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joffa corfe 


Joined: 13 Nov 2003

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:08 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Joel wrote:
Oh...and the alcopops tax is really working, isn't it? Rolling Eyes

Forget the tax..Your on the money mate. Lolly drinks are killing our young and each other..It's like the loaded shot gun..this stuff is so high in alcohol content it should be's designed to get everyone as shit faced as quickly as possible.

We're in strife because no-one has the answer..The greedy irresponsible night clubs who are out to make a buck dont care about bashings and murders on it's footsteps..Governments piss arse around too scared of losing the easy vote..People like me are shoved away as being non realistic and over the top..we have banned the wooden spoon in the household..we have banned discipline in our schools..can anyone see a trend here ?
Our streets are out of control..we live in a society that believes it can do as it wants and say as it wants when it wants..We no longer respect our elders instead we kill em..We no longer respect our police force...Head for the hills folks whilst we all piss over each other with well meaning rhetoric the problem is magnifying!

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joffa corfe 


Joined: 13 Nov 2003

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:27 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Prometheus wrote:
The media goes on and on about binge drinking and street violence and in reality all this is about is selling newspapers and increasing ratings.

Have you ever wondered why they even bother covering something as lame and pointless as Schoolies Week in Qld ? What a load of crap.

Its all just a distraction to keep up occupied with nonsense while big business and multinational corporations go about trying to get us to buy their products and services , most of which we don't even need.

As for government , what a bunch of clowns. But hey , we elected them ... we are at fault as well. This is basically the best that as a society we can come up with, because this is what we are willing to accept.

On mass , we think that if we have a nice house , a nice car and can afford to buy goods and services to make us lead a certain standard of lifestyle ; then we are fine .... and to hell with everything and everybody else.

We have become a society where everyone is trying to "keep up with the Joneses" what we don't realise that the Joneses are probably multi-millionaires with no debt. Look up the term " Affluenza " on Google.

Stuff the alcopops tax , if politicians were fair dinkum they would start by raising the drinking age to 20 or 21. This would not solve everything , but it would help.
But of course , this is simply not going to happen. Firstly , the government relies on taxes from the sale of alcohol. Secondly , government is afraid of the backlash from the vested interests in big business. Thirdly , its quite possible that as a society we are not at the stage yet where we are willing to change.

The way I see it , we are going to have to get alot deeper into the shit in general before we start realising that something is really starting to stink around here.

We have been very lucky to have escaaped the Global Financial Crisis relatively unscathed. Next time we might not be so lucky , and there will be a next time.

We are gradually becoming a mini-America.

End of rant.

p.s. George Carlin is my hero.

What a magnificent beautiful posting..Congrats mate.

Dont get me started on Schoolies week..Now the economy in Queensland is reliant on our young getting drunk, raping, sexually assaulting and smashing each other to smithereens. But dont dare say anything their's a quick buck to be made! But worst of all the whole thing encourages our young to literally go and get shit faced.
FFS someome tell these young folk you can enjoy life and it's success without alcohol Smile

What will our society be like in forty years time..we will be literally a nation of alcoholics = damaged families..Homelessness to go through the roof..Does anyone know what an alcoholic is ?
Has anyone seen an alcoholic ? It's not a pretty picture and unfortunately
the sucess rate is not very high.

I dont believe a teenager has the right to make that choice..sorry Smile

Football is Greatness
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watt price tully Scorpio

Joined: 15 May 2007

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:55 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

joffa corfe wrote:
Joel wrote:
Oh...and the alcopops tax is really working, isn't it? :roll:

Forget the tax..Your on the money mate. Lolly drinks are killing our young and each other..It's like the loaded shot gun..this stuff is so high in alcohol content it should be's designed to get everyone as shit faced as quickly as possible.

We're in strife because no-one has the answer..The greedy irresponsible night clubs who are out to make a buck dont care about bashings and murders on it's footsteps..Governments piss arse around too scared of losing the easy vote..People like me are shoved away as being non realistic and over the top..we have banned the wooden spoon in the household..we have banned discipline in our schools..can anyone see a trend here ?
Our streets are out of control..we live in a society that believes it can do as it wants and say as it wants when it wants..We no longer respect our elders instead we kill em..We no longer respect our police force...Head for the hills folks whilst we all piss over each other with well meaning rhetoric the problem is magnifying!

There's a lot in your thread Joffa:

I too am angry about what happended to Pendles. The bloke who hit him though was probably drinking beer.

To blame schools or the non use of coporal punishment in home is not related to this or to the so called decay of the social fabric.

Most young people I know are responsible, aware thoughful human beings. Nieces, nephews, my children, their friends & work place colleagues. They have to contend with a lot more social & societal pressure in many respects than I did (& I'm rudeboy's age - young that is)

Drinking habits are learned in the home. That is the major source of socialization for most people most of the time. We ( the collective we of course) glorify drinking through sponsorship of sports & make it glamorous. We used to take pride in how much Booney drank mid flight - Look at Flea Weightman - he was also a product of the culture of drinking & the poor bastard ended up with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus - after a real binge.

I agree with you about night clubs etc.

What are the facts? Have we really become a more violent society? We need to compare stats from many years ago to now. Criminologists often study this (any students of Uni criminology on Nicks? - & I don't mean the TAFE courses to become justice workers).

I understand the level of street violence was a lot higher when they had 6pm closing times. Our beloved team as well as other working class teams were nurtured in an era of extreme poverty & violence.

In my view people need to be taught how to parent - & this ought to start at schools.

As for punsihment, violent offenders need to be confronted with what they've done. We need to make the prisons public & make the punishment part of a rehabilitation process where the perpetrator works with people with an acquired brain injury, meet the families in mediation etc. (if the families want) to actually face the consequences of their actions. That will be a hell of a lot more powerful & useful than locking them up where they are likely to come out worse than when they go in - that is for a first offence.

The tax on alcohol is a disincentive & is a good stategy but not on its own. It was suggested by people who work every day in the very difficult fields of addictions & rehabilitation of drug & alcohol users. It needs more educvation & input & is but one of a number of strategies designed to reduce binge drinking etc especially by the younger aged people.

Banning of course does not work (see the prohibition era)

Night club owners in the city & elsewhere need to be subjected to much more stringent controls. Ultimately a person needs to take personal responsibility for their actions.

It's all too easy to say we are merely at the mercy of vested interests & the rich & powerful - yes we know that but we move on & keep on trying to reform. We need to be critical in our thinking - not negative but analytical based on evidence & not on the other vested interests - the media who help amplify & fan the flames of a moral panic.

I wonder how a national service - not army but community service would work? (Akin to Sweden etc I was going to say Norway but look at what happended to Tiger!) as a possible strategy.

“I even went as far as becoming a Southern Baptist until I realised they didn’t keep ‘em under long enough” Kinky Friedman

Last edited by watt price tully on Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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3.14159 Taurus

Joined: 12 Sep 2009

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:01 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

joffa corfe wrote:

Forget the tax..Your on the money mate. Lolly drinks are killing our young and each other..It's like the loaded shot gun..this stuff is so high in alcohol content it should be's designed to get everyone as shit faced as quickly as possible.

We're in strife because no-one has the answer..The greedy irresponsible night clubs who are out to make a buck dont care about bashings and murders on it's footsteps..Governments piss arse around too scared of losing the easy vote..People like me are shoved away as being non realistic and over the top..we have banned the wooden spoon in the household..we have banned discipline in our schools..can anyone see a trend here ?
Our streets are out of control..we live in a society that believes it can do as it wants and say as it wants when it wants..We no longer respect our elders instead we kill em..We no longer respect our police force...Head for the hills folks whilst we all piss over each other with well meaning rhetoric the problem is magnifying!

Personally I think your a bit over the top on that One Joffe.
Alcho-pops are hardly as dangerous as a "loaded" (no-pun intended!) Gun!
I respect what You've done as a figure head at Pi-land but...I believe the problems we face as a society are much greater than Street violence!
Tinned mixed drinks are about as potent as a strong beer. I used to buy the odd G&T on a hot day as a cooling drink, but no more! The price (literally) is just too high! $5 a tin is a joke. So what do kids(?) do? They buy"Ice & Eckies" are an inexpensive (relatively) way of getting high! Now you may think that getting high is wrong but it is something that has been with Us since before recorded history. People do like to take a break from reality by using mood/mind altering substances. What we as a Society need to do is look at harm minimization and education. Small amounts of any drug aren't going to destroy your life! Unfortunately some people do take more than what is good for them. Prohibition as a way of control has never worked! People should be allowed to say what they want, when they want to, as long as it isn't insulting, racsist or inflamatory! As for discipline, that's some thing that parents should teach their kids but many parents just don't have the time to do this as well as they should! The pressure of earning a buck is so high these daze that in many families, both parents work, leaving little time for important life lessons!
I don't know how out of control our steets are after dark (I don't go to night-clubs any-more). When I was a youn'en, We had parties. These daze having a party is/can be a terrible risk! "IF" someone posts it on face-book or twitter (How appropriate that name is!!) hundereds of people can turn-up and turn a quite, mind-your own business neighborhood into a riot! What I see and hear about the violence is from the media which, lets face-it, have an interest in magnifying a problem to sell papers and current affairs shows!

No one has an answer to street violence. But Prohibition of tinned alcohol isn't it!

Last edited by 3.14159 on Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Prometheus Virgo

Joined: 21 May 2007

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:08 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Man I love George Carlin .... here he is talking about Children and Parents.
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Prometheus Virgo

Joined: 21 May 2007

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:10 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Here is the whole show that the above clip is from ... and how accurate is he about Tiger Woods !!!
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David Libra

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:43 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Joel wrote:
Oh...and the alcopops tax is really working, isn't it? Rolling Eyes

The irony is that thugs generally wouldn't touch alcopops with a barge pole. They generally drink beer or that rancid rum/scotch and coke mixture.

Pi wrote:
The HUN has named names, he has nearly the same name as the lead singer of the Black Crowes.

How very responsible of them. Rolling Eyes (although in fairness, I suppose the police must have released his name first).

Prometheus wrote:
Stuff the alcopops tax , if politicians were fair dinkum they would start by raising the drinking age to 20 or 21. This would not solve everything , but it would help.

Simply wouldn't work. Find me someone who had their first drink at the age of 18 and I'd consider it - but common sense says that this would be a terrible idea. Raise minimum nightclub entry age to 21, and you might be onto something.

"Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence." – Julian Assange
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watt price tully Scorpio

Joined: 15 May 2007

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:50 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Prometheus wrote:
Man I love George Carlin .... here he is talking about Children and Parents.

He died in the last couple of years I think & If my memory serves me correct ( not a reliable indicator ) Catherine Deveny wrote about him in The Age about his wit & contribution. Many years agop at 12 Midday on a friday - 3 RRR had a comedy hour & he would feature regularly - I reckon some 10-15 years ago at a guess.

I recall a brilliant sketch about children & dirt (Is this the same as the youtube clip you posted Prometheus)?

What's impressive about your rant so to speak above is that it was posted during the day & not at say 4 in the morning after some long drinking (dare I say) !!

“I even went as far as becoming a Southern Baptist until I realised they didn’t keep ‘em under long enough” Kinky Friedman
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Prometheus Virgo

Joined: 21 May 2007

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:14 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

LOL @ Watt , yeah George Carlin died in June of 2008; aged 71.

His material from around the mid 70's onwards was awesome.

Most of it is on YouTube.

Raise minimum nightclub entry age to 21, and you might be onto something.

Well yes , raising the legal drinking age to 21 would also go hand in hand with raising the age for entry into premises serving alcohol to 21 as well.

The first and most important role models we have in our lives are our parents and family.
When society places or allows there to be more value on individual consumption rather than the community, families and the common good , what do you expect to be the end result ?

For example, too many people are borrowing money they don't have to buy stuff they don't need in order to impress people they don't even like.

When mum and dad have all the pressures of chasing the dollars to buy unessasary shit in order to feel like they and their families fit in with their chosen strata in society , what do you expect is the end result ?

I read a statistic where in Australia there are one million children living in single parent families. One million ! ... in a population of 20 million.

What role models are these kids gonna have ? Where is their dad going to be to pull them into line and enforce discipline when they muck up?

I'm 40 , so yeah Im an old bugger. But when I finished high school do you think I (or any of my school friends) had the money to go anywhere and "party hard" ? or to travel interstate and booze up ? Shit no , and my parents wouldn't have given me the money for it either.

Basically , we have to ask ourselves a question.

What sort of society do we want to live in and leave for our kids ?

... and then act accordingly.
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Joined: 04 Apr 2008
Location: Pendlebury

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:31 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Although the "I was drunk" defence is usually no longer allowed, perhaps given the obvious problem that the abuse of alcohol is causing to our so called "civilisation", time has come to consider a new approach. Something along the lines of the "you were drunk/drugged" clause. If you commit a violent act whilst under the influence of non prescribed drugs or alcohol, then the penalty scale should be doubled automatically.
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I've still got worms...

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:27 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

joffa corfe wrote:
Joel wrote:
Oh...and the alcopops tax is really working, isn't it? Rolling Eyes

Forget the tax..Your on the money mate. Lolly drinks are killing our young and each other..It's like the loaded shot gun..this stuff is so high in alcohol content it should be's designed to get everyone as shit faced as quickly as possible.

We're in strife because no-one has the answer..The greedy irresponsible night clubs who are out to make a buck dont care about bashings and murders on it's footsteps..Governments piss arse around too scared of losing the easy vote..People like me are shoved away as being non realistic and over the top..we have banned the wooden spoon in the household..we have banned discipline in our schools..can anyone see a trend here ?
Our streets are out of control..we live in a society that believes it can do as it wants and say as it wants when it wants..We no longer respect our elders instead we kill em..We no longer respect our police force...Head for the hills folks whilst we all piss over each other with well meaning rhetoric the problem is magnifying!

Top post, so true.

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Chinaman John M Capricorn

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:30 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Prometheus wrote:
LOL @ Watt , yeah George Carlin died in June of 2008; aged 71.

His material from around the mid 70's onwards was awesome.

Most of it is on YouTube.

Raise minimum nightclub entry age to 21, and you might be onto something.

Well yes , raising the legal drinking age to 21 would also go hand in hand with raising the age for entry into premises serving alcohol to 21 as well.

The first and most important role models we have in our lives are our parents and family.
When society places or allows there to be more value on individual consumption rather than the community, families and the common good , what do you expect to be the end result ?

For example, too many people are borrowing money they don't have to buy stuff they don't need in order to impress people they don't even like.

When mum and dad have all the pressures of chasing the dollars to buy unessasary shit in order to feel like they and their families fit in with their chosen strata in society , what do you expect is the end result ?

I read a statistic where in Australia there are one million children living in single parent families. One million ! ... in a population of 20 million.

What role models are these kids gonna have ? Where is their dad going to be to pull them into line and enforce discipline when they muck up?

I'm 40 , so yeah Im an old bugger. But when I finished high school do you think I (or any of my school friends) had the money to go anywhere and "party hard" ? or to travel interstate and booze up ? Shit no , and my parents wouldn't have given me the money for it either.

Basically , we have to ask ourselves a question.

What sort of [b]society do we want to live in and leave for our kids ?[/b]

... and then act accordingly.

Well on past posts it appears as if you want a violent one

Someone once called me Bastard, I replied "Yes but that was just an accident of birth, with most others its their own choice"
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Hiss Taurus

Joined: 09 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:47 pm
Post subject: JoffaReply with quote

Joffa you are wrong! You say we this we that! Nonsense. This is a minority of vermin who are born scum. It is their genes. So they grow up scum! They are designed that way!

The media are mostly to blame. They mould the politcs and allow the corporates to do what they want providing they can pay. Programs like Todat Tonite and Current Affair simply dumb down the people more and more. They should be banned.

Sadly the only way to fix our problems of alcohol, Violence, and the breakdown of our social fabric is to turn off the greedy capitalist corrupt system that simply exists to make money off someone else at any cost if it means growth on a balance sheet.

What we need is a new system of Government which gets rid of this joke of a corrupt democracy run for the politicians and their mates. Just have a look at NSW if you have any doubts.

Joffa this is not about alcohol it is about honesty and decency and breeding quality. I breed hens and I have to send some to meet that big rooster at those golden gates upstairs sooner than they might normally get there if they randomly start attacking other hens for no reason. Abnormal pecking disorder can destroy the lives of other passive co operative hens and I intervene to purify the gene pool.

We need this in Australia and you watch no more problems.

I love this club and I hold anyone in contempt who does not think it is worth fighting for.
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Prometheus Virgo

Joined: 21 May 2007

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:52 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Chinaman John M, go back to the village you came from , its missing you; its resident idiot.
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Didaksgoal Cancer

Joined: 12 Mar 2004

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 6:02 pm
Post subject: Re: JoffaReply with quote

Hiss wrote:

this is not about alcohol it is about honesty and decency and breeding quality. I breed hens and I have to send some to meet that big rooster at those golden gates upstairs sooner than they might normally get there if they randomly start attacking other hens for no reason. Abnormal pecking disorder can destroy the lives of other passive co operative hens and I intervene to purify the gene pool.

We need this in Australia and you watch no more problems.

On the money about the breeding quality Hiss. Are you suggesting some form of Eugenics perhaps?

Go the Pies
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