What is the point of executing a person for a 1988 crime?

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Post by Magpietothemax »

think positive wrote:cruel to the dog, not the evil pricks or hitler!

as for capitol punishment, i still think there is a place for it, but only for the likes of Bryant, where there is no doubt whatsoever!

but watching the innocence project and Making a murderer ... fricken scary, especially when the cops/judicial system just want a statistic.
There is no place for capital punishment, because it is the government and its servants in the judiciary who are deciding the right to life of individuals who, almost always, have suffered extreme social, emotional and physical deprivation and abuse in their personal histories, conditions which in the final analysis are the results of social inequality produced by capitalism, which is defended by the government and the judiciary.

How do you possibly justify executing an individaul with an intellectual disability and background of extreme abuse for murdering one other person, when war criminals such as George Bush, Tony Blair, Nethahanyu, Joe Biden...and mass murderers such as Pinochet, SS war criminals in Canada etc, live out their lives in extreme luxury/tranquility ??
Last edited by Magpietothemax on Fri Mar 29, 2024 9:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Magpietothemax »

pietillidie wrote:^M2M, by jumping at shadows you're greatly misrepresenting both Stui and what he said. He's clearly not likening people to dogs; on the contrary, he's saying we wouldn't tolerate such cruelty where dangerous dogs are concerned, meaning we would surely have to see this as immeasurably worse.
I am not sure what you mean. Have you interviewed any prisoners on death row, and asked them whether they would rather be put to death, or instead live out their lives, even if it means in prison??

"Talking out loud, brainstorming ...." might not be someone's final immutable position, but if they articulate their ideas in a forum, and their ideas/brainstorming lead in a socially regressive direction, then it is healthy if those ideas are challenged. There is a minute possiblity that they might then reflect on what they are saying/brainstorming etc.
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Post by pietillidie »

^What I mean is you misread Stui's analogy, then went on to express outrage at your own misunderstanding, not at what he actually meant. That's why I say, take it easy and check you've understood. He might have even misspoken or expressed an idea imprecisely, creatively or ironically, but in this case he didn't.

It's not healthy to react like that; take it from someone once far more prone to doing so, as we all were back in the day. This might be a public forum, but we all know each other, so you don't need to correct everything for the record, and certainly not when it's your own misunderstanding!

That's what I mean about acting as if you're outside the social context. But you're inside this social context and have chosen to be so. Read the way people interact to catch the spirit of things. No one in the VPT can be bothered being too forensic unless that's the nature of a particular thread, which some us like David and myself do as much as a hobby as anything (or at least I do, but David also enjoys a back-and-forth).

Do you not get Stui by now? He doesn't need you to correct and represent his casual musings to the world (and again, it was you who misunderstood his analogy. We have to keep learning, hence I apologised for going too hard at you recently and deleted the posts.

That internet era has had its day. It doesn't mean you can't be yourself; e.g., people mostly tolerate my diversions because by now they probably get I'm working through ideas to distract myself. Others rant and curse a bit. We're all different, and all have our idiosyncrasies and peccadilloes.
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Post by stui magpie »

Cheers Ptiddy, but you don't need to defend me, I don't worry about it.

You got exactly what I meant with the post, Maxie was looking for hidden meaning and saw what they wanted to see.
Every dead body on Mt Everest was once a highly motivated person, so maybe just calm the **** down.
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