was left to do was to decide when this wedding was actually going to happen.


Travis walked up to Ash’s front door. He was hoping she’d be home cause he had just shown up rather than ring first; he had a whole speech prepared. He knocked on the door but there was no answer. He waited about a minute and knocked again, still no answer. He went back to his car as he closed the door a car pulled into the driveway. He saw Ash sitting in the passenger seat, but he didn’t recognise the driver.
The car stopped and the driver got out and he ran around and opened Ash’s door and helped her out. He hugged her and then gave her a kiss and then ran back to the drivers seat and took off. He pulled out the driveway waving and blowing her a kiss and beeping his horn.
When he was out of sight Ash turned around and saw Travis walking over to her.
“What are you doing here?” she asked. She wasn’t please to see him at all.
“I need to speak with you” he said, “Can I?”
Ash nodded and opened the front door and they walked in and sat in the lounge room.
“What’s so important?” Ash said
“Ok. I’ve been thinking about what you said, and I know you just want to be friends, but I can’t be. I’m still totally in love with you and” he said before Ash cut him off.
“Stop right there. We have talked about this. Friends is all I can be right now. I can’t handle all this shit that comes with being with Travis Cloke” Ash said, “It’s too much for me”
“I can change. I will change! Please Ash! Why wont you give us another shot?” he said
“Travis we have tried a number of times. We don’t go well together – we can never not be fighting. And I for one do not want to spend my life arguing” she replied.

Travis put his head down and thought for a minute, “You tell me what I need to do to get you back and I will do it” he said.
Ash shook her head and stood up, “I think you should go now. It’s this sort of shit I am talking about. You don’t get what you want, and you just keep going. Its quite annoying actually” she said.
Travis stood up and walked towards the door.
“And Trav, another reason I wont is because I am seeing someone. But I do want to be friends” she said
“I’m sorry Ash, but I cant be just friends. I hope this guy is worth it, cause I’m not giving up” he said as he closed the door behind him.

He got in his car and just took off. He was mad, angry, anything you could think of. She had someone else. He didn’t. She was happy again, he wasn’t. And worst of all, he didn’t know his competition. How could he compete for Ash’s if he didn’t know who his rival was?
He drove home and the whole way was thinking of who it might be, besides Scott he didn’t know of anyone. And he knew that wasn’t Scott who got out of the car. He went inside and sat down. He had a lot to think about. The biggest question of all to him was did he think Ash was worth all this trouble he was going thru and was going to go thru? Once he could answer that, he’d be on his way.

Ash sat back down and stared at the tv. It wasn’t on, but she just stared. Seeing Travis stirred up old feelings enormously. She didn’t expect it. She had been seeing Billy for almost a month now, and although there were no fireworks happening, they were just enjoying each other’s company. But when she laid eyes on Travis, and looked at his arms, his legs, everything, it made her jump back into old memories and she rather enjoyed reminiscing.
“God he looked hot” she said.
Realising what she had just said, she slapped herself. She had to stop now or it would continue all night. She grabbed her phone out of her bag and gave Billy a call.
“Hey what you doing tonight?” she asked
“Umm don’t know. I just left your place” he replied laughing.
“You wanna come back and have dinner? I’ll cook, you bring drink and a movie?” she said
“Yeah sure. Anything in particular?” he asked
Ash said it didn’t matter and she’d see him soon. She hoped having Billy there would make her forget about Travis. She’d have to make sure of it.


Yadie pulled into the driveway as Alan beeped his horn behind her. She’d just come home from having coffee with Danni, and Alan she assumed had come from the club. They both got out of their cars and walked to the front door. If you didn’t know them, you’d swear they’d been married for years. They walked inside, put their bags down and went into the kitchen.
“Hi, how was your day?” Alan said planting a kiss on her cheek.
“Hey. Yeah it was good. A normal day really, nothing special. Yours?” she replied and also returned the kiss.
“It was ok. Starting to get a little bit more serious down there now. But other than that it’s the normal as well” he said
Yadie laughed, “Well it is almost NAB Cup time. So you’d wanna be serious mister”
Alan laughed and nodded. He really looked knacked. They were obviously training very hard and really getting into it now. He went and sat on the couch and turned on the telly while Yadie fixed them a drink. She followed him out there no less than 5 minutes later and found him asleep. She put his drink on the table next to him and went back into the kitchen. She had only just seen Danni, but she rang her again anyway.

“Hey mate! Sorry to bug you again. I just wanted to ask you something” she said
“Your not bugging me, don’t be silly. What’s up?” Danni replied
“Has Nick been totally whacked out when he has been getting home from training on certain days?” Yadie asked
“Don’t know, not really paying much attention, but I reckon if he was, he’d probably say. Why’s that?” Danni said
Yadie told him she was a little concerned about Alan cause the last couple of times he’s come home from training he goes straight to sleep, and he never used to. Danni told her not to stress to much. Maybe it was just taking its toll on him cause he didn’t have a full preseason last year cause of his knee.
“You know, I completely forgot about that. God I’m stupid” Yadie said
“Your not stupid mate. Anyone could be forgiven for thinking that. I mean he didn’t miss 12 months with it” Danni replied
“Yeah true. Well thanks for that. I’d better let you go or your other half will kill me,” she laughed
“He’ll live” Danni said, “See ya”
“Yeah bye” Yadie said hanging up.

She walked back out the lounge room and sat next to Alan. She grabbed the remote and started flicking thru the channels. She stopped on the news channel and watched it. Alan didn’t move. He was going to be great company when he woke up, he wouldn’t want to go back to bed for hours, cause it always happened. While watching the news, she had a thought. She felt like going out on the weekend and she wanted all the girls to come. She sent a text to Danni, Ash, Mel, Em and Bianca saying ‘girls night out no guys meet at mine at 7pm drinks at PURE then onto whenever’. It didn’t take long and all five of the girls messaged back yes. That kinda made her feel somewhat better, in 2 days she’d go and get plastered!!!


For the last couple of weeks Bianca had kept her liaison with Scott a secret. But it was getting to the stage he wanted to let everyone he was with her, and she wasn’t so sure it was a good idea just yet. She like being with him, the sex was great and spontaneous, but she still had some feelings of doubt and she felt until they went away, she couldn’t tell anyone.
She got out of his bed and got ready for dinner. She was supposed to be meeting Chris. He was in town and he wanted to see her, so she said would because she had some of his belongings to give back. As she was getting ready, she realised why Scott was being so possessive like, and wanting the world to know she was with him, she had told him about dinner.
“Hey Scott, your ok with this right? You know it’s only dinner and I’m giving him all his shit back. Nothing more” she said
Scott rolled over. He didn’t look happy at all.
“Yeah I know. Doesn’t mean I have to like it though. I mean why does it have to be dinner? Couldn’t you just drop it off at his parents place or something?” he said with a scowl on his face. She walked back into the room and sat on the bed next to him.
“No I couldn’t Scott. It is nothing to worry about I promise. This maybe what I need to do. This is my closure, I need to hand him his stuff to his face and say it is completely over and done with” she replied.
The look on Scott’s face didn’t change. He didn’t want her to go. He what they had was something special, at least to him anyway. Sometimes he didn’t know how Bianca was feeling. Chris was a ladies man and he was worried one look at him and Bianca would go gaga and want him all over again.
“Fair enough. I’ll see you tomorrow then I guess” he said
“So I’m not allowed back then,” Bianca said with a smile.
“Didn’t think you’d want too!! Of course you are. You know where to find me” he said
Bianca leaned in and kissed him, she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight just so he knew that she was coming back to him. He let go and smiled.
“See you later” he said
“Yes you will. Bye” she replied standing up.
She grabbed her bag and keys and walked out to her car. It was 7 o’clock and she was supposed to be at the Brighton Hotel by 7.30pm, so she was running a bit late.

About 40 minutes later she parked her car and went inside. She saw Chris was already at the table. She took a deep breath and walked over. As she got closer she could smell him, then she seen his arms poking out of the tight t-shirt he was wearing and then he looked at her and she went weak at the knees and almost fell over.
‘You bastard, why do you always look so good!’ she thought to herself.
He stood up when she got there and pulled out her chair.
“Hi. I didn’t think you were coming” he said with a smile and pushing the chair in after Bianca sat down.
“Hello. I wasn’t going to. I only did because I have some of your things in my car” she said.
He dropped his head a little. When he looked back up at her Bianca noticed the spark had gone out of his gorgeous brown eyes.
“Is everything alright Chris?” she asked.
He shook his head, “No it’s not. I’ve done some pretty dumb things in my life, and a lot of other things that I’m not proud of. But the most dreadful two things I have ever done in my life is 1/ leaving the Collingwood and 2/ hurt and lose you” he said without taking his eyes off Bianca once.
She went a little red. She didn’t expect that to come from his mouth. He’d never been so honest or candid before.
“Well I don’t know what to say. I mean wanting to leave the pies was pretty stupid to say the least. But I thought you liked playing for Freo?” she said
“No I hate it. They didn’t want me for anything else but a decoy for *&^*(&%$% Pavlich. I don’t get anything there I hate it. At least at the pies I got the footy” he said
“I don’t know what to say. It must be tough for you. Have you spoken to Harvey or anyone? You might need to” Bianca said trying to be helpful.
He shook his head again. He looked so lost, like he didn’t want to be there doing anything. He had nothing behind his eyes; they were dead.
“What about you?” he asked, “How have you been?”
“I’ve been good. Working hard, got a lot more to do this year so lots of overtime” she said
“Good for you. So I wanted to say sorry again. I’ve had plenty of time to think about what I did and” he started but Bianca cut him off.
“Don’t. Just leave it. It’s done now Chris. It can’t be undone now or ever. We can’t be together, I just can’t do it,” she said.
“Why? Please give us another shot. I now know how much you mean to me. I really can’t do this without you B” he pleaded.

That speech was enough to make anyone want to jump his bones there and then, including Bianca, and she really wanted too!! But then she thought of Scott. Good old Scotty. She cracked a smile.
“Chris I can’t. I’m seeing someone. And I actually care about him quite a bit. It’s only new, so I’m not sure where it’s going but all I know is, I can’t be with you” she said
Chris looked like his heart just got torn out of his chest. He didn’t know where to look. He was shattered.
“Oh!! I understand” he stood up, “I’d better go, I have an early flight” he said
“We haven’t even eaten yet. Don’t be silly. We can be friends Chris” Bianca said.
“That can’t happen Bianca. I love you and I don’t want to be your friend. I wanted to be your lover, your partner, your best friend and your husband” he said and walked over to her.
He leant down and handed her a box and kissed her lips gently and then walked away from the table. He turned around at the door to have one last look at her and then he was gone.
Bianca looked down at her hands. There was a little green box in them. She was nervous and excited.
“Oh shit!! His stuff” she said.
She got up and raced outside and looked around for him. She couldn’t see him so she called out his name a couple of times, but he didn’t answer. She went to her car and sat in the driver’s side and turned on the interior light. She pulled out the box from her handbag where she had shoved it when she ran out to find him. She stared at it, and wanted to open it, but she didn’t, because if she did she knew how she would feel.
She grabbed her phone and sent a text to the girls ‘EMERGANCY MEET ME AT THE BRIGHTON HOTEL ASAP’.
Danni and Yadie responded straight away and asked why. She sent back ‘need to see in person’ and then Mel, Em and Ash all answered and she sent the same thing to them. They all sent back they would be there. Bianca went back inside to wait for them. It felt like hours before anyone got there. Danni and Yadie arrived together and 10 minutes later the rest did.

“Ok what is the emergency?” Danni asked
“Yeah what’s up?” asked Em while the others all nodded.
Bianca told them all what happened and that she’d come and met Chris to give his stuff back.
“You what? Why didn’t you leave it at his parents?” Yadie said
“I have to agree” Mel said
Everyone else nodded. Bianca said it was because she needed closure and she thought this would be it.
“Ok, now I can see you where you are coming from” Ash said
The others glared, but Ash could. She was trying to do the same thing with Travis, but he just seemed to always be there.
“Well does he still look hot?” Em asked, “I know you are all thinking it”
They all smirked. Yes it was true. They had all loved Taz; he was a very good-looking man.
Bianca nodded “My god he was as gorgeous as ever. And he smelt so delicious and he was just so”
“Ok B, we get it. But what’s wrong? What did you call us all here for?” Yadie said
“Ok sorry. Well we were talking and he told me he had done 2 dreadful things in his life – 1/ leave the pies and 2/ hurt and lose me” she said
“Oh god, you didn’t?” Danni said
“No, no, no” Bianca cut her off, “I told him I couldn’t get back with him, he asked why and I told him I was seeing someone and”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!! Back up. You’ve been seeing someone?” Em asked, “Why do we not know this?”
“Because I haven’t told anyone, I didn’t want to jinx it” she said
“It’s Scott isn’t it” Danni blurted out
“What? What are you talking about?” Bianca spluttered out
“Oh my god yeah. I should have known” Ash jumped in
Bianca went all flushed in the face and the girls knew Danni was right.
“How did you know?” Yadie asked Danni
“I didn’t, I guessed. I caught them exchanging flirty looks at the party. I was going to ask you Bianca about it but it slipped my mind” Danni said looking at her
“Alright. Yes it is Scott. I haven’t said anything to anyone and neither has he. We aren’t quite ready to go public yet ok. So keep it to yourselves for now please!” Bianca pleaded.
The girls nodded.
“So anyway with Chris?” Mel said
“Oh yeah, so I told him I was seeing someone and I told him we could be friends. And then he stood up and word for word said to me – that can’t happen Bianca. I love you and I don’t want to be your friend. I wanted to be your lover, your partner, your best friend and your husband and then he walked away after putting this into my hand and kissing me” she said showing them the box.
“Oh my god! That was beautiful” Ash said
“Yeah that was pretty deep for Chris” Danni said
“What’s in the box?” Em chirped
“I don’t know. I didn’t want to open it on my own. I’m scared too” Bianca replied

The girls all stood around Bianca.
“We are with you mate if you want to open it, go ahead” Mel said
Bianca took a deep breath and then undid the ribbon.
“I don’t know. I reckon I know what it is and I’ll be shattered if it is” she said.
She closed her eyes and pulled off the lid. All she heard from the girls were gasps. She opened her eyes and stared in amazement at the box.
“Oh my god! That asshole!! How could he?” she cried and broke down in tears.
The girls sat her down and tried to calm her. It didn’t seem to be working.
“B, you need to stop. C’mon think about this. Your not with him any more, your with Scott” Danni said trying to get her to think with a rational head.
“Yeah mate remember he cheated and lied and he was bad for you” Yadie added
Nothing seemed to be working. Then Ash had a thought. She didn’t know if it would work, but it was worth a try. She came back 5 minutes later with a smile. No one knew why and she didn’t say anything in case Bianca heard her.
“Bianca your better than this. He doesn’t deserve you. Now he’s trying to make you feel guilty about moving on and you are letting him” Mel said
Bianca put her head up. She knew the girls were right.
“Why the hell couldn’t he have been like this when we were together? Why now?” she sobbed
“Blokes never have good timing” Em said
The rest nodded.
“Why do you think he would do this now though? I mean I haven’t spoken to him for ages and then this. I don’t get it” Bianca said wiping away her tears.

Yadie went to the bar and bought a round of drinks and took them back to the girls.
“This was going to be for the weekend, but one now won’t hurt” she said handing them out.
“To Bianca, for being strong. You go girl!!” Em said and they drank them down.
Yadie and Danni apologised but they had to go, Mel was the same. Ash and Em said they’d hang out for a while with her.
They were all chatting away when Ash seen what she had been waiting for. She raced away and sent a text and came back. Em looked at her funny, but after a few seconds she could see.
“Hey you! Everything alright?”
Upon hearing that voice, Bianca looked up.
“Oh my god Scott! What are you doing here?” she said wiping more tears away.
“I heard you needed a friend so I came as fast as I could” he said holding out his hand.
Bianca grabbed it and he pulled her up, she looked at Ash and Em who were just smiling. They stood up and said goodbye and they’d see her soon, and then they left.
“I wish you had of let me come here with you” Scott said
“I’m glad you didn’t. it might have been worse” she said
“You wanna tell me what happened, and before you say anything, I wont and I’m not mad” he said.
Bianca smiled at him and they walked over to her car. Right then and there Bianca decided that it was time for everyone to know about them.


- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:29 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

Oops, posted it twice!!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 11:45 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh well, you have to wait for further episodes to see what happens!!!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:42 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

I know!!! But I like shit stirring!!! It's fun!!!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 12:10 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

New Chapter ladies!! Whoop whoop!!

Episode 25

3 months later:

Mel was pacing up and down the hallway; she was waiting for Heath to get home. They had just won their third game in a row, and they were travelling very well. Their preseason was paying off already. Now all they needed to do was keep it up all for the whole season, and they’d be aiming for back-to-back titles.
Mel heard his car pull into the garage and she ran to the front door and opened it.
“Hey babe! Great game. I’m so proud of you, you were great,” she said hugging him as he walked thru the door.
“Oh yeah, it wasn’t to bad I suppose. Good win though” he said giving her a kiss.
“Now you’re being modest,” she laughed
He shut the door and smiled.
“What are so bubbly for?” he asked
“Well I just peed on a stick and I’m waiting for the results and I was waited for you” she said
His eyes lit up and he grinned, “Well what are you waiting for?” he said
They walked to the bathroom and Heath stayed outside and Mel took a deep breath and walked to the sink. She looked down and gasped. Heath stood there and wasn’t sure what to make of that.
“Mel is everything ok?” he said shuffling a few feet closer to her.
She turned around and he saw her face. She had tears welling in her eyes.
“Mel what is it?” he asked
They had already been thru two negative tests in the last three months and this was Mel’s reaction. Heath wasn’t quite sure if she could take another negative test. It might break her fully.
“Mel, c’mon tell me!” he said
She came over to him and he could see what he thought was hurt in her eyes yet again.
“It’s positive” she said
He thought his ears were deceiving him, “What?” he said
“It’s positive. Two lines. It’s positive” Mel said
“Oh my god it’s positive” Heath yelled out
Mel burst into tears and had a huge smile on her face. Heath just picked her up and kissed her so passionately. He was just so happy; it was like all his dreams were coming true. Mel pulled away and stood there, she looked shocked.
“Oh my god. I can’t believe it. It really says positive” she said
“Yep it really does. We are going to be parents” he said with a smile from ear to ear.
“Yes it seems so. But this time around we don’t tell anyone until after the first trimester. I don’t want to chance anything. This is being done by the book” Mel said
Heath just nodded and hugged her again. He really didn’t know what else to do. He was just so happy. He picked Mel up and took her to their room and laid her down. It was late and he really wanted to go to sleep, but he also wanted to celebrate the way they had made their new baby, but he didn’t have any energy.
Instead they jumped into bed and Heath wrapped his arms around her and they went to sleep. He would make it up to her tomorrow!!


Nick was waiting in the change rooms for Danni. She still hadn’t come down after the game, which was really unusual. Normally she was one of the first. He rang her phone but she didn’t answer. He tried again but still no answer. He was a little worried, but then he thought she has probably been stopped or caught up with mates and is busy chatting. So he went and had a shower and got changed so he wasn’t so sweaty or didn’t smell bad when she got there for a change.
15 minutes later when he emerged, there was still no sign of Danni. He tried her phone again and still no answer so this time he left a voicemail – ‘ Danni, ring me when you get this ok’ and he hung up. He phoned Yadie and the others and they all said they had seen her heading for the rooms as they left. Now he was really worried. He phoned her again but got the same – nothing. He did a quick sweep of the change rooms, but they didn’t see any sign of her. Johnno and Pendles were still there and noticed Nick running around.
“Mate what are you doing?” Johnno asked
“Have you guys seen Danni come in here yet?” Nick replied
“Can’t say I have” Pendles said and Johnno just shook his head, “Maybe she is with Bianca, she hasn’t come down yet” he continued.
Just as he finished Bianca walked thru the doors.
“Is Danni with you?” Nick asked
“No, I’m on my own. Why?” Bianca answered
“She hasn’t come down yet. The other girls said they seen her heading this way as they were leaving, and she ain’t here and she’s not answering her phone” he said.

The guys and Bianca could see Nick was starting to panic now. Scott asked the security guard on the door to see if he’d seen her and he just shook his head. Johnno went up stairs to the top levels and did a sweep while Bianca made some calls. Nick continued to call her phone but he still wasn’t getting any answer. He tried one more time after about five minutes and this time it picked up.
“Danni! Where are you?” he said
“Mate its Johnno. I just found this upstairs” and he hung up. He raced back down to the rooms and walked inside and handed it Nick.
“What the hell is going on here?” he said.
Something wasn’t right.

***It was dark and all Danni could hear was Queen blaring thru the speakers. She tried to scream but she couldn’t hear herself.
‘What the hell is going on?’ she thought, ‘Where am I and who is with me?”
All of a sudden the car stopped hard and she was flung forwards into the boot. She heard a door open and then close, and then there was silence. She was more than a little scared now. She had no idea what was going on and she couldn’t see anything because she was blindfolded, and on top of all that, she didn’t know where Nick was or if he was ok. What felt like an hour later, which was only 10 minutes; she heard footsteps that sounded only feet away. Then all of a sudden the boot popped open and she could smell fresh air. She took some deep breaths. There was no noise from the person who had her; all she could hear was what sounded like cars driving past.
“Hello! Who is this? If this is a joke it’s really not funny anymore” she whispered sitting up a little. No answer. Nothing. Whoever it was certainly didn’t want to be known to her.
“Ok I’m over this now. Really I just want to go home. C’mon take me home please” she tried again.
She didn’t get an answer but she felt one hell of a sting to her face. Whoever it was just laid one hell of a slap across her cheek. All of a sudden she went from being scared to very afraid for her life.***

“Ok that’s it. I’m calling the cops. This is ridiculous. This isn’t like her at all” Nick said.
He was well and truly into the frantic stage. By this time almost everyone had come back to the ‘G’ and was looking everywhere for her without any luck.
“I really appreciate you all coming back. Thanks guys” Nick said
“We all know you would do the same for any of us Nick” Mel said yawning
“Have you tried Cooper and Paul?” Yadie asked
Nick gave her the biggest evils ever. That was not a very good thing to bring up right now. He knew she didn’t mean anything by it, but he didn’t want to think about those options.
He shook his head, “No I haven’t”
“Ok, I’ll try Cooper, babe could you give Paul a call?” Yadie asked
Alan nodded and pulled out his phone and dialed Paul, Yadie did the same and called Cooper. She was a lot more worried now than she was when they first got there.
“Hey Coop, sorry for ringing so late. Have you seen Danni at all tonight in the last say 6 hours?” she asked him
“Umm nope. I haven’t seen her for about 3 months or more. Everything ok?” he replied
Yadie explained the situation to Cooper and then he became worried as well. She promised she would keep him filled in and hung up.
“Any luck with Paul?” she asked Alan.
“No, he said he hasn’t seen her for ages, I do believe him too. So where do we go from here?” he asked her
Yadie shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. Ash and Travis came from upstairs, they had had no luck either, Em and Dale searched the opposition change rooms and surrounding areas and they came up with nothing either.
“Is her car still here?” Heath asked
No one had even thought of that until just then.
Nick, Travis and Alan all went out to the players’ car park and had a look around.
“Is this hers?” Nick heard Travis yell out
He ran over to where Trav was and took a quick look and he went white.
“Oh my god, now I know something is wrong” he said.


Cooper tried to go back to sleep after Yadie had phoned him but he couldn’t. He now had Danni on his mind again. He jumped out of bed and got dressed and jumped in his car and started looking everywhere he could think of for her. He wanted her to be ok more than anything. She had to be safe.
He drove around for almost 4 hours and to everywhere he knew she would go, and he found nothing.
He didn’t know what else to do. He wanted to go to the MCG and help them there but he didn’t know how Nick would take it. He decided to just go. They were friends after all and this might help Nick see just how much he cared about her and then Cooper could see Nick and maybe get to know him. He just wished it was under different circumstances.
He headed towards the ‘G’ when he noticed a car stopped on the other side of the road with its boot up. It didn’t seem anything out of the ordinary until her heard what he thought was someone crying out. He slowed down to try and get a look, but he really couldn’t see anything. As he drove past he noticed the person pushing what looked like a girl back into the boot and shut it. The driver quickly ran back to the drivers seat and took off.
Cooper didn’t like the looks of this and he drove down a bit and did a u-turn and followed the car without trying to look suspicious. He sat behind a few cars and turned off when he did until he got to the industrial area. He couldn’t exactly follow him without looking sus then. So he watched him from a side street and took note of where this guy was going. All of a sudden the car stopped and reversed into a big old looking building. Cooper got out of his car and ran down alongside the building and listened to see if he could hear if it was a girl or not. Whoever was driving the car clearly enjoyed Queen they had it blasting away.
After about 5 minutes or so, he couldn’t hear anything but Queen and he was ready to go back to his car and get over to the MCG. He turned around and then he heard the boot pop open.
“So will you keep your mouth shut if I take off the gag?” he heard someone say.
That was all he needed to hear, and he was going to go back to his car and ring the police until he heard a girls voice and it sounded so familiar to him.
“You’re a pig! You will pay for this” she said

‘Holy shit!! That’s Danni’ he thought. He ran straight to the cat and grabbed his phone and called Yadie.
“Get Nick quick” he screamed into the phone.
“Hello. Who is this?” Nick asked after Yadie handed him her phone.
“It’s Cooper. Get in your car and get to Patterson road. You’ll see my car, but don’t make a scene. Just hurry” Cooper said and hung up.
He didn’t want to talk for too long just in case this clown in the building could hear or was expecting company.
About 20 minutes later, Cooper spotted some cars flying down the road. They stopped out the front of him ad Nick jumped out and raced over to him with a very angry look on his face.
“I’m assuming your Cooper right? Nick. What the **** is going on here?” he asked
“Yep Cooper, nice to meet you, She’s in there” he said pointing to the building.
Alan, Travis, Johnno and Scott all came over near Nick while Heath, Mel, Bianca and Yadie all waited by the cars.
“What do you mean she’s in there?” Travis asked
Cooper told them what he thought he saw on the way to the ‘G’ and he didn’t feel right about it so he followed the car.
“When it pulled up over there, I went and stood outside to see if I could hear anything. At first nothing and I was about to leave and then I heard her voice. So I called you. Thought we could sus it out then call the cops” Cooper said.
“He had her in the boot?” Nick said
Now he was mad. Who would want to do this to Danni? Was it to get back to Nick? Was it something to do with the Pies? They couldn’t come up with any answers.
“Maybe we should go have a listen. See what we can find out?” Johnno said
“You just wanna fight don’t ya?” Alan laughed a little
“Not the time or place” Nick scowled
“Guys I think we should just call the cops” Yadie said, “We don’t know who or how many people are in there”
“Yadie’s right” Bianca said.

***”You know you must mean an awful lot to him. But I wonder just how much?” the voice said
Danni was so scared right now. Who was it? She was still blindfolded, so she couldn’t even see where she was.
“Why are you doing this? Do I even know you? Does Nick know you?” Danni asked.
Whoever it was just laughed.
“Well he might, but when I’m done he’ll have nightmares about me” they laughed***

“Boys c’mon just call the police please!” Mel said pleading.
“Maybe they are right Nick. We don’t know nothing and imagine if this got out mate. Ed would be pissed” Heath said.
Cooper handed Nick his phone, “You ring and I’ll go and see if I can hear what’s going on” and he ran back over to the building.
Nick dialed 000 and explained to the lady on the phone the situation. He made sure that the cops didn’t use their sirens. He wasn’t risking anything.
Cooper came piss bolting back to the boys.
“Mate you are in deep shit. Whoever he is, just wants to tear the heart out of the club. That’s all he was carrying on about” he said, “He wants to hurt members, supporters, players and staff. The lot”
“What the hell. This guy is nuts” Johnno said
“He sounds crazy as!! I hope Danni is ok” Alan said
“She’ll be fine. She’s a tough cookie,” Heath said trying to calm Nick down.
“Well I hope these coppers hurry. If he sounds crazy I’d hate to be in there with him too long” Cooper said.
Nick started pacing up and down the side of the road. Headlights appeared over the hill and about 5 cop cars appeared and stopped where Nick and everyone were.
Nick started talking to them but he didn’t know everything, so Cooper stepped in.
“I had no idea at the time that it was Nick’s fiancée. I just followed the car because of what I thought I saw” Cooper said.
He went on to tell them what he had just overheard as well.
The coppers went and stood in a huddle away from everyone and were talking about something. One of the officers came back and told everyone to bar Nick and Cooper to go home as there was no need for them to be there, and it just created extra attention which wasn’t needed.
Nick told them it as fine and he thanked them for their help and he’d let them know when Danni was ok.
They piled back into the cars and left. Nick stood by Coopers car while the cops were chatting to Cooper. He felt hopeless. This was his fiancée and another man; her ex boyfriend no less was more help than he was.

The officer walked back to the group and Cooper came and stood by Nick.
“She’ll be alright mate. She’s a tough girl that one. Always has been” he said
Nick nodded “Yeah I know. Just worried. I don’t want to lose her”
“I already have” Cooper whispered.
He had hoped Nick didn’t hear that, but he did. He just didn’t say anything.
Just as the police officer was walking towards them, what sounded like a car back firing ripped thru the air. None of them moved and then all of a sudden a loud scream filled the air.
Nick knew that was Danni and took off. Cooper followed quickly behind. The coppers tried to stop them but they couldn’t.
They caught up with them eventually and told them to back off. They’d go in first. Then there was another pop. They knew that was a gunshot, it was definitely not a backfire.
Cooper grabbed Nick “Mate let them go”
Nick was furious, but he did it. He just could handle the thought of Danni in there right now. All they could hear was her screams.
The first two coppers left the post and went towards the front entrance. Another two followed them and then a couple headed towards to the back while two stayed with Nick and Cooper.
The front two kicked down the door and burst in, as did the ones at the back. This fella was out of options.
“Call an ambulance” was the call over the coppers radio. Nick got up and ran into the building, Cooper again followed. Nothing prepared them for what they walked in on.
Standing in front of them in handcuffs now was Brendan Fevola. He was laughing his twisted sick head off as he was dragged away.
“Collingwood are finished. You’ve all been targeted” he yelled out.
Nick ran straight to Danni. She was lying down on the ground. The policeman had just pulled her off the chair where she had been bound and blindfolded. Cooper was hovered above them looking around the building. Fev had pictures of every Collingwood players, their girlfriends if they had one; famous faces of supporters, the coach and his family and of course Eddie.
“What was he going to do?” Cooper said
One police officer said it looked like he was going to try and rid the world of them. Another one said he was just plain crazy.
About 10 minutes later the paramedics arrived and attended to Danni. She was bleeding quite heavily from a shot to her left leg and she also had a grazing wound across her chest. Nick had tried to comfort her, but she was drifting in and out of consciousness. Nick said he was riding with her and took off.

Cooper went to walk back to his car when Nick walked back in.
“Mate, thank you so much. I don’t know what I would have done if I lost her. You truly are a great mate. Follow us to the hospital please. She knows you were here as well” he said
“No worries. I’ll meet you there” Cooper replied.
He thanked the police for their work and finished his statement and went to his car and took off to the hospital.
He thanked god that Danni was ok and he was a little disappointed that she would be in Nick’s arms at the end of it all.


- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:22 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah thats why I choose him!!! LOL!!!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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Emily14 Scorpio

Joined: 14 Mar 2006

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:25 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

brilliant work danni Smile
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:51 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

thank you ladies!!! glad you are enjoying it!!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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blacknwhitechic Taurus

Joined: 20 Apr 2004
Location: Lynbrook, Melbourne

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 12:05 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Danni,

What's the obsession with Fev at the moment??? Killed myself laughing when it came to that part...

Keep it coming

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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 1:07 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Have no idea, just thought he was more like a person that would do that!!! Bad I know!! But what can you do!! He plays for Carlscum!!!! HEHEHE!!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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blacknwhitechic Taurus

Joined: 20 Apr 2004
Location: Lynbrook, Melbourne

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 1:28 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

True, True - maybe you should target Barry Hall next time!
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