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Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:43 pm
by 3rd degree
The Club didn't support him ? Give us a spell , I wonder who sorted to get him into rehab. So his teammates were p#ssed with him , bad luck . On the flip side if he is giving back good on him , but don't hang the club out to dry due to his own actions.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:48 pm
by inxs88
Was it a paid media podcast gig like his Big Brother appearance?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:56 pm
by 3rd degree
inxs88 wrote:Was it a paid media podcast gig like his Big Brother appearance?
I'm not sure , but I remember his arrogance when he left us to go to Brisbane , it really p#ssed me off.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:20 pm
by Haff
Pretty sick of talking about this guy. Can we move on?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:14 pm
by PyreneesPie
qldmagpie67 wrote:

Mate even for you that’s a silly comment
I would hate to think our supporters would be happy to kick someone when there down especially a former premiership player and B&F winner
Unfortunately qldmagpie67, there's a small group of supporters who seem to relish doing this and will grab at the opportunity to put down others if it becomes available. Gives them someone to take out their own personal frustrations and disappointments on, (but only from afar of course :wink:)

Really, none of what is "revealed" in this article is surprising. It has been obvious that Dayne has gone through some pretty dark times and huge challenges since losing his father. One can only wish him the best in his lengthy battle to get his life back on track.

If the club stuffed up in bringing him back, it's on the shoulders of the footy manager of the time to be accountable for that and the board for endorsing it. No doubt they believed it would be to the advantage of the team to have him back. It didn't turn out that way, but that only became obvious with hindsight (like most mistakes in life :( )

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:50 pm
by Pies4shaw
What's this nonsense about hindsight? Some of us always thougt he was useless, were thrilled when he left and thought it would be a disaster to bring him back. It's only "hindsight" for those of you who were unable to see that he was a dud before they made us put up with him a second time.

Anyway, enough of this - a little too much attention is being paid to the retirement musings of a guy who, after all, played fewer games for Collingwood than Ryan Lonie.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:17 pm
by PyreneesPie
Pies4shaw wrote:What's this nonsense about hindsight? Some of us always thougt he was useless, were thrilled when he left and thought it would be a disaster to bring him back. It's only "hindsight" for those of you who were unable to see that he was a dud before they made us put up with him a second time.
Read what I said again!
Please don't go off half-baked about what "hindsight" is as it relates to me, or instructing me on what I was able or unable to see. You clearly have no idea of what I thought about the Beams re-draft prior to his resigning and nor should you to pretend to, because I didn't mention that in the post at all. I was looking at it from the perspective of the decision made by the club.

Surely you must have understood that? It was quite clear, but perhaps you were prickly about the other part of my post. I also mentioned the attitude of particular supporters towards the Beams saga and other instances when club personnel go through a hard time. If you re-read that too, I'm sure you'll identify the type of supporter I'm talking about. They see any controversy/discussion as the chance to stick the boots in. Very unhappy, bitter people in my view :(

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:45 am
by qldmagpie67
Pies4shaw wrote:What's this nonsense about hindsight? Some of us always thougt he was useless, were thrilled when he left and thought it would be a disaster to bring him back. It's only "hindsight" for those of you who were unable to see that he was a dud before they made us put up with him a second time.

Anyway, enough of this - a little too much attention is being paid to the retirement musings of a guy who, after all, played fewer games for Collingwood than Ryan Lonie.
Mate I get you have never been a fan and at the time you voiced your opinion clearly
But don’t make out he’s a dud
He had just finished 7th in the Brownlow and 2nd in the B&F which he would have won had he accepted there extended contract offer
We had come off a close GF loss and whoever was making decisions at the club believed at that time he would add value to the team
He only managed 9 games kicked 6 goals ave 26 touches a game and got Brownlow votes in 2 of those games so to say he was a dud is just not true
Yes it didn’t work out we all know that and that blows for the club and supporters
The clubs made dozens of trades and draft selections that haven’t t worked out it happens
But don’t think you can just rewrite history making out he was never a elite player because every matrix used proves he was elite
As for his life after football I hope he find some peace
He’s made many errors along the way and will have to own those before he can be fully healed
Having lost my mother a little over 12 months ago I get some people handle grief differently to others something I didn’t fully appreciate before
Let’s just let it go it’s done now mate he’s moved on and so should we

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:54 am
by Pies4shaw
qldmagpie67 wrote:As for his life after football I hope he find some peace
We certainly agree on this.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 7:28 am
by WhyPhilWhy?
A good point to end this thread before anyone says anything potentially defamatory.

There's nothing new to add to the story.

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Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 3:56 pm
by LaurieHolden
Worth listening to the Nuts-and-Bolts section of Tradies. From the 29.15 mark.

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