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What Becomes Her....... begins

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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:32 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

And the next one!!! Enjoy reading!!!

Episode 19

Mel couldn’t stop thinking about Bianca. Her phone call had worried her; she seemed to do be doing so well, but now that Mel knew what was going on, she could see how well she had hidden it. She sent Bianca a text message to see how she was doing and she got a reply saying she was fine.
She went and sat down on the lounge and rested her head on a pillow. She must have drifted off to sleep because the next thing she knew Heath was home. Heath walked in and seen Mel sleeping so he tried hard not to wake her. He tiptoed around to the kitchen and put his bag down and went to the fridge. By the time he had turned around Mel was standing in front of him.
“Hey baby. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you” he said
“You didn’t, I saw you walk in all quiet and on your tip toes” Mel laughed.
“You saw that did you? Well then………….” Heath sad grabbing hold of her and started to tickle her.
Mel started laughing “Heath stop it, stop it”
But he didn’t, instead he picked her up and lifted her over his shoulder and tried to run to the bedroom. He felt like they needed a little fun in their lives again.

Although they didn’t speak about it, they both knew that losing their baby was on their minds more than they cared to say. But they both knew it was there, and they both knew it would be or a long while yet, forever even. They just didn’t want to admit it. On top of that they both wanted some fun back into their lives and Heath thought he’d try now. It was as good as time as any. All he wanted was to keep a smile on Mel’s face.


Alan walked into his place “Mum, mum” he yelled out.
He walked around the house, but she wasn’t there. He went into the kitchen and saw her note. He looked at the time and hoped she’d be home.
“Hey dad. Is mum there?” Alan asked
His dad yelled out to his mother who came to the phone, “Hello” she said
“What the hell did you do?” were his first words
“Excuse me. Alan that is not a nice way to start a conversation” she replied
“I don’t care. What did you say to Yadie? And you had better tell me the truth” he said
“I didn’t say anything. I just told her I didn’t like her and I didn’t like you two as a couple” she said
Alan knew there was so much more to it and made his mother tell him. He kept pushing and pushing until she did. Alan was appalled. He didn’t know how she could do that.
“Well I hope you’re happy. I had a go at her for this today because I thought she baited you, but I guess I was really wrong” he said
His mum didn’t say a word, so Alan knew he was right, “Well so you are aware of what you have done, we had a huge fight over this and thanks to you, she may never forgive me” he said
“You don’t need her Alan. There are plenty of nice ladies around, ones who don’t want your money” his mum said
“Mum you don’t get it do you, I don’t want anyone else, I want Yadie and I love her. She doesn’t want my money she earns her friggin own. And you cant accept that, then I am sorry but I cant talk to you until you do” he said hanging up

He felt so much better after that. But now he had to go and find Yadie and apologise. But first he needed to go to the jewellery store; he had to really suck up for this one.


Bianca felt a little a silly after her phone call to Mel. She couldn’t believe for 1/ Chris emailed her and 2/ she didn’t go weak at the knees.
She put her head down and her bum up at work to forget about the whole thing. She felt like taking a visit to the Merchandise shop to visit Danni, but she really couldn’t be bothered, even though they were in the same building. Sometimes she was that involved in her work she forgot that they both worked at the Lexus Centre. She sat back down but then got straight back up. She was hungry and she wanted lunch and didn’t want to eat alone, so down to Danni she was going. She walked out her office and right into Pendles.
“Shit sorry” she said
“That’s ok. I should have been paying more attention” he said as he looked up.
Bianca looked at him, he was all sweet and innocent looking. He looked right back at her, they had a moment where they connected.
“Well sorry again, but I have to go” Bianca said walking away
“It’s ok” he called out

Bianca went into Danni’s office, she wasn’t there and so next stop was the Merchandise shop. Her heart was pounding ‘No more footballers’ she thought to herself, ‘You promised yourself’.
“Thank god you are here” she said to Danni
Danni looked up “Hey B, what’s up?”
“We need to lunch now!!” Bianca replied
“Umm ok. I’ll meet you in the café in 5” Danni said
Bianca nodded and walked over to the café. She took a seat and in walked Pendles.
‘OMG OMG OMG’ she was saying to herself, he was coming over to her.
“Hey. I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself. I know we have seen each other around before, but I don’t think we have met formally. I’m Scott” he said politely
Bianca could feel herself going red, “Hi Scott, I’m Bianca. And yeah we have seen each other before – somewhere with Danni or Alan or Nick, whoever we are normally with I guess” she replied
“Well its nice to meet you meet you. See you round I guess” he said walking away
“Yeah you too!” Bianca replied

Scott walked out the door as Danni walked in and Bianca seen them saying hi and having a little chat. She also noticed Scott looking her way a few times too. She was off daydreaming when Danni sat down.
“Nice boy he is hey?” she said
Bianca shook her head “Yeah what?”
“Scott. He’s a nice boy” Danni replied
“Oh yeah he is” Bianca said, she was still thinking about him, “Hey do you know if Ash and Scott are together?” she asked
“Don’t know actually why?” Danni said
“No reason” she said, she didn’t realise she was blushing
“Oh no! You’ve got it haven’t you” Danni chuckled
“Got what?” she said
“Scott on the brain!! What did he do?” Danni asked
“Actually he did nothing. I don’t know what’s going on in my head. I don’t want to be involved with another footballer, but my god I need something, I’m going out of my brain” Bianca said
Danni sat there and nodded, she could see what Bianca meant. Especially after what had gone on between her and Chris, after what she thought she had with him to what she has now, it would be hard.
She was paying attention to everything that Bianca was saying until she saw Paul walked in. Danni was trying so hard to concentrate on not paying any acknowledgement to Paul.
“Did you know that?” Bianca asked
“Huh? I’m sorry, what did you say?” Danni said
“What’s wrong? Are you ok?” Bianca said
“Nothing. I’m trying not to pay any attention to Paul, he’s over there, but it’s so hard, but he is gorgeous” Danni said, “I can’t believe that I still think anything of him”
“Mate you are a woman, if you still didn’t think he was hot, I’d be worries” Bianca said
Danni knew that Bianca spoke some truth. But after he had showed up on her doorstep again, she wasn’t so sure she should be thinking anything about him, but there was always something, always that night. She said that to Bianca and Bianca told her that it was natural to think about it. But she had Nick and that was all that mattered. Danni nodded and she turned her head to see that Paul was walking out the door and Nick was walking in. Bianca told Danni to go, cause she had to go back to work anyway.
“Ok, well I will talk to you later” Danni said as Bianca walked away.

Nick walked over to Danni and gave her a quick kiss, “Hey babe are you almost done?”
“I don’t know, I doubt it, it’s like only 2 o’clock” she replied
“Well, I need you to finish now. I wanna take you home” he said
Danni looked at him oddly, “What? I will go and see what I can get away with till tomorrow” she said
He ushered her out the door. She literally ran back to her office and seen what she needed to do for the rest of the day, it wasn’t as much as she thought. She grabbed her bag and went via the Merchandise shop and told them she was leaving for the day and she would see them all tomorrow. She went to leave to go find nick and who should she run into in the door way none other than Paul.
“Hey Danni” he said casually
Danni didn’t want to answer him, but she didn’t want to seem rude either “Hi” she said quickly
“How are you?” he said trying to catch her eyes
“Not bad. Sorry but I have to go” she said not looking at him

She couldn’t believe she didn’t look at him until she had gone out the door. She was totally in love with Nick, but she had an infatuation with Paul. He was everything that Nick wasn’t to her, and he was out of bounds. She walked straight into the café and right into Nick’s arms. She felt safe and protected but no matter how hard she tried somewhere along the line her thoughts always went back to Paul.
Nick walked Danni to her car and told her she had 4 and a half hours to get changed and do what she needed to before he would be at her house. The last thing he said to her was she needed to wear something formal. She asked him why but he wouldn’t tell her. He said he would see her when he picked her up. He kissed her and went to his car and took off. Danni sat in her car and looked in the mirror and could see Paul walking up behind her, she couldn’t do this anymore, and she couldn’t deal with another run in. She turned the key and drove away watching Paul in the rearview mirror.


Alan walked into Tiffany & Co. He had no idea what he was going to get, or even if he would buy anything. He was worried that what he had done to Yadie was the end of it. He had really upset her.
A sales lady came over to him and asked if he needed a hand. He told her he was trying to pick something nice for his girlfriend. She went over to a cabinet and came back with a couple of pieces. Everything was diamonds. He looked at the pieces and he didn’t know which one he liked more, he asked the sales lady.
“Well if it was me, I’d want the necklace with the heart of diamonds. It’s gorgeous and every girl loves diamonds” she said
“Well then, I’ll take that one please” Alan said
He paid for it and the sales lady gift-wrapped the box and Alan was on his way.
He got in his car and rang Yadie. She didn’t answer. He tried again, but nothing.
“Shit she must be really pissed off at me” he said to himself
She drove to her place and pulled up in the driveway. He took a deep breath and got out of the car and walked up to her door and knocked.

Yadie heard the door. She didn’t move cause she knew it would be Alan. He just tried to ring her twice; she didn’t want to see him. She was still so mad, angry and upset. She sat there listening to him knocking and ringing her phone until she couldn’t take it anymore. She stormed to the door and answered it.
“What don’t you get………… I was ignoring you, don’t you understand” she yelled as she answered the door.
Alan stood there a little shocked with flowers in one hand and a box of chocolates in the other. He wasn’t expecting her to bite his head off but he could see she was still upset and that she had been crying.
“Wow. I’m sorry. I’ll leave” he said turning around
“No its ok, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap. I’m just so mad at you” she said
Alan turned around and offered her the flowers and chocolates. Yadie laughed and moved out of the way so he could come inside.
“I’m so sorry for what happened today. I don’t know what I was thinking” he said walking inside to the kitchen. Alan began to talk and told Yadie that he spoke to his mum and he told her that she gave her an ultimatum, because of how much Yadie meant to him.
“I am?” she said
“Yes you are. I love you and if I have to I will not talk speak to her. You mean the world to me Yadie” he said
“I love you too baby. But you don’t have to do that, she’s you mother” Yadie said
“Yes I do have to. If she can’t accept the fact that I love you, that’s her problem not mine, but she will learn” he said
Yadie hugged him.
“By the way, this is for you” he said handing her the gift.
“What is this?” she asked, pulling at the paper like a little kid.
“It’s just a little something to show you how much I love you” he replied

He watched Yadie’s face light up as she opened the box and pulled out the necklace.
“Alan you shouldn’t have” she said admiring it
“Yes I should have and probably a lot more too” he replied
“It’s just gorgeous. Can you help me put it on?” she asked
Alan pulled her hair away and did up the clasp. He kissed her neck and turned her around. He pulled her close to him and kissed her passionately.
“I love you” he said again
“I know you do. Now would you like to help me take thins off?” Yadie said motioning to her dress.
Alan nodded and picked her up and took her to the bedroom.


Danni pulled into the car park of Myer and went straight upstairs to the evening gown section. She had to hurry and find something to wear. She was so glad she came here first before she went home, cause she knew she wouldn’t have anything like what Nick said. She couldn’t even borrow anything from anyone cause she was a bigger girl than them all.
“God damn” she said out loud
She rang Nick and asked where they were going because she had nothing to wear. He told her as long as she could wear it to an up market restaurant it would be fine. He told her she only had 3 hours left. She hung up and continued looking. She eventually found a dark red plunging halter neck dress. She fell in love with it. So she did a quick-change room visit, made sure it looked ok on and then went on a hunt for a new pair of shoes and a bag to match. It didn’t take her long, and she was on her way back to her place, She ran inside and jumped in the shower and did a quick shave. She made sure her legs were smooth as possible. After about 20 minutes she jumped out and dried herself off. She went and pulled out her finest black bra and matching bottoms and then her tights. She took out her diamond bracelet and earrings and then walked back to the bathroom and did her make up. She made sure she looked natural. She didn’t want to go overboard, because she didn’t know where they were going or what they were doing. Then she did her hair – she put it up in a funked up version of a bun and then she went and got dressed. She put on her new shoes and transferred her keys, money and cards into her purse. She took one final look in the mirror and smiled. Just as she walked out the bedroom her doorbell rang and picked out a coat and went to answer the door.

She opened it and there stood Nick. He was standing there in a black jacket and matching pants with a white shirt slightly unbuttoned at the top.
Danni smiled at him “Don’t you look handsome?”
“And you look beautiful” he said as he kissed her cheek
Danni walked out the door and closed it behind her. Nick took hold of her hand and led her to the car.
“Oh my god. A limo? What’s going on here?” Danni asked
“Nothing. I’m taking you out and I want to spoil you is that ok?” he said
Danni just smiled


- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 1:20 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

I know it has been a while since the last chapter was added!!

But guess what!!! Here it is!!!

Whoo Hoo!!!

- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 1:22 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

Episode 20

Bianca walked to her car daydreaming about no other that Scott. She couldn’t help it. He had caught her eye and now he was stuck there.
“Hey Bianca” a vice yelled out
She was in a world of her own and she didn’t here it them yelling the first time.
“Bianca” they yelled again. It was Scott he was trying to catch up to her.
“Bianca” he said tapping her on the shoulder.
She turned around to see him standing there.
“Oh shit. Sorry, I was” she stopped short. She couldn’t tell him what she was doing, “What’s going on?”
“Not much. I tried to get you before you left, but you beat me” he said, “I wanted to know if you wanted to get a drink with me?”
“Tonight?” she asked
“Yeah, I mean unless you have other plans” Scott said
Bianca was willing herself to say no, but her head and everything else that was important was pointing to yes!
“Sure why not” she said
“Yeah? Cool. Would you like me to come and pick you up?” he asked
“If you like, other wise we can just meet there” Bianca said.
She knew if Scott picked her up it could very well lead to sex afterwards and then onto the repercussions she would face so she wanted him to say they would meet there.
“Nah, I asked you, so I’ll come get you” he said smiling. He must have been thinking the same thing, or he was hoping.
Bianca smiled and wrote her address down on a piece of paper and handed it too him.
“Thanks. I’ll see you in about an hour” he said looking at his watch
“Ok see you then” Bianca said and they both walked off.
Bianca grabbed out her phone and rang Danni
“Hi you’ve reached Danni, I’m not answering cause I’m having hot sex!
Leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you when I’m done”
Bianca laughed into the phone “You’re a nympho woman, I love it, it’s so you. But call me as soon as you get this, it’s important” she said and hung up.
She really needed Danni to ring her back straight away, but she knew she wasn’t. She needed help. She dialed Mel’s number.
“Hello” she said answering
“Hey Mel. Sorry to bug you again today it’s B. I need some advice and Danni ain’t answering” she said
“No worries, what’s up?” Mel said

Mel listened intently while Bianca explained what happened today and how she was worried about heading out with Scott now.
“Mate go! Don’t think just do. Go and have a great time” Mel said
“You think? I don’t know it feels weird” Bianca replied
“It feels weird cause it’s been 6 months, you’re entitled to have some fun. Hey did you hear anything back?” Mel asked
“No I didn’t. So maybe it’s a sign. Yeah **** it I’m going” Bianca said
“Good on ya! Have a great time and tell me details tomorrow” Mel said
Bianca said she would and hung up. She looked at her watch; she had almost wasted 20 mins on talking. She jumped in her car and sped off to her place. She didn’t have very long to change now. 10 mins later she pulled up in her drive way. She jumped out and raced inside. She had the quickest shower ever, retouched her make up and found a cute little outfit and got dressed, she put on her shoes, grabbed her bag and went into the kitchen. She was done, and her hour was up. She pulled out a wine glass and poured herself one to calm her nerves. She looked over at the telephone and her answering machine was flashing. She had a new message.
“I don’t believe you. I know you miss me I know you do! Please give me a second chance. I need you. Please Bianca, I love you!
Chris always knew how to ruin something, and again he was on cue and on the other side of the country.
Bianca felt flat and then started to feel guilty. She tried Danni again, but still no answer.
“God damn. Where are you Danni” she screamed out loud.
She replayed the message and then she just deleted it. She wasn’t going to let him ruin another night. It may have been an insignificant date/drink with Scott, but she wanted to enjoy it.

She finished her drink and poured another when the doorbell finally rang. She drank it quickly, picked up her bag and headed to the door. She checked herself in the mirror one last time and opened up.
Scott did a double take when she answered “Hey” he said looking at her up and down
“Hi” Bianca replied
“You ready to go?” he asked
Bianca nodded and followed him to his car. He opened the door for her and closed it after she got it smiling to himself. Bianca caught him smiling and giggled a little. Maybe she was going to have some fun tonight.


“Well that was amazing” Yadie said
Alan rolled over and nodded his head.
“Maybe we should make up more often” Yadie laughed
“Yeah I like make up sex” Alan laughed
Yadie rolled over and looked at the clock “Do you realise it’s 6pm. We have been in bed for 4 hours or so” she said
“Shit. Well I’m not complaining, I would love to spend all day in bed with you” he said
Yadie rolled back to him and gave him a kiss and got out of bed.
“Hey hey hey, where do you think your going?” he said
“I’m getting dressed. I’m hungry I want some dinner” she said trying to find her clothes
“Well do you want to go out for dinner or do you want to order in?” he said patting the bed
“I guess we could do either” she said sitting down, “ I know which one you’ll choose” she laughed
Alan got up on his knees and pushed Yadie down onto the bed and kissed her “I think you may be right” he laughed
Yadie tried to fight it, but she couldn’t resist “ok we’ll order in” she said
Just as those words came out of her mouth, Alan tore off her clothes. Now he had her right where he wanted her, and he wasn’t going to let him go.
Just as they had begun to fool around, Alan’s mobile rang. He ignored it, and went back to lavishing attention on Yadie, who was very surprised he DIDN’T answer it. He kissed her neck and ran his hands down her legs and over her chest, he was working her into a very frisky state, so much so she let her hands do a little wandering herself.
“Well well” she said, “ I see little Alan is ready to play” she continued laughing
“Yes well I think it might be almost time for the bounce” Alan laughed
Yadie pissed herself laughing, “That was so cheesy babe! I mean really – the bounce”
They both laughed and then Alan’s phone rang again.
“You’d better get that” Yadie said
“No, they can wait” he replied
Then it rang continually. It put a real dampener on their mood.

Eventually Alan gave up, he rolled off Yadie and picked up his phone.
“Hello” he said in an angry tone
“Alan it’s your mother” she said
“What did I tell you this afternoon? I really don’t want to speak to you now. You’re ruining my good mood!” he said
“Alan listen to me” she snapped
“Sorry mum, I’ve said my piece. Now I’m with Yadie and I’ll call you when I’m ready” he said and hung up.
“Well she certainly knows how to ruin the mood doesn’t she” he said to Yadie getting out of bed.
“Where are going?” she asked
“She has kinda killed my buzz. So I think I’ll take you out to dinner. It might help put me back in the mood” he said winking at her.
“Well I guess we had better go then” Yadie replied with a huge smile on his face.
They got dressed and headed out to the car. Alan asked Yadie where she wanted to go and she suggested the Crown cause they had a big range of restaurants.
“Crown it is then” Alan said as they took off.


Melissa came out of the bathroom and walked down the hallway. She did this everyday, but today she felt a little strange. She walked into her room and got dressed. Heath was taking her out for dinner tonight. She walked back towards the bathroom so she could do her hair and makeup hen she heard a noise come out of the nursery they had been building.
She moved closer to the room and could hear paper rustling and sobbing she thought. She didn’t know if Heath was home because she hadn’t seen him come inside, and then she was in the shower, but he would have come into the bathroom and said hi if he was home, he always did. She tiptoed to the hall cupboard and took out her trusty baseball bat and went back to the room.

She slowly opened the door and lifted the bat up and was ready to strike until she saw Heath standing in the corner. She didn’t say a word because he obviously didn’t hear the door be pushed open. He was putting together the cot and he had already finished putting up the curtains and the sticker decorations on the walls. She had also caught him wiping away his tears a few times as well. He looked so adorable and sad at the same time. She tapped on the door and he turned around.
“What are you doing in here?” he asked
“I was about to ask you the same question. Your lucky I didn’t kill you” Mel said showing him the bat.
Heath laughed a little.
“Well what are you doing?” Mel said walking over to him
“I don’t know. I felt like I had to finish the room. I’ve been doing little bits and pieces every now and then. But I didn’t want you to know because I didn’t want to upset you” he said
Mel hugged him tightly and kissed his lips when he looked at her.
“I think you’ve done a beautiful job baby. Our baby is going to have a great room and an even better dad!!” she said
“You mean you’re ready to try again, or is that just a saying?” he asked

They sat down in the middle of the floor. Mel told Heath she was ready to try. She said there was no point in continually bringing up the past. They had to move forward and get on with their lives, and if they wanted to be parents then they may as well start again. No use in waiting. When Mel had finished saying that, Heath’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. He was thrilled. He was hurting more than he had led on to anyone. He wanted so badly to be a dad when he found out the first time.
“As long as you are sure Mel. I don’t want you to feel rushed” he said
“Wanna start now then?” was her response
“Hell yeah!!” Heath said and jumped on her
They were going to make a new baby if it killed them.


Nick helped Danni into the limo and he followed. They pulled out the driveway and they were on their way. She kept asking him where they were going, but he wouldn’t tell her.
He kept telling her she looked beautiful and kissing her neck and hands. Danni giggled like a schoolgirl who was finally meeting her crush, and all it did was make her want to jump his bones. About 30mins later, the car stopped and the door opened. Nick got out and helped Danni out of the car.
“Crown? What’s going on here?” she asked
“Nothing. Come on we are running a little late” he replied.
He grabbed her hand and they walked inside.

‘Go Pies’, ‘You rock Nick’; ‘Pies for premiers’ were comments flying around as they walked thru the Crown. Danni just smiled. She loved hearing people comment about Nick, and he loved it too. Made his ego get a little bigger, but you would never have guessed, he wasn’t one to blow his own horn so to speak.
Nick stopped still, “Ok now you have to close your eyes” he said
“What! No way!!” Danni smiled
“Well I have no choice then” Nick said pulling out a blindfold
Danni laughed the whole time Nick was putting the blindfold on. He then walked Danni to the Breezes restaurant. He left her side for a minute and walked inside and made sure everything was the way he had asked it to be. He walked back and grabbed Danni and walked her inside.
“This is crazy! Where are we Nick?” Danni said
“Okay woman we are here” he said stopping
“Can I take this blindfold off now?” she asked
“No not yet. I’ll tell you when” he said.

A couple of minutes later he told Danni she could take off the blindfold. When she did she had the surprise of her life staring back at her. There was one table in the middle of the restaurant with the lights completely dimmed and rose petals and candles everywhere.
“Nick this is beautiful” she said turning around to find Nick on one knee and a gorgeous diamond ring staring back at her. She started to cry.
“Danni I know I said I wanted to go slow, but I cant and I don’t want to lose you again. You mean the world to me and I love you more than words can say. Will you marry me?” he asked
Danni looked at him and bent down to him and kissed him.
“Oh my god, yes Nick I will marry you!!” she cried
He put the ring on her finger and got up and kissed her again but this time with much more passion. When they broke apart Nick clapped his hands and ‘All my Life’ began playing.

He pulled her in nice and close and Danni rested her head on his shoulder. She felt like she was dreaming and when she opened her eyes they would be at her place. She did that but when she opened them, they were still there at the Crown and dancing.
“Nick this is amazing” she said
“I wanted to surprise you, make it a night you would never forget” he said
“I think you’ve done that” Danni replied
She kissed him again and had a make out session that a couple of teenagers would have been proud of. The song finished and Nick escorted Danni back to the table and pulled out her chair and pushed it in when she sat down. He was acting every bit like the prince he was.

He clapped his hands again and out walked a waiter with two menus. These were no ordinary menus. Nick had made them with all of Danni’s favourite meals from spaghetti to lamb shanks, and even her favourite desserts.
The waiter gave them a couple of minutes and came back and took their order. Nick went with the spaghetti – plenty of carbos for training, and Danni choose the lamb shanks and veges. As the water walked out, another walked in with the drink cart. They choose their drinks and Nick made a toast.
“To the future Mrs Maxwell” he said smiling from ear to ear.
Danni couldn’t stop the tears from welling up again and they clinked their glasses together.
“So who knew about this?” she asked looking at her ring, “By the way, this is gorgeous” she added referring to it.
“No one. I didn’t tell a soul. I wanted to make sure that no one could ruin it, even if it was by accident” he said, “And you only deserve the best gems in life, and that’s why you got me!” he added laughing.
Danni leaned over the table and kissed him again. She knew one hot fella who was going to get lucky tonight!
They continued talking right thru dinner and decided they would tell everyone tomorrow. They wanted to enjoy their evening together. Nick was right; this was one night Danni would never forget.

They finished eating and sat for a while. Danni just stared at her ring. It was beautiful.
“How long have you had this planned for?” she asked
“Well a little while. But when we broke up the other day, I cancelled everything. I had had the ring for months. I had seen it one day when I was in the city and it reminded me of you – beautiful, bright and out there. So I had to get it” he said
Danni smiled and took his hand “You are amazing you know that. I don’t deserve you. But now you’re stuck with me for life”
Nick nodded his head and told her that was all he had wanted for a long time, and now he had it he wasn’t complaining.

He stood up and walked around the table and helped Danni to her feet. He led her to the dance floor. Danni put her arms around him and ‘Love Is All Around’ began playing. Nick pulled her into him as close as he could. They swayed from side to side in a harmonic rhythm. Danni closed her eyes and laid her head on Nick’s chest. She could hear his heart beating, and it sounded like it was going a million miles an hour, but yet he looked so relaxed. Nick rested his head on Danni’s and kissed her forehead. They stayed like that until well after the song had finished. After a few minutes Danni opened her eyes and all she could see was Nick standing in front of her looking as hot as ever.
“So where do we go from here?” she asked
“I am so glad you asked” he said and pulled a room key out of his pocket, “Shall we go?” he said with a cheeky grin
“What took you so long to ask” Danni laughed
She picked up her bag and Nick took her hand and they headed to their room.


- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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magpiesgirl Aries

Crazy About Daisy!!!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:13 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

Very nice work Danni Wink Nick is going to be ooba impressed with this Im sure!May even give him a few ideas for himself lol Gotta ask,where's Ash gone in all this hey?And more importantly,wheres the DMAN?!?!
Collingwood:Not just a club,but a way of life!

“I can honestly say there will never be another Strauchanie and the boys at the club can’t help but be thankful for that” -Nathan Buckley
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

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Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 1:15 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

You my dear are hiding and wil pop out again soon!!! Ash has some interesting story lines coming up!! HAHAHA!!!

I hope Nick is impressed!! He needs a kick in the butt, he's taking his sweet arse time making his move!!! LOL!!

- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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magpiesgirl Aries

Crazy About Daisy!!!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 2:27 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

As I said to you earlier,as long as Im in these interesting story lines and Ash isnt a slutty home wrecker,it's ok lol
Collingwood:Not just a club,but a way of life!

“I can honestly say there will never be another Strauchanie and the boys at the club can’t help but be thankful for that” -Nathan Buckley
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:33 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

LOL you are a dag!!! P.S. pass all the good stuff onto Nicky hey!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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melissa Scorpio

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:00 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

I can understand the homewrecker part, but what's wrong with being slutty? LOL... You can't be like this in real life so you may as well in print, I say!
Btw, Danni, like how Heath and Mel started trying for a baby straight away. He can jump on me anytime!

Congrats Bucks, on a great return! Bring on the Crows!
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magpiesgirl Aries

Crazy About Daisy!!!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:07 pm
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Slutty is just abit too true to life circa 4-5 years ago for me Sad
Collingwood:Not just a club,but a way of life!

“I can honestly say there will never be another Strauchanie and the boys at the club can’t help but be thankful for that” -Nathan Buckley
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:11 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

melissa wrote:
I can understand the homewrecker part, but what's wrong with being slutty? LOL... You can't be like this in real life so you may as well in print, I say!
Btw, Danni, like how Heath and Mel started trying for a baby straight away. He can jump on me anytime!

I know what your saying mate!! After seeing Nick in the flesh again I was dyin!! All I wanted to do was take him back to my hotel room!!!!

- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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magpiesgirl Aries

Crazy About Daisy!!!

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Location: Cheltenham

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:24 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Instead ya got Ash LMAO ROFL!
Collingwood:Not just a club,but a way of life!

“I can honestly say there will never be another Strauchanie and the boys at the club can’t help but be thankful for that” -Nathan Buckley
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:51 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok I know it has been a long time coming but here it is!!! The new chapter!!!!

Enjoy people!!

Episode 21

Dale and Em woke up together when Dale’s alarm went off. He didn’t want to waste and second of the day if he could help it, especially during pre season mode. He wanted to be as fit as possible. Em rolled over and put the pillow over her head and Dale got up. He got dressed and went for a run. He needed to clear his head. He loved being with Em and he thought that thy had been going from strength to strength, but he was getting the feeling they were running out of things to say to each other. She always seemed mad or angry with him but she never said why.

He ran about 15kms and came home only to fid Em still lying in bed. He went in ad jumped in the shower and was in there for about 20mins. He got out and wrapped a towel around himself and sat on the bed and tapped Em on the back.
“Hey babe. What are you doing for the rest of today? Anything exciting. I have the morning off you know” he said
Em rolled over and looked at him “Where you been? You look hot” she said
“Out for a run” he replied
“Oh. Well I don’t have anything planned for today. You wanna do something do you?” she asked
“Yeah, if you want. I don’t have to be at the club till 2pm for a footy clinic, so I’ve got about 5 hours or so now. Any suggestions?” he said
Em ran her hands down Dale’s toned chest and whispered in his ear what she was thinking. He pulled away. He was less than impressed.
“Is that all you think I want?” he said
“Well yeah, you’re a guy and guys love sex. I assumed if I offered you’d take it!” Em said giggling
“Em this isn’t funny. I’m not playing around here. I meant to go out not bloody stay in bed” he said walking away.
“Sorry babe, I didn’t know” Em said
“Whatever” he replied
He got dressed and went to the kitchen. Em stayed in bed sitting up. She didn’t know what to do or say. This came from nowhere. After a few minutes Dale came back into the room.
“Is everything ok here?” she asked, “Have I done something wrong?”
“No, it’s nothing. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m just pissed off at the world at the moment” he said

He sat down on the bed and told Em he’d been feeling down and he just wanted some space to clear his head. He didn’t want them the go thru what Nick and Danni had. He thought it would be good for them if they had a break. Not a break up, but a break. Spend some time apart, do there own thing for a while.
Em burst into tears “ Is there some one else. If there is tell me now” she cried
“No. There’s no one else, just you. We are not breaking up Em. I just want to go back home for a few weeks before pre season gets serious and I don’t wanna have to worry that you would be bored shitless. I thought it would be good alone time” he reassured her.
Em nodded “ Am I still allowed to call and stuff?”
“Yeah but not so much. I want to be me and not have a care in the world Em. Just take care of me” he said
Em nodded. She was hoping she understood what he was saying. He wanted to be on his own but yet they were still together. She got up and got dressed. She went to the bathroom, did her makeup and collected her stuff. She was sobbing while she did it.
“Em you don’t have to take your stuff. We are still a couple. I just want some space that’s all” he said
“Then space is what you what you’ll get. Dale I don’t want to be toyed with. So if you are planning on ditching me, you better let me know or else you will know about it” she said

Dale shook his head. She had no idea what he meant. She was taking it all the wrong way.
“Em just forget it ok. Forget everything I said. It’s fine. We are fine. We are still together and I wont go home and we will do whatever whenever like normal ok!!” he said
With those words Em dropped her stuff and ran over to Dale and jumped in his arms almost knocking him over.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!!” she said kissing him, “You wont regret it I promise”
Although he loved Em to death, he had a feeling he might. But he was willing to try and make it better. He didn’t want to break up with Em, but he did want to be happy.


Danni rolled over and turned off her mobile’s alarm.
“God damn” she whispered.
Nick didn’t move. She felt like she’d had all of 2 hours sleep. She had just had the most amazing night of her life and now she had to go to work. It felt so wrong. She didn’t want to. She slowly went to get out of bed so she didn’t wake Nick.
“Where do you think your going?” he said grabbing her waist and pulling her to him.
“I have to get ready to go to work” she said glumly
“That’s what you think. You’re not going anywhere today. Your stuck here with me until I say so” he laughed
“Really? Or is that wishful thinking?” Danni asked
“No really. I organised it yesterday with Susan. So she is running the shop today” he said pulling her back onto the bed.
Danni smiled and kissed Nick “I’m so lucky to have you” she said
“Yes you are” he said kissing her passionately
He rolled her over onto his chest and ran his fingers thru her hair.
“I’m so glad you said yes babe, you have made me the happiest man alive” he said
He lifted his hands to her face and gently caressed her cheeks. Danni almost melted on the spot. Every touch made her shiver, every kiss brought a hungry moan from her throat and her hands were all over him, caressing his face, down his chest and even snuck a feel at his growing hardness which thrilled Danni so much she bit his lip and put her hands down, his boxers grabbed hold of his dick and he moaned slightly.

Danni kissed her way down Nick’s body and slipped between his legs. She looked up at his face and liked what she saw: a desire so intense it looked like fury. She opened her mouth and took him in. Danni felt an overwhelming surge of power and control. Nick moaned and threw his hands back above his head and took hold of the bed head and growled with pleasure. When Danni wrapped her tongue along his length, he jerked in her mouth like a puppet.
She put her hands on his stomach and dug her nails into him. All Nick could see was Danni looking like she was doing pushups and his tool was her helping hand. Nick ran his fingers thru her hair and began lifting his hips in time with her bobbing head, gasping and moaning with abandon.
“Oh christ Danni, I’m close now baby!” Nick cried out.
That was all Danni needed to hear. Her need for power was satisfied and now she could give as well as get, and decided it was time to get some more. She pulled her mouth off him and slid up to him ad straddled his hips and inched down on his glistening dick.
Danni threw her head back and laughed with a pleasure that was just too intense to keep inside. She was filled with power and fulfillment, and indescribable feeling of closeness and sheer physical pleasure that seemed to radiate from Nick. He made her feel alive3 and vibrant and even more beautiful than she had ever before. She felt complete.

With so much of a whimper Danni began to ride Nick for all it was worth driving down on top of Nick and then pulling up, bouncing so hard her tits were flopping all over the place, so she lifted Nick’s hands to them to hold them still. He started pinching her nipples and rolling them in his fingers. Danni leaned forward and Nick grabbed her face and kissed her passionately. He raised his hips up from the bed as he pummeled into her and Danni realised that Nick was cumming. She felt the screaming jets of Nick splash inside her and that was the final straw. Danni screamed, and dug her nails into the hardness of his shoulders and came, waves pleasure followed by a deep and throbbing satisfaction that laid all rational thoughts to rest.

Danni fell down on his chest and they took in some deep breaths. But it didn’t last long. Nick wasn’t quite finished with her yet. He flipped her over and just rammed himself into her. She had nothing to hold onto and just tilted herself up to him and she was grunting and wallowing in his sensual gratification. The more she moaned and yelled, the harder her £$%$ed her. They were both in heaven.
From the bed to the floor, to the shower and by the window, they did everything. Knocking pillows and lamps to the floor, stirring up as much heat from the friction of their bodies against each other, as they could. Danni felt like they had melted into one another as one big puddle of love. They laid there exhausted in each other’s arms.
“I know I have said it before – but I love you and you are the most beautiful woman in the world to me” Nick said before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.
Danni had tears welling in her eyes and one dripped down her face and onto his cheek. She leaned over to him and kissed him.
“I love you too babe!!” she said and went and had a shower.


Ash rolled over and jumped out of bed. When she woke up this morning, she knew what she had to do. She jumped in and out of the shower and went and got dressed. She walked into the lounge room and started taking down the pictures of Travis and of them together. She sat down and looked thru them one last time as she packed them into a box. She stood up and wiped away a few tears and took the box into the bedroom. She walked around her room picking up bits and pieces and put them into the box. She continued wiping the few tears away whenever she put certain items into the box. But this was all part of her cleaning process. She wanted to remove all traces of Travis from her life. She did a final walk around and made sure there was nothing else around.
Once she was satisfied, she went and closed up the box and went and put it in they very back of her closet. She closed the door and went out to her car. She needed some space and felt like a drive.
As she took off her phone rang “Hello” she answered
“Hi Ash. What’s going on?” It was Travis.
She had just told herself no Travis.
“Yeah I’m good. What are you calling for?” she asked
“Ah nothing much. Just thought I’d ring and see if you wanted to catch up and have a drink or something?” he said
Ash so wanted to, she knew where it would lead “I’m sorry Travis. I can’t. This has to stop. We are over and I’m fine with being friends, but we cant do this whole pretend nothing happened thing” she said
Travis didn’t know what to say. He was silent for about 30 seconds.
“Oh, umm ok. I understand. Sure no worries. I hope you and Scott are happy” he yelled and hung up.

Ash was a bit shocked. What did he mean by ‘I hope you and Scott are happy’. They weren’t a couple. They were friends. What had he been told? She had to re focus her energy. She turned on up the radio and ‘Fergalicious’ was playing. She started bopping herself away. She was paying attention to the road but somehow she didn’t see the car in front slow down and then stop.
BANG!! Ash drove straight into the arse of it.
“Oh shit oh shit oh shit!” was all she managed to get out.
She pulled off to the side of the road and jumped out of the car. She looked at hers and there wasn’t much damage, just a little paint missing. Old cars were great like that. She looked up to see that the other car had gone.
“Shit where’d they go” she said aloud.
She scanned as far as she could see, and there was no sign of it. So she jumped back into her car. She turned around and seen a short muscley fella walking towards her. She didn’t really pay any attention to him though. She hopped into the drivers seat and he came up and stood at her window.
“Can I help you?” she said
“Yeah! You can give me your details before you piss off anywhere” he said in a rude tone
“Excuse me” Ash snapped back
“You just hit my car mate, and you were gonna take off” he said
“I didn’t know that was you. I couldn’t see the car, I looked round and I thought it had gone” she said getting out of the car again
“Well I didn’t” he snapped, “I had to turn around. I couldn’t stop in the middle of the street”
“Ok ok” Ash said, “I didn’t want your life story”

Ash took out some paper and wrote her details down and handed them to him. He did the same.
“Your Billy Slater?” she asked him after reading his name
“Yeah why?” he said
“You’re a lot smaller in person” Ash said trying not to laugh
He cracked a smile “I get that a lot”
“Hi Billy, I’m Ash. Pleasure to meet you” she said grinning
“Nice to meet you Ash. Shame it wasn’t under better circumstances” he joked
Ash nodded and the two stood there chatting for a while.
“Would you like to join me for a coffee?” he asked
Without even hesitating ash jumped at the chance. She thought no harm in a coffee, and it might brighten her day. It couldn’t get any worse.
“Great. I’ll meet you at Central Perk (I know I stole it from Friends LOL) in 20mins” he said
Ash nodded and they got in their cars and drove off.


Bianca woke up and her head was pounding a little. She rolled over like her normal routine although this time when her arm spread out and across the bed, there was someone there.
She jumped up and looked across her bed. But it wasn’t her bed. It wasn’t her room.
“Where the hell am I?” she said to herself
She didn’t think she had that much to drink. Suddenly the figure next to her moved and rolled over.
“Good morning” Scott said with a big smile on his face
“Morning” Bianca said feeling a little dizzy
Scott moved over to her and went to give her a kiss but Bianca pulled away and got out of the bed.
“I’m sorry Scott. This shouldn’t have happened” she said trying to find her clothes and get dressed.
“What? Why are you sorry? I don’t get it” he said looking confused, “You wanted it last night. What did I do wrong?”
Bianca couldn’t even remember last night, let alone if he had d0one anything wrong.
“Nothing. You did nothing wrong” she said putting on her shoes and picking up her bag, “I just shouldn’t have done this to you”
With that she walked out the room and to the front door. She had no idea where she was or how far she was from her place.
“Jesus!! What have I done?” she said shutting the door behind her.
Back inside Scott was more confused than ever. What had she done to him other than give him some mind-blowing sex. He needed to know. He jumped out of bed and pulled on some clothes and ran to the front door, he got outside but she was gone. He couldn’t see her anywhere. He walked back inside and called her. She didn’t answer. He continued to try until she finally picked up.
“Hello” she said
“Bianca, its Scott. What the hell is happening here?” he asked
“Nothing. Nothing. I’m late for work. I have to go I’ll talk to you later” she said and hung up.

Scott didn’t know what to say or do. He had never been in this situation before. Normally it was him who’d be leaving first thing in the morning. He chuckled to himself with the thought.
“Shit, so this is how it feels!” he said to himself.
He jumped in the shower and got himself ready to head to the club. Before he left he gave Dale a quick call to see if he wanted a lift. Dale said yes so Scott jumped in his car and headed to Dale’s place. All he wanted to do was get to the Lexus Centre so he could go and see Bianca and find out what was going on.

Bianca finally managed to get a cab and went back to her place to get ready for work. She still had no reason for doing what she just did other than she was scared and she felt guilty. But she didn’t know what she felt guilty for. She jumped in the shower and stood there for about 15mins before she got out and got dressed. She did her hair and retouched her make up, put her shoes on and grabbed her bag and keys and headed off to work. Se wanted to see Danni cause she still hadn’t heard from her since yesterday, she did know that much.
As Bianca pulled into the car park, Scott and Dale were walking to the Lexus Centre. She just couldn’t escape him today; he was going to be there all afternoon now, and because she had late clients today she knew she’d be there till at least 7pm, and with the boys getting there now, they’d most likely be the same.
Dale watched Scott as his eyes followed the car that just passed them.
“Dude what gives?” Dale asked
“Nothing mate. Just checking the driver out. You know the drill” he tried to joke
Dale wasn’t buying it “Yeah ok. That was lame. So what’s really up with the car?” he said

Scott told him about his night and how fantastic it was after they went back to his place. He told him about the fallout from this afternoon as well.
Dale didn’t know what to say, “Who is it man?” he asked
“Bianca. The chick from marketing” Scott said
“Dude you know who that is right?” Dale asked
Scott shook his head; as far as he was concerned she was Bianca.
“Mate that’s Tazza’s ex” Dale said
“Yeah so what?” Scott said, “What difference does that make?”
“Well for starters it might explain this afternoon. The only really broke up not that long ago after being together for like ever” Dale replied
Scott looked at Dale. Maybe he was right. Maybe she thinks she is rushing into things and end up hurt like she was with Taz.
The boys walked inside saying hello to every man and his dog into the locker room. Scott got changed and headed off to the gym. He wanted to get a little work in before the clinic and so he could go see Bianca when she got in. Being in the gym, he would be able to see Bianca walk past into her office.

Bianca took it nice and slow leaving her car. She did not want to catch Scott at all. She wouldn’t know where to start. She walked into the Lexus and thru the doors towards her office. She didn’t look up at all if she could avoid it, she didn’t want to see Scott. She bypassed her office doing a quick check to make sure he wasn’t there and went and grabbed a coffee.
She was satisfied tat e would be at the clinic by now and wandered back to her office. She sat down at her desk when her door opened. Just what she had been dreading. Scott walked in. He locked the door and drew the blinds and walked over to her.
“Right I want answers. I like you and want to be able to have fun with you. I thought we had a great time last night and then you pull that” he said quickly
Bianca understood where he was coming from “I’m sorry Scott” she said getting up from her desk walking over towards him, “I was a mess and I used you as a way that wasn’t fair to you” she said. She could feel tears welling in her eyes.
Scott walked closer to her and wrapped her up in his arms.
“I know. It’s ok. You had a good time though right?” he said smiling at her
Bianca nodded “It’s not the point”
“Actually it’s the whole point. It means I did what you needed” he said

He lifted her lips to his and kissed her with some passion. Bianca was a little shocked. She kissed him back and ran her hands down his arms. Scott pulled her into him as close as he could and pressed against her as he could. Bianca let out a little sigh. She could feel him just trying to get out of those shorts.
“Don’t you have a” was all she could get out before he kissed her again. They were both getting quite turned on. So much so that Scott had got a little forceful. He pushed Bianca over to the wall and pushed her up against it. He pinned her arms above her head with one hand and used his free one to undo her shirt. He kissed his way down her chest while stopping to attend to each of her breasts. Bianca moaned each time his tongue outlined her nipples thru her bra it was so intense.
Scott was clearly enjoying himself, because with each touch he gave Bianca, she could see him growing with excitement. She wanted to help him release it. She tried to wiggle her hands free, but he was quite strong and obviously didn’t want to let go of her just yet. He worked his way back up to her neck and nuzzled in there and gently sucked on it each time a little harder than the time before.

Eventually he let go of her hands and he lowered himself onto his knees and hitched up her skirt. Bianca tried to push him away, but he didn’t budge. So she pushed him backwards and joined him on the floor. She laid half on him and let her hands head down to his chest and hike his singlet up to reveal a muscled scene that Bianca drew a gasp at.
She stroked his stomach and his inner thigh while trying not to draw attention to his now throbbing manhood. She moved further across and circled her tongue over his erect nipples. He moaned a little. Bianca was about to move her kisses down his chest when there was a knock at the door. She froze.
“Oh my god!” she whispered, “Hide under my desk quickly”
Scott jumped off the ground and hid under her desk.
“Who is it?” she asked doing up her shirt and fixing herself up.
“Trudi. Is everything alright?” she asked
Bianca did a quick look over herself and answered the door.
“Wow you look terrible” Trudi said
“Yeah I don’t feel that great. I was getting a migraine so I made my office a little darker to try and help” she lied, “What’s up?”
“As long as your ok? I was just passing by and thought I’d tell you that this year you’re in charge of interstate functions. So you will need to organise those as soon as possible ok. Let me know your plans and we will go from there” she said and walked away.
“No worries. I’ll get on it” Bianca said and she closed and locked the door.

Scott got out from under the desk. He had lost his vibe and by the looks of Bianca, so had she. He walked over to her “I want to finish this off tonight. Your place or mine?” he asked
“Scott I don’t know” she started, but he put his finger up to her lips instead
“Yours it is then. See you later” he said stealing a quick kiss.
He fixed himself up and then unlocked the door and walked out. Bianca felt a shiver go down her spine. It was a good one though. She closed the door and smiled.


- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:53 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

magpiesgirl wrote:
Instead ya got Ash LMAO ROFL!

Yeah I know................. kept hoping I'd wake up and Nick would be there but it wasnt to be LMAO!!!!!

- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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magpiesgirl Aries

Crazy About Daisy!!!

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:23 am
Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey thats not nice Danielle!lol!

Poor Dale,I wanna give him a big hug! Sad

But Billy Slater man? Shocked NO THANKS!!! Razz Could atleast have been Cooper or Anthony Quinn lol

Collingwood:Not just a club,but a way of life!

“I can honestly say there will never be another Strauchanie and the boys at the club can’t help but be thankful for that” -Nathan Buckley
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luvlicca Virgo

Oh Nicky your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind!!!!!!

Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Location: Rockingham

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:46 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Well it needed to be out there and he is a cutie as well. maybe i can have Quinny chasing you LOL!!!!
- Thanks for the memories Licca - I'm gonna miss you!!! - Bring on 2008 - Nick Maxwell has my vote for Captain -
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