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Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:03 am
by burnsy17
jackcass wrote:
burnsy17 wrote:If he is stamping his feet and playing hardball on a contract now, as an unproven kid coming off a knee with 3 games or whatever under his belt, imagine what negotiations will be like if this kid actually becomes a good player!!

He's being difficult probably for the sake of 50-100k a year at the moment....

Shouldn't he just accept whats given (provided it is fair and reasonable of course) and just STFU and play footy and worry about asking for more money / years when he actually gets a kick??!'
Half the population of Australia don't make that sort of coin, it's certainly not to be sneezed at.
Its all relative - most of the population arent on 300k a year... So his 50k is prob equivalent to 10k for the general population... I certainly wouldn't be busting my bosses balls for 10k if i knew the opportunity ahead of me would be far greater in a year or two at the same workplace

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:26 am
by RudeBoy
It's pretty obvious to me that Scharenberg lied about the reasons why he wanted to delay contract negotiations. Firstly he said he wanted to recover from injury, then he wanted to delay it until he started playing again, then he wanted to wait until the season was over. These were all simply delaying tactics. Clearly Adelaide had told him they couldn't make him a firm offer until they knew what Dangerfield was doing. It now appears that he is holding firm for considerably more than is to be expected for a 3rd year player. He is in a win win situation. Either Collingwood caves in to his demands and pays him overs, or else he toddles back to Adelaide on big bucks. He has every right to negotiate like this for himself. Equally, we have every right to be disappointed in him and to reject his position. John Wren is very confident he'll remain a Pie. He may be right, but if that eventuates, then I believe enormous damage will have been done to our future prospects. As someone else mentioned, if Scharenberg has demanded a big contract after just 4 ordinary games, one can only imagine his future demands. Cut our losses Pies, let him go. Build our half backline around youngsters like Maynard, Ramsay, Oxley, Marsh and Williams.

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:41 am
by nomadjack
FFS RB for all you know the frigging club might have said to his manager last week to hold off for a couple of weeks while we sort out where we stand on trading so we know what coin is available. You have no bloody idea of where negotiations are at, what the sticking points are, how much is even being asked for or offered by either party. Yet you're happy to throw the kid under a bus? Any wonder players run in the opposite direction whenever approached by 'supporters'. Taken a bloody pill will you?

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:56 am
by Deja Vu
Either way this thread will be resurrected down the track and some people will look like dills.

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:04 pm
by Lazza

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:05 pm
by Lazza
Deja Vu wrote:Either way this thread will be resurrected down the track and some people will look like dills.
Like with ALL longish threads really. That is the fun part of participating on a discussion board I reckon.

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:26 pm
by thebaldfacts
Deja Vu wrote:Either way this thread will be resurrected down the track and some people will look like dills.
Yes, but has he signed yet?😄

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:47 pm
by RudeBoy
nomadjack wrote:FFS RB for all you know the frigging club might have said to his manager last week to hold off for a couple of weeks while we sort out where we stand on trading so we know what coin is available. You have no bloody idea of where negotiations are at, what the sticking points are, how much is even being asked for or offered by either party. Yet you're happy to throw the kid under a bus? Any wonder players run in the opposite direction whenever approached by 'supporters'. Taken a bloody pill will you?
I'm expressing an opinion. I thought that's what this forum was for. :?

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:00 pm
by John Wren

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:02 pm
by jackcass

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:49 pm
by Geek
This will outdo the Fev thread. 32 pages to go, I think

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:58 pm
by nomadjack
RudeBoy wrote:
nomadjack wrote:FFS RB for all you know the frigging club might have said to his manager last week to hold off for a couple of weeks while we sort out where we stand on trading so we know what coin is available. You have no bloody idea of where negotiations are at, what the sticking points are, how much is even being asked for or offered by either party. Yet you're happy to throw the kid under a bus? Any wonder players run in the opposite direction whenever approached by 'supporters'. Taken a bloody pill will you?
I'm expressing an opinion. I thought that's what this forum was for. :?
So am I RB...My opinion is calling the kid a liar and assassinating his character with next to nothing to base it on is uncalled for.

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:07 pm
by nomadjack

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:11 pm
by Yarra Falls End
Psst RB, whatever you say about Scharenberg, don't mention the war, I think Balmey mentioned it once and got away with it.

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:15 pm
by RudeBoy
nomadjack wrote:
RudeBoy wrote:
nomadjack wrote:FFS RB for all you know the frigging club might have said to his manager last week to hold off for a couple of weeks while we sort out where we stand on trading so we know what coin is available. You have no bloody idea of where negotiations are at, what the sticking points are, how much is even being asked for or offered by either party. Yet you're happy to throw the kid under a bus? Any wonder players run in the opposite direction whenever approached by 'supporters'. Taken a bloody pill will you?
I'm expressing an opinion. I thought that's what this forum was for. :?
So am I RB...My opinion is calling the kid a liar and assassinating his character with next to nothing to base it on is uncalled for.
He's probably a lovely kid and he's entitled to negotiate in whatever manner he or his manager chooses. I've never questioned his right to do that. My opinion, however, is that he has used several different excuses to delay negotiations until the eleventh hour for one reason and one reason only - he has been waiting for a big offer from the Crows. He has a right to do that and I have a right not to like it. Of course I may be wrong. It is my opinion nonetheless. Regardless of whether we end up agreeing to his demands or he departs for Adelaide, as a Collingwood supporter, with no inside information, I do not like the way he and his manager have behaved over the past 18 months.