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The Plot Sickens

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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:38 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

yeah im with leelee, i want more!!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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got more wit, better kiss, a hotter touch, a better...

Joined: 02 Dec 2005
Location: none of yo' business!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:41 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

i really want more, too! please write quickly, as i only have 4 minutes to live............
...~*Can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid (Just sit back)...*~...

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melissa Scorpio

Joined: 23 Feb 2004
Location: Geelong, Victoria

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:38 pm
Post subject: The Plot SickensReply with quote

Episode 9

Actions speak louder than words

While he parked his car beside hers, she took the opportunity to check her reflection in the mirror. Teeth good, hair good – well, as good as it gets. If he doesn’t like what he sees, what have I lost? Reaching down, she pulled the bonnet-catch, then sat back and took a deep breath, wiping her moist palms on the legs of her jeans.
She didn’t know why she was so nervous. Talking to blokes came as second nature to her. She had three step-brothers, who always had their mates around. And she had had her fair share of crushes on a couple of them. So why did this feel so different?
He got out of his car and opened his boot, found the leads, and strolled over, whistling a tune she didn’t recognise as he untangled the mess of jumper leads. He walked as if he had all the time in the world and he knew she didn’t mind. She liked his confidence. He attached the leads to his battery and then walked over to her car. She had gotten out and opened the hood while he searched for his leads, partly to help out and not seem like a damsel in distress – well, not totally – and partly to be closer to him. Her heart raced when he leaned forward and for a fraction of a second, their thighs touched. She felt like an idiot having that kind of a reaction to so small a thing, but she couldn’t control her pulse, could she?
To this point, he’d barely said a thing. She didn’t mind. She liked a man of few words. To Jen, what a guy did (to her, preferably!) was more important than what he had to say. He stood up and wiped his hand on the tail of his shirt, a faded dole shirt with the sleeves rolled up. It hung open at the front, and he wore a tank top underneath. He looked like the kind of guy who didn’t bother about fashion too much. That was all right by her, too. As far as she was concerned, if she had her way they’d be lying crumpled on her bedroom floor, so she didn’t care what he was wearing!
He gave her a crooked smile, sauntered over to his car and switched on the ignition. God I wish I had a car that would start without having to rev the crap out of it, Jen thought. Her faithful little Daihatsu Charade had seen her through many trials and tribulations, but she had to admit, it had had better days.
‘You might wanna give yours a try, now’, he called, over the revving of his engine.
She turned the key, and hallelujah, it started. For a second there, before he’d turned up to save the day, it had crossed her mind that it might be the starter motor, and not the battery after all.
He took the leads off his car and strolled over to hers. ‘Might be an idea to take it for a bit of a run, if you’ve got enough petrol’, he said. He took the leads off her battery, and closed her bonnet for her.
She leaned out her window, giving him her best sexy smile. ‘Thank you so much! You’re a life saver! It was nice to meet you, by the way’
‘I don’t remember getting your name, so I can’t say I really met you’.
‘Hi Jen. I’m Heath… but you probably already know that’.
‘Ah, that’s who you are!’ she joked. ‘Thought you looked familiar’.
He grinned. ‘I’ve gotta run. Good luck with this old thing’. He gave her car a playful slap on the rear fender as he passed.
Lucky old thing, Jen thought. He can slap me like that, any time!

Jade waited for Emily to emerge from the Lexus Centre. She was happy for her friend, having finally got it together with Dale. They were such a cute couple, and Jade knew how much Em liked him. She had pretended for a while that she didn’t but Jade could see right through her. She was thinking about that when she heard a car door slam loudly and angry voices reverberate around the car park.
‘You did so! You were totally playing up to him! Well, you know what, I’ve had it, Cass! I’m tired of having this same fight’.
‘Okay, well, find your own way home then’. The tall blonde girl got into her car and backed out in a real hurry. Her boyfriend – a guy Jade recognised as none other than Alan Didak, jumped out of the way before he suffered a similar fate to Sam Newman a few years ago.
Dimly aware she was watching something pretty private, Jade tried to look away and mind her own business. But she had to admit; he was pretty cute! What kind of idiot was his girlfriend, to be conning onto some other guy, when she had Alan Didak? She wondered. If he was mine, she thought, there’d be no other guys in the universe. Jade didn’t believe in the “treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen” attitude. Girls who can get guys like that, in her opinion, usually didn’t deserve them.
He looked lost, standing there, watching his girlfriend drive away in anger. She wished she had the guts to offer him a lift somewhere. But she was too shy. She sighed. Better not to get involved. She started her engine and pulled out, still keeping an eye on him as she passed, lamenting an opportunity lost. When she got to the lights down the road, she saw him walking in the same direction. He’s walking? She thought. The sky was coming over dark, and there were a couple of droplets on her windscreen. Sitting in the left hand lane, close to the footpath, and watching him approach in her mirror, she felt bad for him. She looked at the lights. Still red. The traffic ahead was ghastly. She pulled over to the side of the road and waited.
When he drew level with her, she called out. ‘Do you want a lift somewhere? It’s going to rain’.
He looked up. He vaguely recognised the girl as one of Daisy’s girlfriend’s mates. Rain started to pelt his shoulders a little harder so he accepted her offer. Thinking of Cassie, he kind of hoped she found out he got a lift from a cute stranger. That’ll teach her, he thought, as he opened the car door and got in, thanking the driver.
‘No worries. I couldn’t let you walk. You’ll get soaked. So, where are you off to?’
Wary of letting her know where he lived, just in case she was the stalking type, he asked to be dropped off at one of his favourite pubs. ‘I need a drink’, he admitted. ‘I suppose you saw all that. With Cassie, I mean’.
She nodded. ‘I saw her nearly run you over, if that’s what you mean. Looks like a pretty fiery relationship’.
‘Yeah. You could say that. I don’t know… I just don’t get women sometimes. Sorry, present company excluded. I’m sure you’re a really decent type. I mean, look at you, giving a guy you barely know a lift’.
She laughed, nervously. He sure does talk a lot, she thought.
‘Anyway, I don’t want to bore you with the details. So I won’t. But can I ask you something?’
She shrugged. ‘Sure’.
‘If you were at a party with your boyfriend, and another guy was chatting you up, would you at least let them know you were there with someone?’
‘Of course’.
‘There, see? I knew it’. He threw his hands in the air in exasperation. ‘It’s like she’s constantly on the look-out for something better to come along’.
‘Maybe not’, she said, thoughtfully.
‘Well, maybe she wants you to get jealous. Maybe it shows her you love her. Just a thought’. Why am I standing up for her? Jade wondered. Way to push him back into his girlfriend’s arms!
He pondered on it. ‘Maybe. But if she doesn’t know already, then… geez… I tell her all the bloody time’.
Jade looked at him. ‘Ever heard the expression, Actions speak louder than Words?’
The traffic moved a little, but not much. The rain came down harder. She turned her intermittent wipers on.
‘You’re really easy to talk to, you know?’ He told her.
‘I have heard that somewhere before’. She replied. Getting to be a regular thing with me, handing out love advice, she thought, but didn’t say.
He smiled. ‘You’re Emily’s friend, aren’t you. Jane, is it?’
‘Sorry; Jade. Close, but no banana’.
‘Here’s your pub’, she said, finding a parking space almost directly out the front.
He surprised her by leaning over and kissing her on the cheek. He smelled like rain and some nice aftershave she couldn’t quite place.
‘Thanks for the lift, and the common sense’, he said. ‘Catch you around’.

Jennifer called Leelee into her office. ‘Check this out’, she said, gesturing at her computer screen, and Leelee walked around to her boss’ side of the desk.
Somehow, Jennifer had access to Marcy’s emails, and her computer’s recent history! She clicked on “History” and there it was, right in front of them. Evidence that Marcy had been hacking into Leelee’s computer! ‘Now, I can cross-reference with her phone records’, Jennifer said, almost boastfully, ‘And… wait a minute…’ The computer buzzed and hummed for a couple of seconds, then Marcy’s phone calls started appearing on the top of the screen. Calls to the caterer, the venue, the band – they had Marcy by the balls, so to speak. Leelee was ecstatic. ‘This is proof! She can’t deny it now’.
Jennifer turned to her protégée and smiled. ‘No, she can’t. And she’ll be looking for another job when I get hold of her’.
‘Oh, can I be there?’ Leelee joked.
‘Sorry, love. Wish you could… Oh, hang on. I have an idea…’ Jennifer took something out of a drawer in her desk and showed it to Leelee. ‘Aren’t you glad some computer geek invented web-cam?’

Next up on The Plot Sickens…

The web-cam reveals all
Danni and Licca join the Mile High Club (but not in the way you’d think)
And Bella is back…

Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Emily14 Scorpio

Joined: 14 Mar 2006

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:52 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

ohhh thats good i hope jade and dids get there freak on in future eppsodes
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:47 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

hell yeah!!
I can't wait to see where Danni and Licca joint the mile high club. brin it on.

- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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melissa Scorpio

Joined: 23 Feb 2004
Location: Geelong, Victoria

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:06 am
Post subject: The Plot SickensReply with quote

Episode 10

A picture tells a thousand words

Leelee sat in front of her computer and set herself up to watch Jennifer’s web-cam. She grinned as she watched Marcy walk in, looking as though butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. She took a seat at Jennifer’s desk and with the angle the camera was set at, Leelee could see every moment, every expression. She could even hear a bit of sound as Jennifer had her microphone switched on. Leelee turned up the volume on her computer.
‘I’ve called you in today because there is a little matter I felt could no longer wait’, Jennifer began. She turned her computer monitor so that Marcy could see the screen. All the phone calls she had made to ruin the Ball were there, in front of her face. Which was going some interesting shades of white, then green, then as she got angry – because everyone else was to blame but her, of course – purple.
‘What does this prove, exactly? I was just calling to see how the arrangements were coming along. Making sure the trainee doesn’t stuff everything up’, she practically spat.
Huh! Thought Leelee, indignantly. That cow! The only one stuffing things up is you!
‘This proves everything. Lee got a few phone calls yesterday. From the band, the venue, and the caterer. Seems somebody’s been calling to cancel all the arrangements she’s made’. Jennifer watched Marcy carefully.
‘Well, it wasn’t me’.
‘Then why hack into her computer? If you wanted to know how the arrangements were going you could have asked her. Instead, you went behind her back and – don’t bother denying it – you ruined everything. Or rather, tried to ruin everything. Because last night I had to make a few phone calls of my own. The venue’s back on, the caterers have been made aware of the situation and the band will be paid out of your next pay-check. Considering that you offered them double what we were originally prepared to pay, to play at your fake wedding’.
Marcy’s chin dropped. ‘But that’s eight hundred dollars!
Jennifer grinned. ‘It is indeed. But you will be getting your last pay, plus any holiday pay that was owing from Christmas, and don’t even bother to darken my door for a reference!’
Marcy jumped out of her seat. Her hands were balled into fists, and she held her arms down, ramrod straight as though she was trying to restrain herself from taking a swing at her former boss. ‘You and that little bitch have been plotting against me from the start! This is… this is unfair dismissal… or entrapment, or something! I’ll see you in court!’
With that, Marcy got up, marched to the door, flipped her straight blond hair over her shoulder with a huff, and pulled open the door.
Before she left the room, however, she had a few parting words. ‘By the way, if she’s listening to this on speaker-phone, or whatever little gadget you’ve got going, she should know that her precious boyfriend and I have been f**king behind her back. How else would I know that he likes it cowboy-style?’
With that, she walked out and slammed the door. The noise reverberated down the hall. Leelee didn’t hear it, though. She was too busy sitting completely stunned at her desk, tears rolling down her cheeks. How could he?! With her? She couldn’t think of any other way Marcy would know something like that! Ryan wasn’t exactly the kind of guy who would kiss and tell. She had to have first hand knowledge. Leelee thought she was going to be sick.

The boys were all sitting around after the team meeting, some playing PS2, some reading the latest issue of Ralph Magazine, and some just twiddling their thumbs. Mick had told them to wait around, he had someone to introduce them to. The Clokes were in a corner, discussing amongst themselves who it might be.
‘Probably some inspirational speaker, like Tommy Hafey, or someone like that’, Jason said.
‘Nah’, Travis said, ‘Why all the mystery? We’ve all met Tommy before! It’s someone different. Maybe a new coaching assistant, or something’.
‘Yeah, probably’, yawned Cameron. ‘When can we go, already? I’ve got a BBQ at a mate’s place in an hour’.
Trav looked at his watch. He also had a prior engagement. He smiled to himself when he thought of Lisa. She was the most original girl he’d ever met. A little kooky, sure, but what was wrong with that? It kept him guessing.
‘You’re not going out with that heinous fan again are you?’ Jason asked, looking at his little brother with distaste. ‘You know, she’s got a reputation’.
‘I don’t care’, Travis replied. ‘She’s changed. She’s not like that anymore. In fact, I can’t imagine her ever being like that’.
‘She banged every member of the Williamstown reserves a couple of years ago! Well, every bloke without a wedding-ring, anyway! They call her Gory Thrush cos Brent Hall said…’
‘I don’t care what he said!’ Travis blurted, kind of curious as to what Hally had said, but knowing that if he ever found out, he’d never get it out of his head.
‘Alright now boys’, Mick said from in front of the whiteboard, and everyone turned and listened intently, ‘I’d like to introduce you to a new member of our fitness team.
Her name is Yasmine and she’s a dietician, but she also has extensive First Aid training and a Diploma in Remedial Massage. Guys, make Yasmine feel welcome’.
Yasmine stood about five feet two inches tall, with dark wavy hair to her shoulders and olive skin. She wore a Collingwood polo shirt and white short shorts, revealing slender, tanned legs and a tiny tattoo of Jock One-Eye McPie on her right ankle.
‘Hi, guys’, she purred, and smiled, knowingly. Half the guys in the room (the married ones, and those who feared the wrath of their partners) just smiled and waved or said hi back, and the other half clapped, wolf-whistled, or greeted her with a cheeky “Hellllloooo, Nurse!”
‘Don’t mind this lot, they’re idiots’, joked Mick.
Yasmine laughed. ‘Oh don’t worry. I can take a compliment. Trust me, by the end of the season, they’ll be singing a whole different tune’.
She turned back to face the roomful of rampaging hormones. ‘I’ve organised with Mick to have a chat with each of you about your diet, and the routine you’re on at the gym. Some of you don’t look like you know what that word means…’ (there was a bit of booing and general carry-on, at that), ‘and some of you will have to cut down on the pasta’, (she looked pointedly at Anthony Rocca), ‘But I think you’ll be able to work with me to improve your fitness and get those skin folds down! Looking forward to getting to know you all’. She gave the room a wave and pranced out making sure all eyes were on those white shorts.
As the players were walking down the hall, Jason Cloke was toward the back of the throng, and was heard to say ‘What a bitch! If she thinks she’s gonna boss me around…’
Cameron laughed. ‘You’ll what? If she’s anything like Nicole she’ll have you running laps around Bob Gosch paddock until your feet bleed’.
Jason felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around, to see Yasmine standing there. He paled when he realised she must have heard everything he’d just said.
‘I’ve just decided you’re the first lamb to the slaughter, Jason’.

Leelee got back to her office, still teary over Marcy’s bombshell, but determined to find out what the real story was. She wasn’t going to jump to conclusions. She had to talk to Ryan. But there was a voice message that had to be answered first.
‘Lee, it’s Bella from the fashion parade. The photographer? Listen, I was wondering if you could give me a call at my studio. The number is: 9732 6359. Hope to hear from you soon’.
Leelee gave Bella a call, if only to take her mind off her own problems. But she could barely remember what the call was about after she’d hung up the phone, except that it involved Chris Tarrant and sounded like a really inventive excuse to get the guy naked. She dimly recalled telling Bella she’d get onto it. So she sighed, and left the office in search of Taz. Hoping like hell she didn’t run into Ryan in her state.
But Murphy’s Law dictates that when you don’t want to run into someone, that is the exact moment you invariably do.
‘Lee! I was just coming to see you!’ Ryan said, and held her by the shoulders. ‘What’s wrong? You look like you’ve been crying!’
She shrugged him off, angrily. ‘I don’t want to talk about it right now. I’ve got work to do’. And pushed past him down the corridor. Ryan watched her go, completely stumped. ‘What did I do?’ He asked nobody in particular.

Did Ryan really do the dirty with Marcy?
Taz finds Bella knows all the positions;
And you won’t believe where Danni decides to give Licca a Happy!

Episode 11

The Mile High Club

Danni was waiting for Paul to finish up at the beach early on Saturday morning, after a bone-crunching, finals-like encounter with Wet Toast the Pies lost by the narrowest of margins. He wasn’t really feeling up to getting jiggy with it, but the sight of her in a mango-coloured bikini changed all that. Her long hair bounced on her shoulders as she walked, and she smiled a smile just for him. Some of the other guys nudged him and winked. ‘Half your luck, mate’, said Shane O’Bree. ‘You want to see some of the barkers that come onto me after training’.
‘Well, I’ll see you guys later’, Licca said, grabbing his towel and rubbing his brawny shoulders.
‘Yeah, mate! Have fun!’
Danni came over and in full view of his team-mates, kissed him on the lips. He responded in kind, and they stood there, pashing on, until Josh Fraser couldn’t stand it anymore. ‘Christ-on-a-bike, mate; Get a room!’
‘I’ve got a really good idea, Paul’, whispered Danni. ‘There’s a lifeguard’s platform over by the sand dunes. Come and check out the view?’
Licca considered this for a minute. It was barely seven o’clock in the morning. No one would see them all the way up there, surely! None of his team-mates ever bothered to come so far down the beach. ‘Okay’, he said. ‘Let’s go’.
They climbed up to the very top – Licca estimated that it must be at least ten metres high or more – and walked around the small observation deck. There was a chair, an umbrella in a stand, and a small table to hold drinks or snacks while the lifeguards were looking out for drowning swimmers, or sharks. Not much cover, though. Not for what Licca was sure Danni had in mind!
Danni walked over to the umbrella and set it up.
‘Are you out of your mind?’ Licca asked her, ‘If anyone’s on their way here, they’ll see someone’s up here! We’ll get in trou…’
He didn’t finish because her lips got in the way. She just couldn’t help herself around this guy! The fact that they could get caught was almost as big a turn-on as he was, himself! She pushed him into the deck chair. The umbrella behind his head was rather big. Maybe no one will see, or even bother to look? Danni perched on his lap, her legs slipping around his waist. Her sarong covered their laps. Licca started to see the benefit in an arrangement like this. Beautiful view behind her, of the waves crashing to the shore, beautiful view right in front of him, now untying her bikini top!
This is the life… Licca thought. They got busy, and in minutes were making more noise than the seagulls!
Afterward, Danni kissed him and climbed off. She demurely arranged her sarong and winked at him as she made her way back down the ladder. He joined her as soon as he could compose himself, and looked back up at the lifeguard tower. ‘Do you suppose we made it into the Mile High Club?’ He joked, grinning.
‘Oh, Paul!’ She giggled. He grabbed her around the waist and hoisted her up into a fireman’s carry. ‘I think it’s time this dirty girl took a cold bath’.

Bella, meanwhile, had just got to her studio and was loading yesterday’s shots of a wedding onto her computer. She could barely contain herself. Today was the day! She had chosen a business-like, but sexy white fitted shirt and a pair of tan pants, and her hair was piled into a loose banana clip at the back. It looked neat but not like she’d tried too hard.
She paced the room, unable to concentrate on her work. Her computer buzzed at her, letting her know that the pictures were saved, and she shut down Photoshop, thinking, I’ll get to that later. Just as she was trying to figure out what else needed doing, Toby, her assistant, popped his blond head around the door. God he reminds me of Carson Kressley from Queer Eye, she thought, not for the first time. Toby was, by his own admission, a “screaming queen”. Today he wore tight white pants, a bright blue shirt, and slip-on shoes. Could you get any more gay? Bella wondered.
‘Honey, there’s a gorgeous guy out there in reception! Tall, dark, and handsome! Tell me you’re taking photos of him and I’m coming to watch!’
‘Well, you know that’s up to him… if he’s not comfortable…’, she reminded Toby. His face dropped. ‘Yes, I know! He says he’s Chris Tarrant. Shall I tell him you’re too busy?’ Toby teased. ‘Because I can operate a digital camera too!’
‘Go and man the reception desk, Toby’, Bella laughed. ‘If you can manage that’.
‘Oh, I don’t know about manning it, but I’ll give it a crack’, Toby quipped. ‘I’ll send him through, shall I?’
‘Yes, thank you’.
‘You are such a bitch’.
‘Meow to you, too’.
Chris walked in moments later, his tall, broad frame decked out in jeans and a loose windcheater. She had asked him to wear whatever he was in on that particular day. He knew what kind of photos she was after. Clothes weren’t going to be an issue!
‘Hi’, he said, looking a tad sheepish. ‘You’re Bella, right? I remember you from the fashion parade’.
‘Yes, that’s me. I’m sorry about the way I acted that night. I’d had a few too many. I’m not usually so… bold’.
He smiled, and her heart seemed to skip a beat. ‘That’s all right. I didn’t end up giving you my number. I’m really sorry, but I have got a girlfriend’.
She felt disappointed, but hoped it didn’t show. ‘It’s okay’.
She wanted to say something flirty like, “Of course you have, look at you”, but without the benefit of six Gin and Tonics, she wasn’t quite as confident as she knew she had first appeared. ‘Well, shouldn’t we get to work?’ She asked. ‘Have you ever posed semi-naked before?’
He shrugged. ‘In Cleo, a few years back. My shorts were so low I might as well have been starkers’.
‘Oh’, she said, not being a big reader of Cleo and wishing now that she was – ‘Was it the centrefold?’
He laughed, embarrassed. ‘Nah, nothing like that! I was one of the 50 Bachelors of the Year. Didn’t win, though. Think a comedian won that year’.
‘Well, this is going to be… let’s just say… a little bit different. Black and White magazine do black and white pictures, obviously, and usually the subjects are naked’.
Chris looked a bit worried. ‘I thought…’
‘You won’t be naked. You’ll have a towel around your waist. I’m thinking, for one of the shots, anyway, you just got out of the shower, you hear a knock on the door, you go to answer it, look both ways, step out into the corridor, and the door shuts behind you. I take a photo of you trying to get back in. Or, if you don’t like that idea, there’s always the old fail-safe, lying in bed with a sheet up to your waist, reading War and Peace’.
Chris laughed, nervously. ‘Nah. That sounds like it’s been done before. And everyone that knows me won’t believe I read War and Peace’
She laughed. ‘Not a reader, huh?’
‘Nope. I like your first idea - as long as I don’t actually have to go out into any actual corridors, half-naked’.
‘No, we have a perfectly private corridor right here’. She smiled.
‘Where do I start?’
She threw him a towel and pointed him to the change room. Oh, this is going to be fun, she thought. She didn’t realise how much fun until he walked out in the towel, looking buff, tanned and completely edible. The white of the towel made his skin look darker, his brown eyes deeper, and was just threadbare enough to hug all the right curves! He looked down, a blush starting to spread over his cheeks. ‘This is kind of… revealing, isn’t it? I kept my jocks on, just in case!’
She looked down at the front of the towel and wondered if by wishing it, she could make it fall off. No matter. He said he was wearing underpants. Spoilsport.

Ryan finally caught up with Leelee. It seemed he’d been chasing her all day, and she’d spent the better part of it running away. He couldn’t think for the life of him what he’d done wrong. So he lay in wait, sitting at her desk where he knew she would have to come back to, to pick up her things at the end of the day. It wasn’t comfortable, by any stretch of the imagination. He was tall enough, even sitting down, to feel like Gandalf the Grey in Bilbo Baggins’ hobbit-hole.
He was feeling very confused, very cramped and very silly by the time Leelee actually showed up. He was quite glad to get out of there!
‘What are you doing here?’ She asked him. He couldn’t ignore the tone of her voice.
‘God, Lee, what have I done wrong?’ Ryan asked her.
She crossed her arms over her chest, defensively. ‘Okay. I’ll get straight to the point’.
Looking both ways down the corridor to make sure no one overheard their conversation, she continued ‘How come Marcy knows you like it cowboy-style?’
‘Like what cowboy… Oh’. He shuffled his feet. ‘How do you know about that?’
Leelee stared at him in horror. ‘You… and her…. When?!’
Head lowered, so she couldn’t see the tear forming in his eye, because he really didn’t want to hurt her – Ryan spilled the beans. ‘It was the night she asked me to the pub. We weren’t even together yet, I swear! She came onto me. Kept touching me on the leg. Buying me drinks. I got really drunk… well, not so drunk I couldn’t… but anyway, we talked for a while and it got kind of raunchy. That’s how she found out I liked the girl to be on top, sitting up. She didn’t even know what cowboy meant. I had to explain it to her’.
‘What happened then?’
‘We shared a taxi and she talked me into coming up to her apartment. I shouldn’t have, I know, but she was all over me and I was drunk and I thought you weren’t interested… I know it’s not an excuse and it’s never happened again. I swear! I wouldn’t touch her with a ten-foot pole’. He looked back down at his feet again, willed the tear to go away, and looked back up. She didn’t have that hard, heart-broken look in her eyes any more. She looked like she wanted to believe him.
‘I’d understand if you never wanted to speak to me again’. He said.
She shook her head. ‘Of course I do. And… I’d believe you over her any day. She was trying to sabotage me at work, too, you know. Actually cancelled the caterers and the venue. Jennifer fixed it all though, after we found out. Then she fired her. That’s when Marcy decided to tell me about your favourite position’.
Ryan scowled. His face when angry looked dark, dangerous, and with a five o’clock shadow, kind of sexy! Leelee felt all her own anger melt away. She just wanted to get Ryan home, and forget all about Marcy!

Next time on The Plot Sickens…

Nicole hasn’t finished trying to break up Travis and Lisa
Jen and Heath keep bumping into each other
And Dids just can’t get Jade out of his head!

Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:26 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

dude that was awesome. i want more of me and licca!!!! i want more. keep going!!!!!!!!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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Oh Diddy your so fine.... I want to make you mine.... hey diddy

Joined: 20 Apr 2006
Location: Pakenham

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 12:09 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

mel ur a legend this story is fantastic
damn me 4 letting dids get out of my car. lets just hope he gets back in it some time soon.......

We Are The Black and White Army, FoReVeR
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melissa Scorpio

Joined: 23 Feb 2004
Location: Geelong, Victoria

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 1:05 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

you want to take him captive? Hey, that's an idea! Dids is kidnapped and held, naked in a warehouse and forced to get his freak on with beautiful women (hehe, us!)
Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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Oh Diddy your so fine.... I want to make you mine.... hey diddy

Joined: 20 Apr 2006
Location: Pakenham

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 1:10 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

oh geez dont put ideas in my head
dids naked.... love to see that stumpy lil croation body haha

We Are The Black and White Army, FoReVeR
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:00 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

sounds like a plan... and i reckon dids will be heading back to your car in a flash yadie!!!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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leelee Scorpio

Live. Love. Race.

Joined: 18 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 3:29 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

damn it i want more! mmmm 5o'clock shadow... mite have to tell my boi about that (yes omg leelee is kinda seeing a boi! weeeow! and yes he is a footy player too (not afl))
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leelee Scorpio

Live. Love. Race.

Joined: 18 Apr 2006
Location: Home...

PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:45 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

why are you scared mags? muahahahaha i mean we're normal people after all muahahaha we just have a better imagination than most muahahaha or else we use it better muahahaha
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got more wit, better kiss, a hotter touch, a better...

Joined: 02 Dec 2005
Location: none of yo' business!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 10:06 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

=0............what do i say after that!!!!!!???????/

.....i'm never looking at war and peace the same way again!...................

p.s. can i have some more, sir (well, mam, actually!)

...~*Can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid (Just sit back)...*~...

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melissa Scorpio

Joined: 23 Feb 2004
Location: Geelong, Victoria

PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:20 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

lol but he's not big on reading... really not the cerebral type. Bet he's into other pursuits, tho!
Leelee, tell us more about your man! What's he like? And how are you kinda seeing him?

Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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