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Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:22 pm
by Bob Sugar
Albert Parker wrote:^Actually, not your job or anyone else on here. Why feel the need to turn on people based upon rumours which surface as you claim?

Must make life difficult if you let your emotions get dictated by everything you hear, in the absence of evidence.
I think the evidence is clear, Bucks himself said they're struggling to come to terms and the manager has obviously leaked the 400k price tag.

I admit I don't understand the holdup with the freeman negotiations, who knows, maybe he's thinking he deserves close to what we give Shazza, what I can tell you is I don't like it one bit, money becomes more important the older you get and if we've got bloody kids shopping themselves around to the highest bidder God help us when they actually need the money for family reasons, one things for sure though, Hine couldn't have $@&^# that draft up anymore if he tried, even using hindsight.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:50 pm
by Albert Parker
I gather we wanted Bontompelli but Doggies snapped him up

We might get Aish, first picked post Scharanberg, anyhow this off-season.
McDonald and Salem, the others picked in between haven't shone too much.
Cripps, McCarthy, Lennon, Lang all show a bit though.

All hope not lost, but the injuries which Shaz and Freeman have suffered have been unfortunate. Doesn't show they can't play football though. I reckon Scharanberg's poise and skills are likely to make him a player.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:53 pm
by Cuthbert Collingwood
Magic 8 ball says:

(Shake shake shake)

All signs point to maybe

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:02 pm
by Bob Sugar
Albert Parker wrote:I gather we wanted Bontompelli but Doggies snapped him up

We might get Aish, first picked post Scharanberg, anyhow this off-season.
McDonald and Salem, the others picked in between haven't shone too much.
Cripps, McCarthy, Lennon, Lang all show a bit though.

All hope not lost, but the injuries which Shaz and Freeman have suffered have been unfortunate. Doesn't show they can't play football though. I reckon Scharanberg's poise and skills are likely to make him a player.
I wasn't happy with the Shazza pick from the get go, drafting a kid who needs feet surgery with a top 6 pick isn't a smart move, freeman was just dumb luck, but damn, that draft class is looking the goods and we're stuck with our heads in our hands, the 05 draft netted us a flag, the 2013 draft might cost iu one.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:52 pm
by jackcass
RudeBoy wrote:De Goey didn't haggle over the terms of a contract extension.
Moore didn't haggle over the terms of a contract extension.
Maynard didn't haggle over the terms of a contract extension.
Langdon didn't haggle over the terms of a contract extension.
Ramsay didn't haggle over the terms of a contract extension.

Despite the fact that we've nursed him through 18 months of rehab and he's only played 3 fairly ordinary games for us, it seems Scharenberg reckons he's worth a lot more than these other players. I'd have expected him to feel that he owes Collingwood, not the other way around. Let him go back to Adelaide. It's obviously where he wants to be. We don't need players who are half-hearted and not fully committed to our club.
If that's the case I'd be sacking my manager if I was Moore, Maynard, Langdon or Ramsay. My expectation of a manager is that they'd get me the very best possible deal and can't see how that's achieved without haggling.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:51 am
by Bob Sugar
jackcass wrote:
RudeBoy wrote:De Goey didn't haggle over the terms of a contract extension.
Moore didn't haggle over the terms of a contract extension.
Maynard didn't haggle over the terms of a contract extension.
Langdon didn't haggle over the terms of a contract extension.
Ramsay didn't haggle over the terms of a contract extension.

Despite the fact that we've nursed him through 18 months of rehab and he's only played 3 fairly ordinary games for us, it seems Scharenberg reckons he's worth a lot more than these other players. I'd have expected him to feel that he owes Collingwood, not the other way around. Let him go back to Adelaide. It's obviously where he wants to be. We don't need players who are half-hearted and not fully committed to our club.
If that's the case I'd be sacking my manager if I was Moore, Maynard, Langdon or Ramsay. My expectation of a manager is that they'd get me the very best possible deal and can't see how that's achieved without haggling.
Managers are there to provide guidance depending on his clients needs, some clients choose success and loyalty over money, some don't...

I'd rather reward loyalty, it's the road we have to take, might cost us in the short term but we'll be in front in the long run.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:42 am
by qldmagpie67
Eddie guest hosting on AFL360 the other night said Matt has told the club he wants to stay as has Freeman we will get it sorted sooner than later.
Buckley has said the same thing but read his comments carefully.
I think you find the middle ground he speaks of is the asking price.
The club want to pay him less than his management is demanding
If he has instructed his management to do a deal with us then we are in the box seat.
It's the managers job to follow his clients instructions
Think back to when Beams sacked Velocity Sports Management because they and apparently stalled his 2012 negotiations with us to shop him around seeking more $$. Swanny stepped in and introduced him to his manager and the deal got done in the matter of 2/3 weeks.
If I was Bucks I would be sending Pendles around to him showing him some love laying it on thick we want you, you are in our future plans, we see a premiership on the horizon, follow my lead take a little less now for the greater good of the club, you are treated well here, we took you with feet issues and stuck by you etc nothing like feeling loved by those who matter IMO
We actually hold all the aces here
We pay him fairly on a 2yr deal at say $250/$300k with 2yr option with increase in our favour
He doesn't like it we demand a huge winning deal from a SA club or he takes his chances in the pool where any club can take him
My belief is his management is holding out for more $$ increasing there commission. Plus there are rumours of Bontempelli getting $500k deal and Cripps around the same from the scum so they want similar $$

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:23 am
by jackcass
Defender wrote:If that's the case I'd be sacking my manager if I was Moore, Maynard, Langdon or Ramsay. My expectation of a manager is that they'd get me the very best possible deal and can't see how that's achieved without haggling.
Managers are there to provide guidance depending on his clients needs, some clients choose success and loyalty over money, some don't...

I'd rather reward loyalty, it's the road we have to take, might cost us in the short term but we'll be in front in the long run.[/quote]

And I guess you think success and loyalty AND reasonable pay are mutually exclusive. How convenient for you in your damnation of Scharenberg.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:08 pm
by swoop42
Right now in hindsight Cripps at pick 6 and McCarthy at 10 would seem the ideal selections and have our list cherry ripe but what are you gonna do.

Fans of all sides would have looked back at one time or another at there clubs draft history and lamented "if only".

Hopefully Scharenberg and Freeman can live up to the expectations of a Hine top 10 selection in time.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:21 pm
by Member 7167
swoop42 wrote:Right now in hindsight Cripps at pick 6 and McCarthy at 10 would seem the ideal selections and have our list cherry ripe but what are you gonna do.

Fans of all sides would have looked back at one time or another at there clubs draft history and lamented "if only".

Hopefully Scharenberg and Freeman can live up to the expectations of a Hine top 10 selection in time.
Well said.What decisions do any of us make in life that is guaranteed with success. When looking at the divorce rate it would seem that many are making poor decisions in respect to one the the most important choices people make in their lives. It is probably easier to find someone to marry as opposed to pick which footballers are going to sustain knee or soft tissue injuries in the future.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:28 pm
by think positive
Defender wrote:
jackcass wrote:
RudeBoy wrote:De Goey didn't haggle over the terms of a contract extension.
Moore didn't haggle over the terms of a contract extension.
Maynard didn't haggle over the terms of a contract extension.
Langdon didn't haggle over the terms of a contract extension.
Ramsay didn't haggle over the terms of a contract extension.

Despite the fact that we've nursed him through 18 months of rehab and he's only played 3 fairly ordinary games for us, it seems Scharenberg reckons he's worth a lot more than these other players. I'd have expected him to feel that he owes Collingwood, not the other way around. Let him go back to Adelaide. It's obviously where he wants to be. We don't need players who are half-hearted and not fully committed to our club.
If that's the case I'd be sacking my manager if I was Moore, Maynard, Langdon or Ramsay. My expectation of a manager is that they'd get me the very best possible deal and can't see how that's achieved without haggling.
Managers are there to provide guidance depending on his clients needs, some clients choose success and loyalty over money, some don't...

I'd rather reward loyalty, it's the road we have to take, might cost us in the short term but we'll be in front in the long run.
agrre, same with rude boys comments. And judging by the recent trading, that's where bucks head is too

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:30 pm
by RudeBoy
Lest my numerous comments on Scharenberg be misconstrued, I'd like to clarify my position.

I know nothing about this kid other than what I've seen, heard and read. By all accounts he's a nice kid who is a bit introverted. We're all unique individuals, so he should be cut a bit of slack (from me included) if he doesn't appear as enthused with life at Collingwood as we would expect. Appearances can be deceiving.

That said, I think it's legitimate for a one-eyed Pies supporter like me to be concerned that he and/or his manager have continually postponed negotiations on his contract extension for over 18 months. Recognising he has every right to do this does not mean that I (or indeed our club) don't also have the right to be concerned or even alarmed at this negotiating strategy.

The latest news that contract negotiations have hit a hurdle over the size of his contract is also concerning, especially as it appears that his manager leaked the figure of $400,000. To be honest, I'm not privy to what other players are receiving, so I don't know if that figure is reasonable or unreasonable, especially for a player who has only played 3 pretty average games. My concern is that there seems to be a significant hurdle and there is only a few weeks left to resolve it.

Under these circumstances I would have thought his manager would/should have been negotiating over this figure much earlier in the year (if not last year). All in all, I don't think it's unreasonable for me to conclude that the combination of the long delayed bargaining strategy and the stand-off over the size of his contract, are indications he is not fully committed to seeing his future at Collingwood. After all, it is common knowledge that the Crows would love to entice him back to Adelaide, and they have a war chest to spend as a result of losing Dangerfield.

Given the support which our club has provided him for 18 months, I would have expected him to have got his manager to stitch up a contract extension a year ago, to show his loyalty to the club which has supported him. Of course his manager should be negotiating for the best (long term) deal for him. I've never suggested that managers should just bend over and let clubs dictate the terms of player contracts. Our club picked him at pick 6 so we know he's rated highly by our club, so I'm sure we'd be offering him a very good financial deal.

So all in all, he has a perfect right to be conducting his contract negotiations the way he has chosen. Equally, I (and the club) have a perfect right to be alarmed at the manner in which it has proceeded. For the record, I was also very critical of the way the Cloke's conducted their last negotiations with our club. If Scharenberg ultimately signs with us I'll support him as a Collingwood player, but I will still remain critical of the way in which his manager has handled this whole matter.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:37 pm
by Pies4shaw
The same way you "support" Cloke?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:04 pm
by WhyPhilWhy?
This thread must have the highest "games played to posts" ratio ever recorded on Nick's.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:03 pm
by John Wren
one day i am going to visit nick's, read this thread and learn that schazza has signed. we will all look back on the comments and laugh, or sigh, or rolleyes.